Barisone Trial This Month

LOL. Yes, indeed, @eggbutt said it was not her. I don’t believe everything I read on the internet. Just what IM posts.


You never answered my question up thread on this topic.

What do you believe on the topics where LK says IM is wrong? Are you still going with what IM posts or going with what LK says is accurate since LK is the victim here?


Fascinating! Just fascinating!

Some apparently think people have felt the need to grab screen shots of LK’s posts in order to save them for 48 Hours!! Who knew three years ago 48 Hours would be involved in anything related to this sordid affair?


Or he wants the whole wide world to know about what happened and how it went down. He might not give two flying fish about whether he “wins”, but the trial has the possibility of ruining LK’s reputation completely.


Um… really?

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Depends on how 48 hours goes. How that goes will be who has the more gossipy tabloidy details come out….because that is how ratings work.


That wasn’t quite my train of thought, but ok.

The military and law enforcement are “trying to look cool”? :thinking: :roll_eyes:


Are the people tossing that term out here using it in a military or or law enforcement conversation?

None of the law enforcement people I know toss out those terms in conversations.


I think law enforcement and military use euphemisms to minimize their own trauma. If you are LEO/military it makes sense why you’re using it. If you aren’t, then why do you use it?


I’m sorry, but in most circles that ship has already sailed all by her own doing.


I was totally (possibly still am) clueless about these folks. I’m in the Midwest, but if she’s burning bridges on the east coast, she might end up out here.


Only if your karma really, really sucks.


Dude, why do you think I’m so vigilant? :joy: I’m like the Haiti of the horse world when it comes to crazy at the barn. Im just a boarder myself, so I have zero ability to do anything but prepare for the damage!


I cannot imagine he doesn’t give “two flying figs about whether he wins”. He faces decades in prison if he’s convicted.

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Sometimes there is victory in the loss. Just saying…


From what I understood throughout this discussion and others is that the gun charges MB is facing are most likely not going to be as easy to defend as whether he intended to shoot at or try to murder anyone, and still carries years of jail time.

With that in mind and his welcoming the media, he seems like someone who is ready for a pyrrhic victory


I am not aware of major discrepancies between what the two have posted.

IM has the luxury of some degree of detachment from the situation, not being the victim himself. Because of that degree of detachment, I would generally go with IM’s version if the accounts conflicted.

On an issue of LKs personal feelings about MB or MHG, I would go with her statement.

BTW. Did everyone notice they IM just hinted that MB will not be testifying in the trial?

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I think both you and Inigo-Montoya are pretty close to it. I was thinking about how he is described as a bit of a grandstander and a crowd pleaser, how he did something really generous with a crowd favorite in Europe and audience loved him, the crowd went wild. I’m not sure if he hasn’t fixated on LK to the point of Pyrrhic victory in the public media or he really truly hasn’t grasped he could end up in prison for a very very long time.

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That’s why turning down the plea deal of about 6 more years seems crazy. It’s a big gamble to hope for acquittal on the attempted murder charges. But even if that acquittal comes through, what is the chance he can escape conviction on both gun charges?