Barisone Trial This Month

I can see that.
I can also see it keeping them honest if it shows something they otherwise might have tried to bend.
But bottom line, I wonder if it gives more advantage to bad cops out weighing the advantages to good ones?


I can not think of a reasonable explanation besides that they already had chosen a ā€œsideā€*. Iā€™d love to hear other theories that explain it.

*Which should never happen, even if they have chosen and appropriately.



One police officer had a victim bleeding out plus the shooter named by the victim being restrained by the boyfriend plus a dog in hysterics. He restrains the one, tends to the victim, the other party restrains the dog.

Iā€™m not arguing with the ideal that everyone should have been searched and restrained and the scene contained.

All Iā€™m saying is that it was one guy.


Yep, and that ā€œone guyā€ should have had sufficient training by minimum standards to secure the scene and all people until additional help arrives. He could have gotten his head blown off in similar situations.


They could have done so while standing in the parking lot. No need to go into the house to restrain a dog that could, apparently, be easily handled with a broken handā€¦.


I am sure that in an ideal setting there should be at least two responders to a crime scene and that mistakes can be made, but serious ones could cost an officer or someone at the scene their life. I could not do that job at all but those who do should have the training and resources to do it as safely and correctly as possible.


That was my thought as well.

The one policeman on the scene was risking his own life as well as the others by guessing on which party was dangerous.


I would think he may have been privately reprimanded. In my area of NC, he would have been pulled from active duty and sent for remedial training.


Plus didnā€™t it come out in the testimony at a previous hearing that the policeman was virtually unconcerned about the dog being in hysterics? And that he hardly noticed it was trying to bite him?


I missed that article. Did the guy at least lose his job in the police force? Iā€™d hate to think he is still out there interacting with the public and carrying a gun.

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Yes he is off the force. I donā€™t know about guns. Hopefully he lost that privilege.

Edited to add-the guy had to forfeit his weapons and is prohibited from purchasing any in the future.


The comments posted here by LK and IM indicating they plan on destroying MH are also concerning to me. Regardless how any of us may feel about MH personally, there is no evidence she has broken any laws. So the vendetta will continue.

Her relationship with MB was no oneā€™s business anymore than his relationship was with Vera. Just as how he chose to run his business and dismiss working students or direct trainers to specific horses was again, his business entirely. Every one had a right to leave and pursue other avenues for training.

There was a post recently indicating witness will be called to testify how horrible MB was. Most of those witnesses chose to remain with him or left and came back. Interesting to say the least. They came back for expert results, not his personality.

I may not like my surgeon or approve of his private life or how he treats his staff, but it is my choice to stay with the best expert for my needs. I chose him for results, not surgeon of the year. Itā€™s the same with any other business or service in America.


Youā€™re going on about the polices actions but didnā€™t they determine that those arguments canā€™t be brought into the trial?

Her relationship with MB was no oneā€™s business anymore than his relationship was with Vera. Just as how he chose to run his business and dismiss working students or direct trainers to specific horses was again, his business entirely.

Itā€™s his business but you bring it into this thread out of no where? Way to keep it ā€œ his business entirelyā€

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They determined his Miranda Rights had not been violated and any utterance by MB at the scene or in the hospital was admissible in the trial.

The civil case MB had against the PD and others was dismissed. The civil decision does not effect the criminal trial. Of course the actions of the police will be admissible to produce a fair trial.


Yes, in the same context that MH will be destroyed apparently because MB didnā€™t kick her to the curb. Other individuals continue to bring up their intense dislike of MH and that is clearly a factor in the events.


Bedside manner. People complain about that with docs who are brilliant. Um, Iā€™m not paying him*/her to be my bff.

  • (Edit I Initially wrote ā€œhimā€, because I think men more often have crap bedside manners? because the doc Iā€™m thinking of is a man? Or Iā€™m guilty of thinking of top docs as men?)

I guess thatā€™s the question, if you had concerns, left, but then returnedā€¦
ā€¦ clearly your concern didnā€™t include thinking he would harm you, or your horse, correct?
The concern didnā€™t extend to thinking he was someone capable of premeditated murder in broad daylight?


To clarify: in this instance when Eggbutt says ā€œbolding mineā€ she does not mean that she has simply added bolding to my original words. She means that she has added words and her added words are the ones in bold.

To me ā€œbolding mineā€ normally means that just the bolding has been added, not the words.

Have you explained the contradiction, Eggbutt? No, RC was not MBs personal doctor, but neither were any of the police officers.

My point remains that she was more extensively trained in psychiatry and knew his baseline better than the police officers. Also, at that point she knew he had a gun, and the police didnā€™t.


I agree with you that Bilinkas will attempt to blame the police for sloppy work. In his defense of Vertetis (a murder case), he blamed the victim and blamed the police. Itā€™s his standard playbook.