Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Why, yes, a person might think to do that, but he was under (I imagine) a good deal of stress what with the horses not getting shod—hence the fight with the farrier—and the laundry piling up and his phone beeping at him while you-know-who was lounging about the stoop playing/reading something on her phone so important that she could not take a call from her lawyer!

Sigh, a house/barn boy’s work is never done!


Do you understand the meaning of the words “generally” and “for the most part”?


Agree. She’s turned herself into a cartoon. I almost wonder if “pulling a Kanarek,” i.e. lying will become part of the urban dictionary.


Hey, @trubandloki. You don’t understand English either?

Ahem, some of us are not native speakers.


Hey @Seeker1, did you read the post that IM posted right after the verdict? You were posting then so I assume you saw it. It does not agree with your Facebook post.

I have quoted it here for you. He even talks about the celebration.


So? I think most English speakers, even non native English speakers, would know the meaning of “generally” and “for the most part”, and if they were uncertain would refrain from claiming statements in sworn depositions were “lies”.

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This will age well when he’s released. They believe in the prevailing theory that most NGRI end up effectively incarcerated longer than their prison term would have been if guilty, but forget that most of these are the result of pleas.

I expect that if he is detained in jail for much longer his attorneys will file for a hearing on his detention status as state law does not permit him to be incarcerated for any portion of a civil commitment. The state has reasonable time to arrange an evaluation but I don’t expect they will sit by and let him continue to be incarcerated in a penal facility for much longer.


Oh I do. Generally is followed by “unless they are a duplicate or posted in error”. And for the most part does not equal - I edit almost everything once the thread is closed.

Good try though.

Ya see, that is the thing. We do know what those things mean. It is sounding like Bob and you do not know what those things mean.


unbelievable that even in the face of a screenshot of her daughter gleefully posting about “max security psych facilities” she can be posting that “we are sad about every aspect of this tragedy.”

Be sad about your daughter’s continued reprehensible behavior, hmm?


I’d love to see an accounting of the posts made by LK/lala on the Barisone threads & to see how many were edited or deleted. I’m thinking at least 70% were edited either the morning after a rant or later on when she realized they didn’t age well and could be used against her.


Or things she posted in error…
The error being it outs her for who she really is and states what her intentions are. Finish the Ba$#*@d.
If she posts it , screenshot it asap as it will soon be changed or go poof


Good point @Rhythm_Pace_Impulsion and the ‘posted in error’ thing.


Very few of the surviving posts have been edited. However, the ones that are just outright missing is quite extensive. There is at least one lengthy post that only survives as a QFP.


And let’s not forget the PM’s some of us received where she demanded we delete or edit our posts.


Sounds like a great phrase to immortalize….


And even if IM hadn’t, someone very kindly posted the extremely classy picture of LK and her sister(?) at the celebration, flipping the bird to the camera.

Or should I say, Klassy with a Kapital K. :roll_eyes:


I did? Dang…I sure don’t recall that statement and I’m pretty sharp about remembering what I say. Appears to be reading comprehension issues on your part, yet again. :thinking:

Why? Why do you continue this game of yours?


you know, if you don’t respond, eventually they will buy a Breyer at least…
they thrive on this back and forth.


And they can nag nag nag at it ad nauseum.