Barisone Trial This Month

I am in the same boat. When I try to use the search function it finds me all kinds of things not related to what I wanted, things I can not even guess how it decided fit what I was looking for. I know lots of people find search on this new format so much better than before, but for me it is equally as unusable as the last format was.


Is there a list of the witnesses that will be called?

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I think it’s important to point out that the testimony presented at trial should not be considered “facts“. Testimony is merely evidence and many people lie on the stand. The facts are what the jury decides is true.


Search criteria. I’m fairly tech savvy so I piddle around on applications to learn them. It’s fun!

Same regarding the search function here on the BB.

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Based on the limited information they are provided with.


I pray for peace for your friend and her family. I pray for peace in all of Ukraine.

I also agree with your friend’s statement that one should try to focus on other things to help relieve the stress of the situation.

Thank you for sharing your friend’s story.


In the absence of the post you provided in which LK says she owns two guns and they’re both Walthers, it’s conceivable that she might have posted that she owned a Ruger and the post was deleted.

However, given she posted, as you have documented, that she owned two guns, both Walthers, it does not make at sense that she would then post that she owned a Ruger.

On the other hand, people misremember posts all the time, so it’s extremely likely KM remembered a post about guns and when the gun at the crime scene was identified as a Ruger, posted that she had seen a FB post by LK saying LK owned a Ruger.

The simple confusion and misremembering would not have been that bad if KM had admitted the possibility that she was had misremembered when corrected by LK, but instead she doubled and tripled down.

KM has said she has proof. However, rather than posting the proof, she simply asserts, again and again, that the Ruger post existed.

The final consideration; KM has repeatedly expressed outrage that LK apparently threatened her with a libel action. If the post existed, and KM actually had proof that it existed, she would not have been bothered by a threat of a libel action, because, as the sage of the courtroom, she would know that the truth of the statement is bullet proof defense against libel.

Pun intended.

Thank you for finding and posting LKs post about her guns. The information that she had not brought them to NJ expressly because she understood the severity of the NJ gun laws puts the behavior of RC in stark contrast.


Why not?

Maybe she had one or does have one? And deleted it, considering the situation?

There are many possibilities, of which the above is one.


I suppose.
But this theorizing would make it seem like LK’s post is talking about all the guns she owns. In other words, she can own two Walthers and some other gun that she did not mention in that post. Are you assuming that LK only owns two guns? I thought I heard/read that she owns more than just the two guns.


You know
I kind of wonder if there is a bit of a semantical disagreement here.

Enough people say they saw the post. That many independent people are not just mis-remembering something. I guess if it can’t be found then it was deleted. I don’t know what kind of things can be recovered with for things like subpoenas and criminal trials.

.LK likes to play word games with semantics. I imagine if there was ever such a post, she would have been very careful to never claim that she owned such a gun. Instead she would use a word like has. Enough people would interpret the word has into something like a claim of ownership
when all that the word has could mean is that it was in her possession.

One could also similarly parse the previously posted FB post about the two guns


Each attempted murder count: up to 20 years
Each gun charge: up to 10 years.

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Wrong. The post I spoke of was on FB.

The post you speak of was on COTH.

You keep repeating the same thing over and over again.


If I came on to state how many horses I owned, if I happened to own three horses (two Hanoverians and a KWPN), I would not post that I owned two horses, both Hannovarians.

BTW, I own zero horses. Just an example.

QF Finding again

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Several people have said that they saw “the” post on guns. Rothmpp has now said several times that while she misremembered about Walthers/Luger, she never saw a post in which LK said she owned a gun of the type (Ruger) used in the shooting.

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This is the Facebook post.



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That IS NOT the FB post I’m referring to.


Read up on the Mandela Effect and Sinbad’s Shazaam
 [ETA not saying that is happening here but it is not out of the realm of possibility.]