Barisone Trial This Month

And I’d think you’d be wrong.


Funny, one might ask the same question of you. How are you getting all your information since you claimed to know “everything?”


Question regarding the dog. Wasn’t there pix of LK’s dog posted in one of the Barisone threads? I thought I saw a medium sized brown dog. Shorthair, slim build. No? From the pix it looked bigger than what’s been described in this thread.


No, LK posted that her guns were Walthers. Not that easy to confuse with the type of gun used in the shooting, a Ruger.

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Are you a different MHM than the one who has always been here?
Because the original MHM would know I said from the start I’m an insider. I talk to attorneys for both sides.
Sorry if you just forgot.


I didn’t forget. You seem to be asking others exactly how they’re getting their information. Others might ask the same question of you.


I talk to attorneys for both sides.
That’s my final answer.


You didn’t see it. You didn’t even know where it was posted…

I saw it. Therefore you are wrong again.

They are different posts.

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Well, isn’t that interesting?

What was the decision on previous messages?


It was explained once that there were two dogs. A friendly, larger half grown dog and a small little yapper. The larger dog was in the picture.

Your wrong. The dog that was on scene was missing it’s ground leash, something that it was required to be on when outside of the house. Go look and you can see pretty much how that dog compares to the railing (half way) and can see a ground leash attached.


I didn’t remember reading about two dogs. Thanks for the info.

Now I’m wondering where the bigger dog was that day because it sounds as though the small one is the biter.

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The picture I have seen looks like they are about the same size….and not small.


I’ve wondered that too.

How’s that search coming along?


You did help. That is the scary LK post. Knight’s_Mom says she remembers LK had a FB post showing she owned a Ruger. LK told her she did not. It got ugly and Knight’s_Mom has been sharing screen shots of the DMs of LK going off on her. LK confronted her openly on the Barisone threads.

Some of Knight’s_Mom’s friends say they saw it too. Then someone made a typing error and started calling it a Luger.

I don’t know these people and I am not FB friends with LK. This particular argument is bizarre. It was RC’s Ruger.




[Quote] Because you and others keep forgetting that the only person the police spoke with, and whose story they ran with is RG’s. Rob controlled the entire narrative from the second the police pulled up until they left the hospital. Period. Barisone had significant head and face trauma, a broken left arm and a severe concussion.

I personally believe if Heymer had not arrived when he did, RG would have actually killed Barisone and screamed self defense. I believe Barisone went to his house, there were words exchanged, LK attacked him beating him with her phone as RG came out of the house and joined the fight. The first shots hit LK almost point blank because she was still pummeling MB, reaching up to hit him in the head. She went down, RG and the dog continue the fight, with RG trying to get the gun. RG pulled MB’s clothing, eventually pulling his shirt off and took him down and that’s when the 3rd shot was fired that went into the house, which fits the trajectory of an upward shot. RG continued the beating until Heymer arrived and RG announced they “have it all on tape”.

Prove me wrong. [Quote]

QFP & bc…… I’d like to remember this gem when certain things which haven’t been released publicly, are, well, released publicly- hence, proving you wrong.
Although my quote function failed, this your quote, verbatim. Unless you edit or delete it, (something to which you are well accustomed) anyone & everyone can see what you wrote…. Post 1058. A response to RND. FYI- next time you beg to be proven wrong, you should be way more sure there is not existing & sealed evidence which directly ………. proves you wrong. Especially if it’s more than “one thing.” Mkay, G’Nite now!

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[quote=“La-LaPopRider, post:1421, topic:770123, full:true”]

[Quote] Because you and others keep forgetting that the only person the police spoke with, and whose story they ran with is RG’s. Rob controlled the entire narrative from the second the police pulled up until they left the hospital. Period. Barisone had significant head and face trauma, a broken left arm and a severe concussion.

I personally believe if Heymer had not arrived when he did, RG would have actually killed Barisone and screamed self defense. I believe Barisone went to his house, there were words exchanged, LK attacked him beating him with her phone as RG came out of the house and joined the fight. The first shots hit LK almost point blank because she was still pummeling MB, reaching up to hit him in the head. She went down, RG and the dog continue the fight, with RG trying to get the gun. RG pulled MB’s clothing, eventually pulling his shirt off and took him down and that’s when the 3rd shot was fired that went into the house, which fits the trajectory of an upward shot. RG continued the beating until Heymer arrived and RG announced they “have it all on tape”.

Prove me wrong. [Quote]

QFP & bc…… I’d like to remember this gem when certain things which haven’t been released publicly, are, well, released publicly- hence, proving you wrong.
Although my quote function failed, this your quote, verbatim. Unless you edit or delete it, (something to which you are well accustomed) anyone & everyone can see what you wrote…. Post 1058. A response to RND. FYI- next time you beg to be proven wrong, you should be way more sure there is not existing & sealed evidence which directly ………. proves you wrong. Especially if it’s more than “one thing.” Mkay, G’Nite now!

Says the queen of edits! Right. I stand by this post. :slight_smile:
I think I hit a nerve or two! Oops!

Highlighting (bold) mine