Barisone Trial This Month

Yikes, I just wanted to clear up that she did in fact publicly post (at least once) that she owned guns, regardless of what type. I didn’t think it would blow up and go on this long :grimacing: sorry guys


:laughing: Have you seen wind?


Think about it Eggbutt.

It was not Hut-ho or I who decided to reintroduce for the umpteenth time the bash-LK meme of “LK threatened KM with a libel suit in a PM”. If you want to keep bashing LK on that score, others might want to put it into context by pointing out that KM had the opportunity to defuse the entire tempest in a teapot by saying just possibly she might have misremembered the make of gun, or by posting a screenshot of the (alleged) Ruger post. She apparently does not have a screen shot of the supposed post, and is unable to admit that she might have misremembered.

Drop that particular bash-LK meme, and you won’t get the “context” posted in reaction. Easy peasy.


No it’s not. It’s just not here on COTH.


Its been very revealing.


The only threat that’s been discussed is the threat of a libel suit against KM. If she feels she was libeled, why shouldn’t she threaten to sue? Didn’t she ask that the allegation be withdrawn before the threats of lawsuits?

It’s not at all what I would do in that situation, but all the outrage that a person who considers herself libeled would threaten a lawsuit seems misplaced.

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Do some of you make it up as you go along? Or is this like a game of telephone where you repeat something so many times through different people that it becomes something else :thinking:


It seems you are stating/asking/insinuating that I should LIE about something I feel strongly about as a truth just to appease the person who got their panties in a bunch?

Homey don’t play that.

Again you continue to blather on an issue that just doesn’t concern you and that you’re not involved in other than when you admitted that the FB post in dispute was in fact deleted.


Misplaced? If you had received a PM threatening a lien against your farm or property, would you graciously thank the PMer for their response? What about the subpeonas that were threatened to “expose” all of us posters here? I find all that to be very sad…

At least the only PMs I have (not from LK) just told me how I should be posting or, failing that, told me that I should not post at all.


Threats are never cute. Why threaten? If you have the grounds, just do it.

She also lied that she had subpoena’d identities of members of this forum. Why? Why lie, if you can do it, and have the grounds, just do it.

But some I guess seem to enjoy the adversarial relationship of threatening/the threatened vs really, truly wanting to correct a wrong.


I believe you misinterpreted my post. I’ll say, again, that I understood your position was that there was a now deleted post about a Ruger. I think no such post ever existed, and therefore was never deleted.

Please refrain from continuing to misrepresent my statement, especially now that I have clarified my statement for you.


Well said. And applies not only to banned posters, but also to the protagonists in this tragic drama (and yes, on both sides).


I think her threat of a lawsuit was a bluff. But if she were intending to sue, yeah, I’d prefer a heads up so that I could rethink whether it was worth it to me to keep doubling down over a “memory” of a Facebook post as opposed to choking out the words that it’s possible I misremembered.

I would not emulate the style of either LK or KM in this matter.


This thread has disintegrated into bashing each other. The only people who really can be speaking to either LK or MB’s character are those that know them or have had interactions with them. Others can have their own opinions but shouldn’t bash someone else for their opinion. How many people here can answer this poll? (I can’t)

  • People who have had positive interactions with LK IRL
  • People who have had negative interactions with LK IRL
  • People who have had positive interactions with MB IRL
  • People who have had negative interactions with MB IRL
  • People who have been threatened by LK through PM or other SM platform
  • People who have been threatened by MB through PM or other SM platform
  • No interactions with either LK or MB either IRL or through SM

0 voters

And a bit off topic (to lighten the mood).

Am I the only one that has flashbacks to coding complex XML documents when I see those posts containing multiple layers of quotes? :upside_down_face:


And a threat.
Who does that?


You need another category. People who have had a negative interaction with LK through SM but not an actual threat.


Not everything gets discussed here. ( shocking thought, I know.)


So I should stay silent on a threat directed to me and my property specifically and emphatically BUT it’s OK for an UNINVOLVED party to post ad nauseum on a memory of a post I have THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM AT ALL.

Got it.