Barisone Trial This Month

Eggbutt has no such quote and KnightsMom has no quote wherein LK says she owns a Luger.
They are lying. Period!

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The implications in the two posts I provided above are enough to some.


That is strange, because she insisted, many times, that she was never asked to move out. Screen shot of one of those examples.

Edit to add: And note she even used all caps to point out the seriousness of her not EVER being asked to leave.


The dog bit an intruder the day beforeā€¦.good dog!
In the struggle for Barisoneā€™s gun the little dog was biting the violent assailantā€¦ā€¦good dog!
RG had the presence of mind to beg the responding police officerā€¦.ā€please donā€™t hurt my dog.ā€
Yeahā€¦the jury is just gonna hate RG when they hear that!!ā€


Not on here, but LKā€™s definitely posted prior to the shooting on SM that she owns 2 guns, at least one of which is a Luger. Iā€™ve personally seen the screenshot.


Iā€™m sorry, I wasnā€™t aware we were discussing who MB hates with a passion. Off hand I can think of one who tops the list. But what would I know?


The jury may actually have a lot of emotions over RG. Should be interesting.


If it makes you feel better to believe this go for it.


Iā€™m guessing others must have misunderstood the potential threat about MHā€™s future.


Baloney. I knew that was the quote you were grossly misconstruing.

Itā€™s too late now to claim your libelous statement was based on some other post of IMs which I should now find.

Youā€™re the queen of screen shots and QFP. If it existed, youā€™d have it.

You donā€™t even have the integrity to admit your assertion was based on a ā€œmisinterpretationā€ of the quotes you produced.

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What you and some others seem not to understand is police officers are trained very specifically how to secure a scene and the procedures followed at the scene by this responding officer is in direct opposition to their training. These procedures have been established over many years as the way to ensure the greatest amount safety for the most people, particularly if the responding officer is outnumbered.

Just because the officer is sure they know what is going on, they really canā€™t be sure at first glance.


Obviously others were thinking the same.

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Those pesky Rugers get around.


Libelous has a definition. You should look it up.


Without looking it up, my understanding is: a false and injurious statement put in writing.

Close enough?

ETA. I have now looked it up.

Dictionary definition of libel: A published false statement that is damaging to a personā€™s reputation.

Hopefully she will sit down soon.

Their entire focus is to deflect and shut down the thread. They seem to think this forum is the trial!


Yeah, thatā€™s why IM had to clarify his post that others also misinterpreted.


Gee if what IM says is true that MHG is going to be extremely limited because of ā€œwhat sheā€™s said and doneā€ I wonder what LKs limitations will be due to whatā€™s coming out. Anyone know?

I mean I havenā€™t heard squat about what MHG has said or done other than leave her boyfriend but thereā€™s plenty now regarding LK.


I remember looking into this when it first came up in one of these threads because it seemed crazy high. The 40% figure comes from a fact sheet that cited (1) a 1991 congressional testimony based on a small-scale 1983 self-reporting survey that may have included verbal abuse in its 40% figure and (2) a small-scale 1992 self-reporting survey that found that officersā€™ wives were somewhat more likely than the officers themselves to inflict violence on their partners, even according to the wives themselves ( So, that figure is pretty dated and nobody really knows what the actual stats areā€¦which is a problem all in itself. I wouldnā€™t take 40% as gospel though.


Nope. Not close enough.