Barisone Trial This Month

Where did I beg to be proven wrong?


I think she may have meant Eggbutt. Eggbutt posted 1058 and ended it with Prove me wrong.


[Quote]I am truly shocked at the fascination of this letter! Why the obsession? Because LK mentioned it? It really makes no difference why. I have no intention of sharing it with anyone on these forums. As I said earlier, if you want to read this letter, ask LK to share it with you. I’m sure she’d be glad to! Or may try IM for a peek! I suspect you will be disappointed. Sorry [Quote]

Interesting. You are shocked by the “fascination,” of the letter? When I mentioned the letter, it was YOU who first: 1.) denied the existence of such letter.
2.) Accused mb’s “friends” of betraying him if really such a letter existed & it was then shared with me.
Then, after several weeks, contacting numerous people because of your obsession with the letter; someone finally shared it with you. On the bright side, your outbursts and rage in learning that you were not included in anyone’s “loop,” wrt the letter was finally resolved when a certain party opted to share it with You. On the other hand, the content of the letter cannot be ignored, despite your feeble attempts to say otherwise.

If I were pleading an NGRI defense, I’d not be putting in writing that “I am with the ‘M &M’s. That stands for Medicals & mentals. But, I am not one of them. I am here bc I am ‘high profile.”


 that one statement alone (though, along with the rest) kind of negates the whole “I’m mentally insane,” thing

 Especially, when that statement comes right from the horse’s mouth. Honestly though, don’t you find it odd that literally no one who received that letter had to beg for it? It was sent willingly, traveling far and wide, without a soul asking to receive it. Except for you, that is. Sad.

Yeah, I know
. QFP. Bed for real now!

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: she really can’t help herself.

No, this girl doesn’t have to beg!


Wait. Yes @hut-ho78 - you are correct. @RND the post was a response to Eggbutt, who was replying to you. I apologize if that was unclear, due to my quote function failing. You did not beg to proven wrong about anything. Eggbutt did. And, regarding everything in her post which I quoted (sans quote function) - she maybe in for a surprise. Sometimes

it’s a BIG one.

Hope this clarified. And, again, apologies to RND for failing to make EGGBUTT’s post (not RND’s) more clear. I believe it was post 1058 ?? If that’s wrong, I may have to edit.

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QFP that. (Approx. 1 inch apart; L center mass; Entry wounds; distance between gun & target = 3 ft away; close/ “nearly point blank” range; Photo date: 10/23/2019)

Now, go debate whether these 2 shots indicate a “struggle,” where “shots accidentally went off,” OR, whether this planned attack by the shooter landed his 2 perfectly intended aimed shots - exactly & precisely as I have maintained they did. (With the obvious exception of my very, very early confusion re “times I was shot,” / “amount of shots fired” etc
.due to pain meds & trauma.) This has been clarified in forum thread “That’s a Twist,” Op’d by the ever-obsessed Eggbutt. Reply to @fordtraktor - who asked “can you tell me what happened ON THE DAY of the shooting?” I gave a play by play. Including the (nearly) perfectly aimed shot at RG’s head. No new info here. Share THAT. Yes, the dare has been made. Put up or shut up.
The thing about facts is

 they are in FACT, facts. EB - you “stand by your statement?” You may want to find a chair & take a seat.
@Moderator_1 I hope this image doesn’t violate your TOS, given this very photo is essentially the real topic of this, and every other thread regarding THE SHOOTING on 8-7-19. I could share more. WAY more. (48 hours is on it, though.) However, it has been posted ad Infinitum, by your most notoriously provocative posters, these kill shots to the chest are merely for “entertainment value.” WE “strenuously disagree!” If this image is what CoTh believes is - or should be “entertaining,” I couldn’t agree more with Equekelly’s evaluation of COTH’s “real purposes.” JMHO- FFS! (For Freakin’ Sure) - same way EK meant it, FFS. #liftherban #itsasmartpeoplething



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OK, Inigo-montoya claims to know all the facts 
 and insists all their information is straight from the source, so who are you Inigo-montoya, what is your relationship to the players?

@TwiSedai, thanks for doing leg work. Finding things you know you read is sometimes stupidly hard so I can appreciate the effort. From what I understand (I have never personally seen the post) the post in question was removed very quickly after the shooting.

@La-LaPopRider your quoting feature is not “not working”, you are simply not using it right.
The opening quote is [ quote ] (no spaces between the bracket and the word quote), the closing quote is [ / quote ] (again, no spaces). And on this forum they need their own line. So you would need this:
[ quote ]
text of quote
[ / quote ]
(again, with out spaces)


That would make sense. I was hoping someone had screenshot the one they are talking about somewhere at least. Could still be out there somewhere.


(There must be a thousand items quoted here in COTH a day. Why does her quote function never work??)


My guess is that she is so frantic to post what is on her mind that she is doing things in a rush, add that I have to assume she is not actually using the quote function, but trying to copy and paste content into a quote.
But really, who knows. Maybe the forum just does not want her to be able to quote. (Just kidding.)


For some reason the quote function on my iPad refuses to work, so it’s not just her problem.


@La-LaPopRider I haven’t, until right now, posted on a Barisone thread in literally years, nor do I read them. Can you quit tagging me as if I actually care about this? My biannual email notification that you’ve tagged me or DMed me again is pretty annoying.


Goodness! So much to unpack from the overnight posts!! So much projection and anger toward me! Why I am their prime target is strange but it’s all good. Obviously my diligence in taking notes at the hearings has paid off. And yet again, The Letter! Wish there was a head shaking emoji!

Anyway, if last night was an example of the next 3 or so weeks, we’re in for a bumpy ride!


Does this not seem absurd to anyone but me? It’s been two years and everyone is still rehashing the same facts and theories over and over. What new info has been added in this 400 post thread?


As usual this thread follows a circular pattern while descending into even more weirdness. :sweat_smile:

I think (think, because I’m not them so I don’t know) this is going to be a tough time for all involved (with the trial). So I can’t even begin to imagine all of the stress and emotions involved. I do think this trial will end up and/or play out a bit differently than many expect on this thread, but we’ll see.

I’m hoping for a just outcome, whatever that may be. Then perhaps some matters can be put to rest and those that need closure can find it.


I’m going to clarify one point, and then I’m going to attempt to refrain from posting on any of these threads. I say attempt, as who knows what will transpire during the trial.

I was the Luger vs Ruger original poster from yesterday. I did not mistype. I saw LKs original FB post about her personal guns. I remembered them as Luger. I acknowledged yesterday that I was mistaken about the brand. To clarify, once it was published that the weapon used in the shooting was a Ruger (and seriously people, I know the difference between all three ruger, luger, and walther) I never thought that the gun used for the shooting were the ones LK posted about. That doesn’t say I necessarily totally believed her about the location of them or if that was all she owned, but that doesn’t matter in this discussion. Hard stop. My point was about some posters insisting LK had NEVER posted about owning guns anywhere.

It’s gotten way twisted since the inception yesterday afternoon.

I hope for some posters, they can recognize what this is, which is owning what I wrote, not just deleting it, and acknowledging the error. I wish more of us could do that. On both sides.


Um, I think that is what a trial is all about
providing facts under oath. So yes, until facts prove otherwise to me, I stand by what I believe happened.

ALL of us are waiting for facts and, thank you, I have a comfy chair and I’m ready to watch intently.


Right now thousands of people have died in Ukraine, Putin is threatening to cleanse Russia of western thinking Russians.

For the love of god and all things decent please direct your efforts towards helping Ukrainians and promoting world peace and leave the gun shot victim alone.

Peace and love to this forum.