Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I actually did see that on IMDb, but I did not know if it included actually being near a horse, or just in a studio in front of microphone to record the narration.

He is definitely on the list of people that I would be glad to listen to as he reads the phone book. And I would love to have his voice on the GPS on my phone as well if that could be an option. Lol.

Ack. What show or book series is getting mixed up in my mind? I don’t want to ponder that at the moment.

When I was reading some of the old locked threads, she kept talking about her charges vs the disposition of the cases. I’ve never seen any of the charges or anything, but I wonder how many of those dispositions that are so important to her were dismissed based on community service, classes, fines, diversion programs, etc.


Haha! I just meant I refuse to acknowledge the abomination that was Season 8. It didn’t happen. :slight_smile:


Things did not go too well for Cersei in the end, as I recall. But unfortunately, she certainly did a lot of damage to a lot of people in the meantime.


The Kanarak sisters and Mom took part in many community groups and performed community service opportunities to ingratiate themselves with the locals and ladder climb in the social scene, while Pops made his $$$$ and cut checks that they would drop in the coffers when they would show up for whatever was going on. They also did the Country Club scene, which further enhanced their status with the locals. The papers show that they were involved in youth sports, Girl Scouts, supporting the local libraries, various school organizations, and other things that brought their name forward, while the daughters were in the public schools.


There’s nothing quite like a community college dropout trying to make a point by trying to recall a 101 course they took 20 years ago.


Whew. I was really worried for a moment. Has the cheese slid off my cracker?

glares at household

You people are going to be the death of me!



I’m sorry.


Words are cheap. Got chocolate? LOL


I just looked at all of that yesterday. You can look up her and RGs NJ charges at the link… Michael’s case is there too. Not sure about anything from NC


Sure! :doughnut: :chocolate_bar: :cookie:


All is forgiven.

Have a bialy on me.

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Everything you can see in the court records indicated someone interfering on her behalf, to keep her out of a courtroom. Charges were not dropped or dismissed by the local Prosecutors, but they did decline to prosecute her for anything and everything that she was arrested or charged with, which was also the norm for her family members and RG as well.


Colour me shocked! SHOCKED I SAY! Who could possibly be that vested in Lauren not facing consequences or anything of consequence showing up if someone runs a background or credit check? Hmm.


It’s so funny you should say that, because I watched another new episode of Law and Order on Thursday night after the verdict.

I have seen quite a few of the earlier episodes of the original series in the past, but I have not watched them for a long time. So it was interesting to compare and contrast their courtroom scenes to the real thing now that I watched the real thing online a grand total of one time.

The part that still struck me the most was the discrepancy in the timeline. On Law and Order, they include the dates as the different events occur, and in the episode on Thursday, the crime happened in whatever month it was, maybe March. And then they were full blown in the middle of the trial by late April. And the same thing happened in a previous new episode I watched a few weeks ago.

So I’m guessing of all the procedural inaccuracies on the show, that might be pretty high on the list. Lol.


See, that’s what I’m interested in. The NJ ones I just looked at (thank you ScaredofHorses) sure do seem to end mysteriously. On the other hand, I’m used to our courts which list out Diversion in lieu of prosecution and other options like that.

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I noticed that line as well.


That has always aggravated me. In real time, you don’t even get from arrest to preliminary hearing/initial pre trial conference that fast.


Except now RG has testified that he was careful to never work beyond what he felt they owed. So in that case, how can anyone owe him anything?

I am sure that his testimony in the criminal trial will be used in the civil trial. As LK would say…OOPS! “BOMSHELL”!