Barisone Trial This Month

I heard MB was actually Bigfoot. See now it’s posted on COTH so it must be true.


And yet BNTs and others are being outed to safesport with decades of abuse. There are pages of discussion on what they did and how some still are training minors or appearing at shows and still have a string, loyal following.


But, that is not what happened here. There have not been people coming forward saying how abusive and horrible MB was. According to IM, LK would go back to him if that was an option. So clearly he is not all that horrible.


Well, since someone caused CPS to be called to Hawthorn Hill to investigate child abuse, I guess we will learn at the trial if MB falls into the category of child abuser. Until that report is made public, you are again making your own narrative.

(Edit to correct my error of farm name)


You’re saying all the personal drama culminated with shooting a client, in other words is related to, caused in some way, the shooting?



Are you suggesting these were big surprises? They weren’t. Many of these abuses were well known for years and years, but people looked the other way.


Because BigFootses are about.

Hey, my reason is as good as any other.


Careful, your grip on reality is slipping.


Judge Taylor has already ruled that the reports relating to the state child protective services call are not admissible.


Yes, but MH should be a witness and can testify to what was said if it was anything concerning her child.


Okay, but if the presence of CPS appearing on the property August 7 was the final straw to send MB over the edge, I expect their presence will be introduced and perhaps they may actually be called as witnesses regarding his demeanor when they told him why they were there. The details of the final report may be excluded but I feel certain why they were there as well as who prompted them to be there WILL be introduced.


How could it not be?
Since it likely was a huge factor in this mess.


Why is trubandloki using Eggbutt’s “E” avatar?

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COTH has a hitch in its git along.
Trubandloki isn’t using it.


On this BB there is was a query about FEI level dressage trainers in central NJ in about 2016. Someone mentions Barisone, and another poster comes on to say she had trained with Barisone and recommended the OP stay away, on the grounds she thought Barisone was “abusive” snd “dishonest”.

Re bolded. No, IM did not say that!

If you think he did, provide the post.


IM most certainly said that.


I am saying that divorce and relationship breakups both marital and business and losing assets either way are major stressors in life. I am saying that women leaving men who like to be in control are in great danger. Those are just known behaviors in general.

Dealing with clients as a horse trainer is a daily occurrence, it’s part of the job. He had many years of experience. He credited his wife for making it possible for him to train the horses and run the clinics at the level of activity he had because she took care of so many details. Now she is gone because of his choices but his life and the handling of the daily details fell apart when she left. He could not handle a major client and when he wanted her to leave, he did nothing to formally evict her. Evictions are rare but part of running a barn. I think his life choices on divorce, choosing a girlfriend who wanted out (and moved on within a year), losing property in a divorce (now to defense lawyers and not being able to train) are al greater stressors than one client, a client he recruited away from another trainer.

His lawsuit against the local police showed no remorse and no responsibility for his own actions. He has not been quoted as saying he was wrong or apologized to his client for trying to kill her, he just blames her for driving him to it. Differences between boarders and barn owners and trainers are common place. Shootings among them are not. If he is still angry and still blames everyone but himself for his predicament and has fired a weapon at least 3 times, twice in the chest of a client and once at the boyfriend, then all of those women could be at risk if he was out. They left his control.

He had a successful career. He was known to be charming and entertaining and his clinics were known to be of value. He threw it all away and has yet to show any responsibility for his own actions.

He also had an extra clip in his pocket when apprehended. Who did he plan to use that for after he shot his client and her boyfriend? Had he been successful, who was next?


If anyone was intending to murder someone why didn’t the gun have the full clip in? Why did the gun only have a few bullets loaded?


You’re right, Sillyhorse, it wasn’t target practice. He really was trying to kill them.


If one is trying to kill someone wouldn’t they go FULLY LOADED?