Barisone Trial This Month

That last bit about MB angry at MHG is what concerns me. That goes back to all the stressors he is under. He gave up his wife and his partnership and a big chunk of assets for MHG. He’s had major losses of control including MHG. That loss of control and subsequent man killing significant other takes up the majority of the 48 hours shows. It’s kind of depressing. That and the fact that the major cause of death for women on the job is homicide (lately it’s been swapping back and forth with car accidents), usually men they know (or they are just sitting at the receptionist desk when the shooter in the building makes an entrance.

MHG ended up with a fireman within a year. That sounds like a cliche. Run to a rescuer. That is not a criticism of MHG just an observation. I’m glad she and VK are out of this, LK survived it and can still ride.

No remorse. No responsibility. He still feels justified. Welcomes cameras.

RG tackling a shooter is quite impressive. He may have saved a lot of lives that day.

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And, she hasn’t broken any laws!!

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What? Oh Lord, we’re back to MB being a killer. Enough of you.


Everyone saying LK had an exact replica of the weapon Ruth Cox had is mistaken. All you have said as fact is that you don’t know a Ruger from a Luger and you just don’t know what kind of weapon you were looking at. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Hmm. Even if it’s not gospel, it’s still a pretty darn high possible number.

Plus if it came from a survey that was self reporting, I would be inclined to think the real number could well be higher than that.


Oh dear! Where is @DreadPirateRoberts when we need him?

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No one said that. What WAS said is that someone besides me also saw LKs post of having a Ruger.


And at the risk of repeating myself, please don’t help the pot stirrers in their efforts to get the thread shut down.



Ruger ruger bo booger banana fanna fo fooger a me mi mo mooger


These threads are so fun because you can literally skip 1000 (!!) posts and nothing has changed.

Also, was it a ruger or a luger? The terms aren’t really interchangeable, and for folks harping on THE FACTS someone should have it right. :wink:


I never said he was a killer. He is charged with attempted murder. I said RG may have saved several lives and I am concerned for the safety of the other women in MB’s life if and when he is released, especially in what seems to be his current state of mind.

Anyone woman who has been through a divorce has probably been asked by their attorney if there is any danger to their safety. Anyone who has ever gotten out alive of an abusive relationship can attest to the dangerous moments. One safety expert advises against getting a restraining order because it can set off the abuser. However, without a legal precedent of a restraining order and the evidence provided to get it, shooting an abuser can be charged as a crime.

MB did nothing to legally evict LK. Instead he shot her, twice.

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This is still America. Presumed innocent until proven guilty, etc.


Wait, I thought it was said upthread that LK was about to leave and I believe IM has stated that the lawyers were working out an agreement for her to leave. (Ignoring the fact that LK screamed that she was not ever asked to leave.)
Are you hanging your hat on the ‘evict’ word there?


I never said LK had an exact duplicate. She doesn’t, assuming she knows what she owns. A Luger is NOT a Ruger. What I WAS responding to was this:

IM is showing his cards a little - doesn’t know as much as he insists he does.

The quote from LK absolutely 100% exists.


Yes it does exist.

I find it fascinating that this little point or factoid about LK having posted on FB she owned a Ruger upsets people so… It was so alarming to LK that she sent all those threatening PMs to me. And the continuing pushback all along and even here.


If she never said that then what’s the problem?


You keep being concerned, okay? But be concerned about legitimate threats, okay? There’s going to be a trial to determine MB’s fate. There is no evidence whatsoever that MH was ever in danger or fear of anyone other than the folks who refused to leave. But you’ve taken it upon yourself to declare MB a danger to all women. Right. Wow, talk about being inappropriate!


Now THAT could be determined to be libelous to call MB a murderer.


I am so confused. Was it a Ruger or a Luger? Or a Ruger that self-identified as a Luger? Or vice-versa? :upside_down_face:


Ah, so every call to 911 is 100% honest? :joy:. Sorry, no.


Hanging my hat?

Prove it.