Barisone Trial This Month

Okay, thanks for the lesson.

He’s doing his job regardless whether you approve. The police bungled the entire situation.


And if this ^^^ is true, what changed that this happened?

If you (who left and came back) now think he is capable of premeditated murder, in broad daylight, with CPS present

what do you attribute that change to?


Do you not find the police work sloppy?

I would think that anyone would find the police work to be sloppy here.


“Dispatched in short order”? I agree the testimony will probably be brief.

But I think the ear witness testimony will be absolutely crucial, however brief.

So many parallels to the Vertetis case- the ear witness testimony played a role there, too.

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Who brought up their intense dislike of MH? IM said she would look bad when everything came out and her own words would hurt her but I don’t remember anyone but LK saying the didn’t like her and that was because she said MH was jealous. Early on posters were discussing that MH was known for being jealous and also MBs alleged drinking and temper and then others contradicted everything said so, to me, that’s just kind of useless gossip. So who said that?


Bolding mine (I have simply bolded your words to identify them).

I am not aware of anything LK or IM have posted here indicating that they “plan to destroy” MHG.

Can you post at least one of the statements you are referring to? TIA

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Please notice that I did not give the typical response of “search for yourself”.


The civil suit against the police was dismissed, but Bilinkas will certainly attempt to blame the police in the trial.


That is not a latge community. LK and RG had been living there and down to Florida and back. The police were familiar with all parties. The police can’t turn people out who have established tenancy. The need legal documentation to evict to do so.

Per LK, she and RG had agreed on a date to move out plus she and MB were getting ready for a show. This all blew up very quickly. MB tried to order them off premises. He tried to order the police to turn them out but they had no legal grounds to do so.

The first officer on the scene saved lives. The second one secured the shooter. What he did worked. For an active shooter in the building, they secure everything first and first responders follow on.

They knew who the shooter was. Not only did LK tell them, MB told them ahead of time on the 911 call when he said it was war and he was taking things into his own hands. Maybe it was a fail because they didn’t arrest him then. I don’t know if they had grounds to arrest him for a threat. Maybe they didn’t think it was credible.


They had more ability to diffuse the situation than just evicting LK. It’s called domestic disturbance arrests for both parties. It’s done all the time so that both parties can be put in front of a judge to sort out real issues or get a stern warning to cut the crap.


Thanks so much for posting those quotes Eggbutt! IM is predicting that MHG will not have the career she might have had, and will not represent the US on an Olympic team, because of her role in the tragedy.

It’s a prediction, not a threat that he or LK will attempt to take any action to attempt to destroy her.

I have no interest in attempting to “destroy” MHG, either, but I think IMs prediction is probably correct.


Really? I’m sure MHG will be relieved she has nothing to fear from whoever you are.

By the way, she seems to be doing quite well for herself in and out of the ring with a World Class Trainer.



the police officer was unconcerned about the little 28 pound dog which Barisone played with and gave a belly rub every day.


Please admit flat out that you have zero evidence that IM or LK have posted anything even suggesting that they plan to “destroy” MHG.

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That 28 pound dog sure did a number on MB’s arms.


Eggbutt has a bad habit of “adjusting” previous quotes to fit her narrative. Thanks for straightening her out ( yes, I know that’s not really possible).
And here’s some more information on which you can quote me, QFP me, whatever.
There is no human being that MB now hates on the planet more than MHG. Hates with a passion!


Golly gee, let me advise you to go find it yourself. Or as I have been told so many times on these threads “I don’t have to find anything for you” or words to that effect. Honestly, with all the editing and deleting that happened in several threads, it isn’t worth my time to look for you and I don’t capture screen shots. Sorry.


And it’s a damn good thing she did.

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But wait, the cop was unconcerned? Okay. Why was the friendly little dog rushed inside? Didn’t that dog bite someone else just the day before. Of course I don’t know if Heymer was aware of that fact.