Barisone Trial This Month

I’m speaking of the FB post of LKs provided by TwiSdai

I understand you’re claiming there is another, now deleted, FB post referring to a Ruger.

If you have proof of the FB post referring to a Ruger, provide it.

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We know that. Please post the FB post that you are referring to. You’ve said you have proof of its (brief) existence.

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Yes I have proof and I’m sorry I don’t obey very well.

Besides what difference does it make? This is a posting board not a courtroom.


Exactly what I thought you’d say!


If there is proof, then what’s the harm in posting it? Seems like that would be prudent since this (to me, totally random and not at all relevant) discussion of what makes of firearm LK possesses seems to have put a bee in everyone’s bonnet. I personally don’t think it is relevant that she owns guns, unless my vague, foggy, unreliable, perhaps false memory is true that she posted photos of said gun(s) to FB in the days leading up to the shooting. But I could be entirely making that up in my head. ETA: I am NOT saying she did, but I seem to have some image in my head of that. But after almost 2.5 years of crazy claims and theories and other things floating around this BB, I could be totally imagining that.


Yes. I know.

Yes, everyone understood that except KM, who thought I was referring to a COTH post.

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It’s not random, nor is it irrelevant. It’s actually a very psychologically sound understanding of speech and writing patterns.

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I’ve posted one person already whose post I found where they mentioned it. I posted it openly and I was told it was my friend, it’s fake blah blah blah.

Meanwhile I never met the person, am not friends with them. For all I know they got harassed just like I did. So I don’t really feel the need to subject a group of people to the possibility of harassment just to prove a point to a bunch of people who will find excuses to discount those people and their posts anyway.

So I choose to keep the info safe and sound while I watch guys contort yourselves to compel me because curiously, for some reason, it seems to be a big deal to you.

Being you say you have the Cox testimony it is a curious thing indeed.


My question would be: what bearing would LK’s gun ownership or lack there of, specifically the make(s) of said firearms, have on this trial? So what if it is a Ruger? There is no doubt that the pink and black Ruger used in this altercation belonged to RC, not LK. Am I missing something?


I have never said any such thing. What are you referring to? Are you confusing me with someone else?

It’s truly very hard to prove anything posted on the internet in court. Unless they have non refutable proof of the person using their device at that time, it’s basically a lost cause. That’s why so many cyber stalking crimes go unpunished. It’s way to easy to show anyone else could have been behind the keyboard.


No I wasn’t speaking to you at all.

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Thanks for clearing that up since you quoted me.

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Yeah I must have screwed up. I intended to quote CH. Sorry.


So your “proof” that LK had a FB post saying she owned a Ruger consists of a FB post by someone else (neither you nor LK) saying that the someone else saw a post by LK about a Ruger?

Yeah, don’t bother posting that. That’s not proof.


Well, on the gun charge alone, unlawful possession is 3-5 years, possession for unlawful purpose (eg to commit a crime) is 5-10 years. Graves act minimum would be 1/3 to 1/2 the sentence before parole would be possible.

First degree attempted murder, based on a quick scan of NJ law is max of life in prison, second degree is 5-15 years.


Not exactly. There isn’t ONE.

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Very early on in the first weeks after the shooting, the make of the gun recovered at the scene was known, but not the owner.

If LK had been bragging about owning a Ruger on FB prior to the shooting, that would have raised the possibility that the gun was hers and she had brought the gun to N.J.

Once it was established that the gun was owned and transported to N.J. by RC, it’s irrelevant.


But somehow, you (and others) keep asking about it, and the post about it.
If it is irrelevant it would seem like you would stop asking about it.

Read your post that is quoted. It seems obvious what there is more than one of, at least to me.

I can say, on the subject we were discussing earlier. The post about LK’s two guns was her making a point. Not her giving an inventory of her firearm collection. To me (and I am not saying you have to agree, because clearly you do not), I can totally see someone talking about this and that and not going into something else. Like I might discuss the fire arms that I picked out but not tell you about some others that I have on my permit. Or maybe not even think to mention the long guns when I am talking about a specific hand gun.