Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

There are a few posters who seem to do that quite a lot here. Again and again and again.


She’d have to (gasp) read the whole sentence @Omgitsme posted.

She’d have to (gasp) acknowledge that her demand for screenshots in this instance was fulfilled - and gloriously so.

She’d have to (gasp) let go of a whole, lengthy, beloved subplot in which she added ‘even if’ to a post that many, many other people remembered with accuracy and she did not.

It would (gasp) throw into doubt all the other lengthy, pedantic, condescending diatribes about how English works and sentences are constructed and everyone misremembers except for her and everyone makes stuff up except for her, etc., etc. until the sun burns out.

Gasp!! :astonished:


This is me right now



:rofl: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I see another GFM donation in the name of Cheshire Cat or possibly Inigo Montoya!


I can only imagine what @Omgitsme it’s me must look like right now? :rofl:

Colour me not surprised at all that she was being fat shamed by BFF I love you to the moon and back. Birds of a feather…


And LK had to testify about this because she only made a down payment on the second one and it was never in her possession.

LMAO. And?

We are not the court. The question here was whether or not there was a post that spoke of LK having 2 guns one being a Ruger.

It doesn’t matter if she lied about that or made it up. We are not putting a Ruger into her hand.

She posted it. But she lies on SM so…


Oops. Another one. Suzy posted on this TWICE on 2 different days. I guess she was sure.


I am going to regret posting this because clearly you aren’t going to consider this for a moment… but…

Is it not possible given that a) LK prolifically posts on social media, b) LK frequently edits and deletes posts, and c) LK has admitted under oath to lying on social media that there was more than one post?

I am not saying that multiple people could be misremembering something. It is possible (see my post on a previous thread Re: “Shazaam” and The Mandela Effect). That said, it isn’t likely.

Just like @CurrentlyHorseless was convinced because one post said one thing, there couldn’t be another (and was disproved!), I think you might be too heavily invested in LK’s assertions. Don’t forget: she (at her own admission) lies on social media.


I’m sure there’s more than one.


I believe you remember that. And I am not saying it doesn’t exist. In any event… This whole ridiculousness actually had me searching my iPhone screenshots for over an hour to see if I could find one (yes, despite my posts to stop victim blaming, I was quietly digging into her SM and her posts here)… and I couldn’t find anything. Found a lot of other interesting tidbits, but not that. Then I ran off to ride the beast before witching hour and failed (she was a bit “much” today).

Since I am out of work, maybe I will search my laptop or iPad tomorrow. You never know. I remember seeing something about guns. Don’t recall what I saw…

ETA: yes, I take screenshots when I see crazy things on public platforms. If people don’t want their posts public, then they should rethink their SM settings. Edited again to add: I don’t screenshot most people, or most things, just things like people posting crazy rants and things about guns during very public events where it is unclear who brought the gun to the table. Or posts by people known to change their posts. I don’t as a rule screenshot social media… but this was compelling, and then started the contradictions and edits and other crazy. Hence my screenshot of the “My Almost Murder” Pinterest, because the last thing I would think to do is create a board about that if I were a victim. Pinterest is for recipes, decor, clothes, shopping, etc, in my world!


There’s been a few posts. One gets cited all the time here. The other was deleted or hidden by privacy settings.


Well, if she never actually picked it up….does she really own a second gun? It was, quite frankly, very unbelievable testimony to justify owning that second gun…especially when a year later in referencing that specific post, she acts like she doesn’t remember she had that 2nd gun and only talks about having 1 gun.


I believe it - just look at the whole debacle over whether the friend saw or heard recordings. For what it’s worth, I did find numerous references by LK on COTH to the video taken “outside the house” and how that would be a GAMECHANGER. Funny that. Said video was said to not to have existed at trial. Hmmmm…


Considering that LK admitted under oath on the stand that she lies a lot on social media, maybe it’s time to apply this theory to the whole subject of her posts about her guns:



Didn’t she testify that she has ONE gun, a Walthur, and that’s it? She had another on layaway and never picked it up. Uh-huh.


Did you take screenshots in real time of her posts or later? She deleted a ton of things that I recall seeing and can no longer find.

mB’s meds, cameras, JK and contracts, and MB’s conversations in the office…


Real time. It was after people started talking about what a wack-a-doodle she was and she started replying insisting her story was consistent while others said it was not. Sept 2020 or so onwards. Then she started liking my posts and I stopped following for awhile because I was freaked out (and because we got into a real nasty COVID surge and work didn’t allow me free time for much).

I remember vividly looking at her FB while she was still hospitalized but I don’t recall screenshotting anything. Tried to see if I did, but I didn’t - at least not on my phone.