Barisone Trial This Month

It might be a good time to have a My Cousin Vinny watch party soon, since it has been mentioned on previous threads as a pretty accurate portrayal of legal matters in the courtroom.


Ugh. Horrible.

I forget if it was in one of these threads or elsewhere that I saw a horrifying statistic about the number of policemen who are domestic abusers. I think it was something like 40%? Just awful.


Simply the questions surrounding Heymer’s actions toward RG is a serious red flag. Was RG EVER restrained? And, let’s be clear, no one here can answer that question.
Allowing RG to enter the house is quite problematic, particularly since Heymer testified at the hearing he was gone “a few minutes”. This was not a “toss the dog through the door” action, he was GONE for several minutes.

The discovery of the magazine in MB’s pocket by the 2nd cop, but Heymer missed it.

The testified fact that Heymer arrived on the scene, saw RG choking and beating MB, and instantly believed RG when he said MB was the shooter. Heymer had no idea if that was true or if RG had other weapons on him.

Was MB actually read his rights? When asked this question of the 2nd cop during the hearing, he hesitated and said, “yeah, I pulled my card out of my pocket and read it”. When asked what MB’s response was, the cop said “he just stared ahead”. So, no acknowledgement the restrained person understood his rights. Yes, I realize Taylor ruled that MB’s Miranda Rights were not violated. Okay
based on the testimony only, there seems to still be questions.


I would think the attorneys know who the ear witness was based on LK’s phone records. I expect whoever it was will be dispatched in short order on the stand.


Aren’t they supposed to have body cameras? Without that or at least the presence of another officer, how could you verify that? It isn’t just for the officer’s or the defendant’s rights but also as @FitzE pointed out in another thread, it is for the victim’s rights too.


The article was horrible to read. Judge Taylor said the accused was going to cut off the woman’s head, put it on a stake and let it rot. He wouldn’t comment of the rest because it was too disturbing he said. The guy gets two years probation.


IF they had body cams on their person, it was not mentioned in the hearing, which would have been an immediate advantage for all to see all body cam video.

The 2nd cop explained in detail what MB looked like, shirtless, in khaki shorts, shoes and covered in blood and profusely bleeding.

On the other hand, RG had no blood visible on him. (Snark: perhaps he showered while he was inside the house.)


Utterly disgusting! And this is what is protecting that town. Very disturbing.


But is any of that even relevant except to establish MB’s mindset? The prosecution doesn’t have to prove MB did the shooting.


I thought in earlier hearings the actions of LE wasn’t to be brought into this trial?

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I just checked and it says minimum average of 40%

I am wondering if the officers handling of the crime scene played a part in the plea that was offered. Perhaps the prosecution knew they would have a problem with the second count of attempted murder.


Doesn’t it seem like body cams would have been mentioned by this time if they had been wearing them?

I know police body cams are very common now, but I don’t think they are universal in every part of the country.


One would hope so!

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I think it would be alarming to anyone, ALL his attempts for help from LE that failed to de-escalate the situation.


That part has always seemed just inexplicable to me. A policeman walks into a crime scene, sees two people struggling, and immediately takes the word of one over the other? To the point that he restrains one and not the other? How does that happen?


Apparently there is a new law passed that all NJ police must wear body cameras but there is some controversy because they are allowed to watch it before completing their reports.


Why is it bad that they get to watch it before filling out reports?


The article said that some are concerned that police could leave out a detail they wanted that wasn’t captured on camera. It also said they could explain away any misconduct.


Valid concern in my opinion
considering how little recourse you seem to have when the police fail in their duties

The state’s rebuttal to Mb’s lawsuit pretty much read like “We are allowed to do a crappy job, so what?”