Barisone Trial This Month

I have not called him a murderer. He hasn’t murdered anyone. He is charged with two counts of attempted murder. That he shot her and shot at RG is not the question that is being put to the jury. The question to the jury is whether or not he is innocent by insanity or self defense.

If I had a boyfriend who just shot someone twice and shot at a second person right after I threatened to leave him, I would be concerned for my own safety. You are entitled to a different perspective.

Please stop threatening me with legal charges. Thank you.

How funny that you say this.


I have concerns for the safety of LK and MHG/MH. I never said he was a danger to all women.

I know, right? I should post it a hundred times with great dismay and self righteousness.

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The gun used in the shooting was identified as a Ruger. LK had posted in days prior that she owned 2 guns, and I recall her calling one of them a Luger. She also claimed that they were both in NC due to NJ gun laws.

And just for clarification ONE MORE TIME (not directed at you @DownYonder, but you know how these posters can be…) - a Ruger and a Luger are not the same gun. Ruger is a US manufacturer and Lugers were a German manufacturer. As I said, I’m assuming that LK knows what she owns and is not just mixing the two up, since the names are so close.


I have mixed feelings about posting this, since it is not at all the same situation, and I’m sure there will be posters here who will grab the bit and run off with it. :roll_eyes:

But this guy has some interesting things to say about a few things that apply here, such as the way police may react with preconceived ideas to complaints, and how the people around a situation may see a train wreck coming, but not know how to stop it. Food for thought, anyway.


Yes, that is why I posted. And sarcastically asked if it was a Ruger that self-identified as a Luger. :sunglasses:


Some of y’all need to do a half-halt


Why? And what are you going to do about it?

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Standard operating procedure.
Ugly, but a fact of life in the courtroom.
One pays a lawyer for results, and sometimes the most effective defense is an offense.


Who is VK?

VK is Michael’s x-wife (Vera Kessels Barisone)


@eggbutt you post like you have first hand knowledge. Did you ever admit your relationship with MB in this thread? Since you are posting so much inside info that’s apparently true in your storyline I do think it’s only fair you explain your association with MB and/ or his friends.

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Making fun of trans ppl?


I suppose this request should apply to all the people who post stuff that seems like inside information, right? Like IM, CH, etc.?


Or something stronger - like a pulley rein…


Fair point.


Something tells me you have no personal knowledge to even speak about Mary Haskins’ motives, emotions, life or thought process since she fled NJ. It is said she was extremely afraid when RG and JK came roaring into the barn the next day and made an immediate decision to leave as quickly as she possibly could to one of several secluded locations offered to her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t fully testify of her fear of RG. I certainly don’t know what the strategy will be for her testimony. She has been painted as the instigator of this entire situation. We’ll see how that plays out at the trial.

Let’s keep in mind LK made several very dramatic posts in the days leading up to the shooting of her fears for her safety. She received immediate responses from people ready transport her and her horses immediately and said No to all of them. It isn’t logical to post extreme fear on social media and then say you didn’t think it would get that bad. Malarkey.


Okay, I’ll play, although my “association” with anyone involved in this is none of your business. If you are really curious and it is that important to you, I posted one time in the very early threads what my association with MB and MH was. Go look it up. Mkay?

What is your connection? Morbid curiosity or something else?


Please keep this on the trial and not make personal attacks.