Barisone Trial This Month

Oh I get that it was ultimately MB’s choice to reject the plea bargain. And I don’t think anyone can say whether an appeal based on the the performance of his attorney would be appropriate until the performance of his attorney is known (in other words, not until the trial is over).

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Maybe the chance is excellent if he and his lawyer have information that the rest of us don’t have.

But don’t let that stop you.


He has absolutely no way of knowing if that is the case or not.


No. I don’t see how MB can blame not taking the plea deal on his attorney.

I am wondering that if his attorney completely effs the defense strategy of insanity/self defense and doesn’t provide any information supporting those defenses and MB is found guilty of attempted murder, would an appeal strategy by MB be that his attorney did not represent him adequately. If MB is found guilty of attempted murder, I assume he will find a reason to appeal. I’m just wondering what grounds he would appeal on, and if that might end up being a possibility. I’m totally projecting here based on the fact that insanity defenses are hard to prove, and self defense, based on what little we know at this point, seems unlikely. So I hope for MB’s sake his attorney has some pretty major information that no one else knows at this point to present at the trial.


I think some people have worked with her well. She has been in training and doing well. I keep thinking about excitable horse/calm rider and calm horse/excitable rider.

This is like gasoline and a fire. She seems to go way too far but I haven’t seen where she starts it except maybe she can get offensively defensive with a perception of an intent to harm, not the intent to harm. I’m going by these forums. Never met her. Not fb friends.

MB seems to need to be adored. Being screamed at by someone who is not finding him wonderful or actively ridiculing him may be a nightmare trigger for him.

They asked men and women what they most feared about the opposite sex. Women said being hurt and killed. Men said being ridiculed.
It’s like they met their worst fears. It’s almost a cliche. Regardless of the verdict, is he still a threat to LK and possibly others?


If I understand New Jersey defense law, I could not find a clear stand your ground clause. It looks like there is a duty to retreat. Then there were exceptions. If MB truly believes he is innocent of committing a crime even though he shot her and he was threatened, this may be the best strategy the defense lawyer has.

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NJ is not a stand your ground state, and generally there is a duty to retreat. However, by the castle doctrine, you do not have a duty to retreat if you are threatened in your own home.


We need to break out a case review and watch Pacific Heights….especially since we are following movie scripts in our minds…


When firing a handgun, there is a recoil. The more we powerful the handgun or sometimes poorly made, the more powerful the recoil. When someone unfamiliar with handguns fires, the first shot may be aimed but the kick may be a surprise. Then the body will react. It’s a mental effort to not hold the handgun steady for the second shot. The shooter wants to dip the weapon down to even out the kick but that puts the round in the dirt. A double tap is a skilled shot. There is double tap center of mass and double tap to the head. You can’t just hold a more powerful handgun steady and fire. The weapon jerks up, then it must be releveled and aimed and the arm and hand stay steady through the shot.

Think jumping. Hold the position and let the horse rise up. What do people do? Throw themselves too far forward. Hard to do.

Point being is that two shots to the chest take intent and a clear head or someone who has drilled in that technique well past the need for thought.

We are all looking at this from different perspectives.






So you think MB trained for a long time to do this? Because I’m not seeing any evidence of a clear head.

But having worked in the medical and ANE arenas, I still think this type of slang is used by most to minimize their trauma, as most professionals use accurate language to describe a situation to outsiders. Because most outsiders find minimizing slang cold and offensive.

Edited for clarity


I think it says a lot that the narrative has changed from fixating on a murder plot to emotional narratives of how MB was just a horrible person having a mental breakdown.

Meanwhile the defense side has hardly changed it’s stance and has provided screenshots of pretty questionable behavior on the part of the victim.

In my experience, the song an dance routine changes in the wind and is designed to draw your attention away from the facts….


Ladies and Gentlemen we’ve officially landed in the Land of COTHmosis where state Supreme court cases are decided by posters and testimony and law are determined here absent facts of law, attorneys, a D A., judge or jury.


General comment. I am amused by all the pearl clutching over screenshotting. I’m not engaged enough with any online controversy to bother. However I casually follow political Twitter feeds and some YouTube reaction channels.

It’s very clear that screenshotting ephemeral or controversial social media posts is a very common practice. How many SM posts have I seen featuring some meltdown that was later deleted but saved as screenshot?

Here is (insert celebrity name) doing a racist rant that was taken down the next day.

Here is (insert fringe politician) encouraging followers to shoot the President, which was taken down after legal proceedings started.


Screenshots of craycray posts that were later deleted are a mainstay of SM discourse. We maybe don’t expect horse folks to be SM media savvy, but there are a lot of horse bloggers. And even if their own horse blogs are bland and cutsey (most horse blogs), if they are in the SM space guaranteed they are familiar with and likely engaging with other channels, celebrity gossip or true crime or politics etc if only as a consumer. And following craycray SM threads, screenshotting before they get eliminated, is standard practice in online commentary.

Also the true crime blog or channel is a huge category, though much of it digs up past events or cold cases.

I see nothing odd in SM savvy horse folks who know the players racing to screen shot the LK opus here, before her minders could delete or hide it. You wouldn’t even need to particularly know her, just have a good Spidey sense for a breaking news story. And obviously people need to screen shot to provide online commentary or reactions, even if they don’t think the post is going to go poof.

I expect people professionally active in SM screenshot a lot of stuff constantly, and file it away until they need it. It’s not something I’ve needed to do yet, but it’s the obvious first step in doing any kind of reaction post. Or even collecting research.


I’m not sure when there was a fixation on this ever being a murder plot, other than from LK herself. I think most who have felt from the beginning that MB was guilty believe that he acted in the heat of the moment. The reason the present focus is more on MB’s mental state is likely because we found out that the defense strategy includes an insanity plea, and the trial is about to start.

I still feel that he acted in the heat of the moment, was not defending himself from anything, and that he is not insane, but I am certainly allowed to speculate on what his insanity/self defense strategy might include. shrug


I guess you missed some of IM’s posts. Do I need to go back and find them?


Makes sense to me that the discussion in the thread would focus on MB (horrible person or not) having a mental breakdown, given that his plea is not guilty by reason of insanity.

I have never understood the relevance of “screenshots of pretty questionable behavior on the part of the victim” to the issue of MBs guilt or innocence.


I know you get it, but let me explain what I understand from reading the threads here.

His mental breakdown happened because of the actions of LK, so that is why screen shots of LK’s posts matter.
The other good reason for screen shots of what LK has said is that LK’s story changes on a pretty regular basis (how many times has the number of shots changed?). So having proof of what was said last time, before things are removed or edited do help to understand things.


Oh my….I guess we will need a few. I seems to recall that before the expert psych reports came in…the argument was that MB wasn’t insane or having a break….now suddenly it’s all about the “stressors”.

The state’s expert is saying that everything Mr. Barisone said happened to him by Lauren Kanarek did in fact happen and would cause a reasonable type person to be in some type of fear.

The standard for self defense involves fear.