Barisone Trial This Month

70% of the posts on these threads are ugly, nasty and belligerent. The majority of those ugly, nasty, belligerent posts are directed at LK.

You don’t approve that she responds to the ugly, nasty, belligerent posts in kind. Do you really not see the hypocrisy?


I think the idea is, for her mental health, her family and friends should discourage her from reading the threads, of any kind.


1000% THIS


Gosh, I didn’t know LK was blown up by a bomb. That definitely explains it. /s

If a person has PTSD to the point where she sees threats in the most innocuous places, perhaps her time would be better spent in therapy, rather than needling and threating people on SM.


Oh the irony once again. LK responds on SM to these imaginary threats, MB drives over and shoots. There are no winners here. The moment he fired, this became a lose/lose situation, everyone lost.


It seems like it was a lose/lose situation long before any bullets started to fly.


Here’s my idea: out of minimal human decency for a fellow human being, with or without PTSD and or mental health issues, posters here stop posting the ugly, nasty (potentially libelous) attacks. Or if you just can’t stop yourself from posting ugly, nasty, potentially libelous attacks, refrain from whining about her threats to sue you for libel!

I really don’t understand this concept that if you know that a number people are bashing you and repeating lies about you on a public forum, that the psychological harm somehow disappears if the target simply puts their head in the sand and doesn’t read it.


Not true! MB could have gritted his teeth and put up with her presence for a couple more weeks until she left as agreed via the attorneys.

It was a very uncomfortable situation before MB started shooting.


Check yourself.

It’s established FACT that libelous statements weren’t said.

And here’s a newsflash: LK didn’t invent PTSD. As I have a diagnosed PTSD condition then I too can be seen to react to threats so maybe those who threaten me, shouldn’t.

See how that works?


No libelous statements at all over 2.5 years? LOL
And that’s an established fact? LOL

Maybe if you not only state that “It’s established FACT that libelous statements weren’t said”, but put it in all caps and bold with three exclamations marks, you’ll convince me.

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Does this apply to the person who has been threatening people on this board for the last 2 years or more? Or just to those of us who dare to not put up with such childish behavior?

Just want to make sure I understand.


Then LK would have known 911 was on the phone and have been interacting with them. Also, she wouldn’t have tried to call on her own after she was shot if they were on before.

It’s not like 911 just silently listens in the background. They try to interact and ask you questions, tell you to do stuff. If they were listening in on a call they’d have been telling her to leave the area, do not approach, all kinds of stuff to deescalate the situation. On a 3 way, each party can interact with each other, it’s not a game of telephone.


Because she posts it doesn’t make it fact, does it?


Not even close. I did not know about GJ until these threads. Keep posting about me though if it keeps you happy. My truth, with evidence, will be revealed eventually. Until then, keep grasping or believing what you are fed by someone in particular.


Well, well, well…this applies to both parties.


Not from the mere fact of her posting it, no, of course not.

That applies to all posts on FB. Just the fact that it’s posted on FB does not make something a fact.

Now, please inform KM that just because she posts a statement on COTH, that doesn’t make it fact, either.


@Knights_Mom can read perfectly well and therefore, I don’t need to inform her of anything .


TRUTH! So why did she stay?


Are you saying “your truth, with evidence” will be revealed in the criminal trial? In the 48 hours coverage?

You’re insinuating I’m being fed information by “someone in particular”. Newsflash, Eggbutt, I’m not!


Why even ask this question - CurrentlyHorseless didn’t say that it is a fact because LK posted it. The reasoning was that it is logical, and it is. In order to NOT believe LK’s post regarding the whereabouts of her guns, you would have to believe that there was a specific reason for her to lie about it. Why would she post publicly that she left her guns in NC because it would have been illegal to bring them to NJ, if instead she really did bring them to NJ knowing she could get into a lot of trouble with the law for having them there? And do you really think that LK would have been able to keep it a secret if she had in fact brought the guns with her to NJ?

Let’s face it, the reason you don’t believe LK is because you are personally invested in the outcome of this trail determining that LK is the really bad guy and MB is the not so bad at all guy.

I’m glad it is cleared up that you were personally involved with more than one person in this story; I would have sworn that you insisted from the beginning that you had never met any of them, but clearly I was mistaken. Knowing that’s not true makes more sense regarding your posts on these threads.