Why even ask this question - CurrentlyHorseless didn’t say that it is a fact because LK posted it. The reasoning was that it is logical, and it is. In order to NOT believe LK’s post regarding the whereabouts of her guns, you would have to believe that there was a specific reason for her to lie about it. Why would she post publicly that she left her guns in NC because it would have been illegal to bring them to NJ, if instead she really did bring them to NJ knowing she could get into a lot of trouble with the law for having them there? And do you really think that LK would have been able to keep it a secret if she had in fact brought the guns with her to NJ?
Let’s face it, the reason you don’t believe LK is because you are personally invested in the outcome of this trail determining that LK is the really bad guy and MB is the not so bad at all guy.
I’m glad it is cleared up that you were personally involved with more than one person in this story; I would have sworn that you insisted from the beginning that you had never met any of them, but clearly I was mistaken. Knowing that’s not true makes more sense regarding your posts on these threads.