Barisone Trial This Month

Meanwhile ironically, on social media only one of them was posting harassing and bullying things and it wasn’t him.


Silly goose - we’ve been telling her she shouldn’t post since the get go. But she never listened.


Honestly, I can’t think of one instance when someone has complained because she hasn’t posted. Can you point one out?


Seriously? WHO on these threads “generously supplied ammunition” to MB to harass and bully LK? Come on…proof! You can’t make such allegations without backing it up.

All he had to do was look on her “generously” supplied SM posts to have ammunition of her harassment and veiled threats.

You people are absolutely amazing! You demand of me what you refuse to provide yourselves.

I have not wavered in my beliefs from the very first thread. My beliefs and opinions were only strengthened during the hearing Heymer testified at. Whether MB is found guilty and sentenced to prison or a mental health facility after this first trial, or if he is acquitted, I will not change my belief that he was attacked at his own home.


Never said you had.

Does anyone know if it will be online?

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Hopefully. Start checking around 8:45 and keep refreshing your screen until Judge Taylor comes online.


What’s the site again?

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Yes, you said that before and I found it really odd…but repeating it is just plain weird IMHO.

You are aware that IM would play “word games” using nuanced word choices and half-truths. I sincerely hope that you understood what IM said when they said what they said cuz you could run a Mack truck through the holes in meaning sometimes.

But to trust the word of a stranger on the Internet? But then again, you never said that IM was a stranger to you. Not that I care really, because I don’t, but it speaks to the oddity in my mind because most people of reason do not carte blanche believe strangers on the Internet.

Carry on…



Thank you.

From here what court do we choose?
I could not get in last hearing until I had missed a bit. Thank you Eggbutt for the assistance.


Morris County, then Judge Taylor




Even the stuff that LK says it not accurate? Because there is stuff that LK, the actual victim of the shooting, says IM has wrong.


Oh right. It wasn’t practice. Double tap/center of mass and a miss. That is a military and law enforcement description of 2 rounds to the chest fired quickly.

For trivia there is also a method sometimes known Mozambique method where a 3rd round is fired into the head to make sure of the kill.

Edited to correct a syntax error caught by eggbutt.

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Maybe I misunderstood and it’s less of a complaint and more of an invitation to come play…

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I see it as I had a good life until I threw it away.

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Are you kidding? Please point out one instance when anyone has encouraged LK to post here. Just one. You have a very skewed and twisted idea of what is happening on these threads.

No one but you thinks LK’s threats, rambling, and ranting could possibly be considered playing. That’s so far fetched that it’s mind boggling.


Had a turkey bitch slap a student once. Gave her a black eye.