Barisone Trial This Month

It’s a problem. I made a statement about the ear witness yesterday, using the words “speculating” and “might have heard”, and Eggbutt seemed to miss those small but vital qualifiers and think I was claiming to have personal access to what the ear witness will testify to in court. I don’t.

To clarify:

I think the testimony of the ear witness will be crucial. I suspect (speculate) that the ear witness is the lawyer LK was working with on the move out, but do not know his (or her) identity.

The movie I have in my head of the shooting is based on the assumption that the narrative provided by LK is true. I understand that for those who don’t believe her narrative, you will have very different movies.

But when I play my movie and black out the video to listen to just the soundtrack, I can imagine what the ear witness heard. I think the soundtrack provided by the ear witness will go a long way in ruling out various scenarios that have been constructed.

The ear witness in the Vertetis case was an important witness in that case.


And you continue having a hard time reading for comprehension. By implying that I understand that the defense strategy could change between now and the trial, I am specifically NOT predicting how the trial will proceed. I merely stated the facts as we know them today.



Spoken by the poster who has bestowed upon herself the title of “sage”.


I apparently missread your post and jumped to a wrong conclusion. That happens frequently on these threads.

I apologize.




But wait. LK and IM do not agree on some things. How can both be true?


I’m not aware of any major discrepancies. No discrepancies on the basic sequence of events in the shooting, anyway.

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Thanks for editing out the sentence in which I explicitly said that I understood others did not believe her narrative.

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Wait, it’s okay for her to “ruin someone’s life” as she and IM have vowed to do to MH once they have finished with MB?


Good grief. I will ignore this per orders of MHM.



because I was addressing what you’ve invested in.


Where on earth did you get the idea that the “community” was making such comments when LK was in the hospital? It was just a select few - some that no longer even post in these threads - and not everyone as you suggest. Implying otherwise is just ludicrous, nonsense, balderdash, ridiculous. Plus - extremely inaccurate.

Then what can one expect of a community that wasn’t surprised when BNTs were outed for child abuse because “everyone knew, people just looked the other way.”

And then you blithely suggest that the “community” simply permitted George Morris, Rob Gage, Rich Fellers to do as they pleased etc. - because 3 or 4 posters here said nasty things about LK many threads ago? People “knew” - based on rumors, in most cases. Someone working hard to master their Medium level tests or perfecting their reining pattern was not aware of what was going on in other barns with other trainers and maybe even in other disciplines … and yet once again - the community must all be lumped together with a sneer. When at long last actual facts came out… then the BNTs were outed. And yet - check out the SafeSport threads where some still insist that SS taking action is inappropriate, ruining careers etc. …

If you have such contempt for a community and “know” that everyone in it is suspect - then I am confused as to why you would even wish to lower yourself to being part of it…

ETA: That is not saying or even remotely suggesting that you should not post here or how you should post (as has happened to me). I like a variety of opinions and different input - no matter what the topic is…


Hear, hear!


That’s rich coming from you when you were the poster on this thread who said no one was surprised by the BNTs who were outed as child abusers because people knew and just looked the other way.




No it didn’t. I am part of this community. I heard rumors for years. That doesn’t make me any less curious that others want to be part of a community they so easily disparage.

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Please refocus the discussion on the case vs. each other… Opinions and ideas about the case, the events, etc. vs. opinions about each other, other posters motivations for commenting, perceived intelligence, etc.


Lol would love to hear that argued in court

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and perhaps we can add not arguing over semantics, or saying someone “meant” something by what they posted even though they explain that’s not what they meant :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Just being cheeky but it would help keep this thread rolling along like butta…