Barisone Trial This Month

Ah yes, in another state. You opined before. Tenants do have rights. In one state, if you let someone stay for freebies, if you have a good lawyer, they will have you get an Acknowledgement of Tenancy from the tenant. That way, if things change, they can be easily evicted. Tenants abiding by lease agreements can’t get kicked out willynilly in some states even if the property sells. The terms of their lease have to be honored.


I forgot to add that the Acknowledgement of Tenancy then stopped things like squatters rights or ambiguity as to terms of the lease agreement-longevity, etc. not having a lease agreement makes for quite a muddle if relationships go awry. Non-payment of rent is easy. Destruction of property is easy. Scary pets may be easy. Arbitrary length of time and changing terms such as number of horses in training, work performed in trade to assist the owner, not so easy.


Um, no. He and MH contacted people to try and understand her behavior and wondering if she had behaved toward them as she was behaving at the timw to MB and MH. If they had encountered her provocative, threatening behavior MB wondered how the victims had handled it when they had the experience. Since LK hadn’t lived on anyone else’s property, it would have been a ridiculous question to ask them how they “evicted” her. Gosh, I’m not sure where you are getting you info but it isn’t correct. Sorry.


There was no lease in this situation. The landlord needed no reason to evict. This is pretty much the case in most states. Call it a benefit of being an owner.

You are also wrong about leases being a no evict situation. Even a standard lease form states what certain unacceptable behaviors violates the lease which will absolutely lead to eviction. It’s pretty clear that’s the case here had there been a lease.

But nice try.


@hut-ho78, sorry I did not ask more clearly in my other post, just wondering - who is the we you reference?
And how did you and the others in your we know there was shooting?


I never said anything about a “no evict.” Keep up.

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Posters on COTH and FB. Were you not following the first post on Woman Shot at Barisone Farm? No one knew the shooter either for that matter.


allegedly, He was reaching out to people he learned, probably from her wide open social media, had issues with her. To gather evidence? I’m not sure any of them had evidence about his eviction process.
To learn about her nature, which it appears may have strayed from the impression he had of her…

Did he learn of the presence of these people by his own viewing of her SM, or was he told about it from others who were themselves following her SM drama??
Was her background further fleshed out by people reaching out to him, after reading her SM posts?
Was he reaching out to people via SM?
Or was it phone calls or texts?


Seriously? You posted a timeline and links to every article. Did you not read those articles?

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Interesting. By the 2nd post Barisone was mentioned as the shooter and very shortly there after LK’s FB page was mentioned.


I did what now?


Thanks for clarifying.
I did not figure it was that because that thread was not up for very long until people were identified and by the time you posted you for sure knew who the victim was and the shooter had already been identified on the thread.


By the way, there is a status hearing tomorrow.


Good grief. Everyone credits you with knowing a lot about eviction law. Hut-ho was referring to the requirements for an emergency eviction, not the 30 day notice to vacate that does not require a reason.

Surely you understood that.


Surely you understand that given my vacuuming experience I know the kind of situations that warrant any immediate action and those include building or fire department inspections resulting in a declaration of uninhabitable conditions/immediate eviction or situations that would trigger a judge to act: drug dealing, weapons charges, rape etc and none of those were evident at that time.

Judges don’t evict based on FB posts.


In most worlds, having your inflammatory SM accounts open to the public is attention seeking. You’re not allowed to get all offended with what people who view it say about it or do with it.

With the not so veiled threats to MB in her SM postings in the week/s prior to the shooting, why WOULDN’T his people/friends/advisors who saw it let him know about it? She was threatening his entire career and future. She wasn’t being particularly vague about it, at all. What he chose to do with it may or may not have been at odds with his advisors.

Did it occur to you that those who now question LK’s behavior may have screen shot what she was posting because it was so outrageous that either way, it was not going to stay open for public viewing for long? Though how quickly it was locked down/scrubbed was pretty surprising considering all that was going on.

I looked at it at and had two thoughts - one was if what she claims is true, this is going to be a huge black eye on the dressage community, and on the other hand, this is going to blow up in her face if she is massively exaggerating or flat out lying. I could understand at the time why some people would opt to screen shot it. I actually think it is good that some people did, as LK has demonstrated her propensity to edit/delete postings that don’t go her way over the last two years. As another poster said, if you’re going to post something on internet in a public way, you better be prepared to own what you said for better or worse.

That was my reaction as someone who did/does not know LK in any fashion outside of how she presents herself online. I didn’t think OMG, she’s such a liar!!! As I’ve said in the past I had a small training arrangement with MB for a very short period of time and long before LK began working with him. I don’t pretend to have insider information any more than the average person reading/following along. I also did not and do not consider him totally innocent in this whole debacle.


I only knew of MB because of Colbert and I took a few lessons eons ago with someone who had trained with him.

So as I’ve said before, my screenshotting was because of a combined interest in horses and law, and yes many of the posts were so outrageous your instinct was to screen shot them.


Your statement that ‘a landlord does not need a reason to evict’ is correct in reference to a non emergency eviction based on a 30 day notice to vacate.
Hut-ho was referring to what might be required for an emergency eviction.
An order to vacate due to uninhabitability is different from an eviction.


In her instagram bio she mentions’@barisonedressage’ Is it just me or is that a little weird that she his his barn’s instagram account mentioned right in her bio???


Uhm yeah I know and wrote the answer already.

Though by me such am emergency eviction only happens in public housing buildings in a public housing administration court, not the Landlord/Tenant court.
