Barisone Trial This Month

I am confused. Are we (general) not capable of following along with this situation that involves people/places/sport* that is near to us and also provide emotional support, or whatever kind of support we can, to other situations too?

*all generals, for some they know people, some follow the sport, some it is close to where they live.


Ok, I have to say that was a new approach from pretty far out in left field. Or Eastern Europe, if you prefer.


Well, the information from the hearing the other day is all new regarding the expected number of witnesses and the date and length of the Barisone trial this month, which is the actual title of this thread.


Unrelated tangent to your point.

To this day, I still can’t see or hear the words “on both sides” without getting a bad flashback to a certain person who used them after a horrible day in Charlottesville. I almost have the same reaction to the words “many people” as well, for the same reason.



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mine never works on my phone, so could be that issue


It’s cool by me.


It is absurd, because posters want to repeat the same things over and over hoping they eventually will be true :sunglasses:


Yeah, I can see how people not following along would miss the updates and new bits of info.
And they may miss that clearly old info need review since so many get it misconstrued.

ETA clearly people keep asking questions, so they’ve forgotten or are confused.

And Law is complicated, often hinging on stupid but not thing like “what the definition of " is” is" for example. If Law wasn’t v so freaking nuanced, this would be simpler. But then innocent people would go to prison and guilty would go free more often than they already do.

Anyone who thinks that the situation in Ukraine isn’t on our minds would be very wrong.

That situation, and this one closer to home are ones we’re largely powerless to do much about.
However, I for one, want to understand how these things happen, how people can be so vicious to one another, invade their sanctum making it unlivable and untenable and in the end ruin each others lives for no apparent reason whatsoever.

Indeed, I’m sure some have much more important, personal things to attend to
 But they venture in anyway.



To me “on both sides” is an attempt to pretend one not great side is equivalent to a truly horrible, ugly side.


This is so VERY true!!! You so nailed it on this one.


Looks like it’s working now! Now, and a few hundred other times. So you see how your statement/wannabe rhetorical question
makes no sense, right? If my quote function “never works,” how am I quoting you, or, the previous few hundred posters I have quoted using the quote button? Does my phone’s inability to override the quote function honestly put a bee in your bonnet this intensely? Like, this is your main focus? Bizarre !!!




To be fair, the phrase itself is perfectly useful. The meaning just got mutated into the one you posted by one horrible person who twisted it beyond all recognition.


I have a very close friend who is from Ukraine. Her family is still there, near a military base. They are terrified. She is terrified.

She actively focuses on other things to keep her mind off it. If you think about it too much, you go crazy.


From the Barisone News Thread, post 949 I believe:

Here’s another shot to show it was Eggbutt responding:


That’s so true of so much now, isn’t it?
Its sad.

Does anyone know what the potential sentencing could be IF found guilty on all or some counts?

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Very true. I hope as time passes, the after effects will fade. Fingers crossed.

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Thanks for digging this up. I don’t understand how you find things on this forum at all. I find it impossible.