Barisone Trial This Month

Can anyone give me an update on the trial? I can’t watch right now so just wanted to know what was going on.

It has not started yet. There was a short hearing today that discussed jury selection starts on the 21st and trial starts on the 28th.
There are some posts up thread that give more details about today’s hearing.



As I read it, had he taken the plea deal, he could hope to be out in about six years. To risk decades in prison instead of taking the six struck me as a huge gamble. Even if he is acquitted on the attempted murder charges due to insanity, there are still the felony gun charges, each of which can carry up to a 10 year sentence.

Are you suggesting that having been advised to turn down the plea deal, that may be grounds for appeal based on inadequate defense? A claim of “my defense lawyer was insane”, so to speak?


The lesser charge if the victim didn’t die is aggravated assault, at least according to what I can find quickly in the NJ statute. Reminder I’m not an attorney in NJ.

You can be charged again if the prosecution feels it is worth it. For example, if he were acquitted on the charge of attempted murder for victim LK, he could be charged for aggravated assault of RG if he hasn’t already been.

Remember there’s several charges here. The gun offenses in NJ are quite strict and the unlawful possession of a firearm can still land a defendant in prison for a good long time.


I read it as Bilinkas had to come up with a manageable list of specific items to be considered one by one, not that the prosecutor had to enumerate the “thousands and thousands” he wanted excluded.


Ineffective assistance of counsel is a grounds for appeal (well, post-conviction relief), however, it’s complex. You must be able to argue that 1. The performance was substandard and 2. That said substandard performance was prejudicial. In the case that being advised not to accept a plea could be considered substandard, I don’t think there’s an argument that the jury was prejudiced by that action. But lawyers can come up with an argument for anything :slight_smile:


Gee, golly, gosh. What “other sources” would be dying to put that stuff excluded from the trial into the hands of 48 hours? Anyone I know?


There’s a simple reason he didn’t take the plea……he doesn’t suffer from delusional paranoia……he suffers from delusional narcissism. If he took the stand it would take the prosecutor 5 minutes to get him to shout out “damn right I ordered the code red.”
A claim of child abuse 50 years ago or a claim of some form of PTSD is not and should not be a “get out of jail free” card.
If that were the case we could empty the prisons……every violent felon has some excuse.
That said……you never know what a jury will do.


Are you so naive to think David Dow, or his underlings don’t have access this forum? :thinking:


well, I mean I thought that was a given since we all have it too LOL


He’s charged with two counts of attempted murder - LK and RG.


Did the judge actually say “manageable” or do you just think he should have said it? I didn’t attend the hearing virtually or otherwise, so I honestly don’t know.


There are so many things in life that should not be forgiven but somehow that keeps happening all over the place.


Yes, it’s also naive to think that everyone who reads these threads and takes screen shots also posts on the threads. There are a surprising number of lurkers here and on FB and other media.


are people that dumb…it says right at the top how many views ahahha

As of now this thread is at 6.9k views with only 914 replies


Yes, yes they are.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Of course 48 hours has access to this forum.

I was referring to all the urgent screenshotting “someone” did during the hours when it was not known whether LK would live or die.

Was the screenshotting done for this very purpose? If not to get it into the trial, then to feed it to the media covering the trial?

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You would have to ask the people who did the screen shotting. I believe up thread @eggbutt said it was not them.