Barisone Trial This Month

One would think if both parties’ attorneys were actively negotiating, as IM told us, one of those attorneys would have known how to immediately get them off his property.


Like I said, it’s just not done. The noted exceptions aside.

And forget about evicting during Covid but that’s another story.

It took a long time pre Covid. It’s easier to get them out from a private home with one rental apartment than a large building. But even for a private home apartment rental it could easily take 9 months from day of serving the predicate notice to actual vacatur if the paperwork was competently filled out. In cases of icky lawyers or pro se landlords where paperwork errors are made it takes longer.


@Knights_Mom, I appreciate your knowledge on this topic and your willingness to share it with us.


It would not be my instinct! I find it very strange behavior, where I use the word “strange” as a euphemism. It was apparently the “instinct” of Eggbutt, as well as you and few others.

You say you didn’t know Barisone prior to the shooting. Did you know, personally, or via social media, LK prior to the shooting? (Rhetorical)

Sounds to me like those who knew and disliked LK prior to the shooting based on personal or SM interactions with her scurried to screen shot her SM posts after learning she had been shot in order to store up ammunition for the nasty social media war to follow. Even before it was known whether she would live or die. [Just speculation, of course.]

It has been a bizarre puzzle to me for the two plus years I’ve been following these threads as to why you and Eggbutt, in particular, were so intensely committed to posting intensely derogatory material on these threads, openly blaming her for creating the situation in which she was shot.

I do remember the part about Barisone reaching out to people who had had SM disputes with LK in the 10 days before the shooting.

Please don’t insult the intelligence of the posters here by claiming that he was reaching out to others who had dealt with her to somehow learn how to handle the situation constructively. Part of the feud at that point was being waged on SM, and he wanted ammunition with which to harass and bully her. Ammunition “generously” supplied by some of the people running these threads.

I finally understand Eggbutt’s incredibly intense campaign to bash and blame LK on these threads if she was one of the SM enemies of LK, along with GirlJoey, who fed MB anti-LK SM ammunition prior to the shooting.


I had never heard of LK before, never knew she existed. I’ve said many times I knew neither party nor really knew anyone who knew them at that time other than I stated, like the couple of lessons with someone who had ridden with him.

As for what you “imagine” about grabbing screenshots so early on I guess now you’ve learned something just like I’ve learned that despite her behavior on these threads some people would forgive LK of ANYTHING.


Yes, it’s real handy in whatever state she lives in. Very impressive.

No, if Barisone cannot legally get her out in less than 30 days, that’s when the lawyers attempt to negotiate her voluntarily leaving in less than 30 days. As they apparently already had.

Do you imagine a lawyer is some type of genie that can get someone out, despite laws to the contrary?


Now we both know she wasn’t going anywhere voluntarily within 30 days.

And you’re talking in circles.


It’s like you’re speaking gobblygook again. Who said that?

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Sometimes the shoe fits. BTW, as I said up thread, I didn’t run to grab screen shots of her SM since I had her blocked.

Obviously LK has been her own worst enemy on these threads as others have pointed out, but you keep trying to deflect to others, mm-kay?


Yeah, it’s a little weird, but it was forever before she removed the reference to Barisone Dressage in the tag line of her FB.

If I had to assign a motive for leaving it she’s attempting to link the two cutesy style if you read it straight across ala “gun violence survivor at Barisone Dressage”, which is, of course, true in that she survived a gunshot and it occurred at Barisone Dressage.


Eggbutt. In the post I quoted in my response. Obviously.

Yeah, so you said. I don’t automatically believe everything that’s posted on the internet!

I do believe everything IM has posted.

And here we go again. Rewind and repeat yesterday.


You obviously mean this post?

“One would think if both parties’ attorneys were actively negotiating, as IM told us, one of those attorneys would have known how to immediately get them off his property.”

Bumping this post because it can’t be stated or read too frequently.


Hey, @Knights_Mom, were you contacted by Barisone or Gray in the days leading up to August 7, 2019? I wasn’t, although it’s implied I was contacted.

Was anyone posting on this thread contacted by Barisone or Gray in the days leading up to August 7, 2019?

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Not I.

Edited to save grammar police the effort.


Have you found it curious that no presumed member of the Kanarek family has posted since LK’s very strange post reactivating an 8 month old thread? The silence seems unusual, yet several recent posts read as though surrogates are being fed ideas to post.



Yes. As I said, it was the post of yours that I was quoting in my response.