Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

By the same token, others may decline to read repetitive posts. :roll_eyes:




Contractors, engineers, architects, all can easily have “bad checks” issues go to court; issue checks to pay subcontractors, only to find out they did inferior, unlicensed, or incomplete work, they don’t respond to your repeated calls, and you put a “stop check” on the check, and they sue you in court. Doesn’t mean the contractor was wrong. There are RGs around every corner, and some accidently start to get paid, before their work is caught. MHG’s ex may very well have very legitimate reasons why someone is claiming they were written a bad check when in fact, they werent necessarily. CH of course has no experience which would inform her of such possibilities, she just repeats what she’s been told to post, ignorant of how people actually handle swindlers and con artists.


Agreed. There could be plenty of legit reasons happening. What is not cool though, is someone who has written countless posts chastising people for “trashing” the ninja and her self admitted plots was so quick to bring in a little bit of gossip not even about MHG, but about her ex, who has zero connection to this case.


I think its a dirty move CH talking about MHG, her ex, her children, her relationship. CH can talk about her version of LK all she wants, but why bad mouth MHG? She doesn’t know her. Its just nasty.


People talk about every member of LK’s family, her friends, her ex-boyfriends, her lawyers. Kind of living in a glass house to throw stones at CH for discussing others caught up in the situation.

Maybe none of us should be talking about any of this. Maybe the best way we can help is to stop and think before posting on SM. “Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?”

Well. I’m going to try to think about it.

Everyone caught up in this situation has been traumatized. USEF and USDF and SafeSport are working with a situation that is far from the normal horrors they see daily. Maybe Alison Brock used her personal connections to help LK relocate. Maybe she and the others testified on behalf of MB both to help a friend and point out this is not normal.

I really wish everyone caught up in this well. I hope to read about them all progressing, showing, training, and being happy in their lives. It will be difficult but it is possible. I hope everyone gets the help they need.

Ok. I’m going to fade away for a while to muddle about my own post.


How come it’s ok when YOU connect the dots but not when anyone else does it?

When we do that you comment on our fantasies.


Oh so NOW you want kindness?!

No. This bell cannot be unrung. Kindness disappeared with LKs first threat.


IS USEF/USDF/SS actually doing anything though? Obviously they did something re MB, but I’m not sure if they give a toss about LK? I haven’t seen anything that indicates that they do, or that they don’t really. I haven’t been paying as close attention as others have, I’ll admit.

Also, SS sees a fair bit of horrors I imagine. I don’t know that there is a “normal” there. Perhaps they see more of a certain type or complaint, but none of it is “normal” I would say.


I was on a grand jury a long time ago, and we just had to vote for an indictment (true bill) that means that a majority of the juries believed there was enough evidence to take the person to trial, no beyond a reasonable doubt like a criminal jury.

We only heard the prosecutors, and the witnesses they wanted to present to us. The defendant (or target) had the right to appear, but they couldn’t have their attorney in the grand jury hearing room with them.


I thought we were “minions.”


Well, it’s about time that LaLaPopRider shows up and joins the conversation with those two.


That ship sailed a long time ago.


Wait. What?!?

Were you thinking that all the times you posted your long list of imagined reasons why MB had gone downhill?

Or when you posted recently about his “loss of virility,” or whatever phrase you used?

Was that true?

Was that kind?

Was that necessary?

I think not.


More and more like the T-1000 flailing around and changing forms while melting in the pool of hot metal at the end of Terminator 2.


Ooh, sharp analogy


T 1000?

OMG now I love you!!


[quote=“Knights_Mom, post:7873, topic:771580, full:true”]

LOL, I have referred to LK as a Terminator or T-1000 a few times on this thread (I think it was on this thread). She won’t stop, she can’t stop, it is what her brain is programmed to do and she will continue to do it throughout the rest of her life. She can only fill up that big, black hole in her own soul by destroying others, and she cannot stay away from SM because that is the only thing that provides relevance to her own miserable existence.


Agreed. That one was well beyond the horizon even before CH’s recent epically humiliating stunt.

You’re asking the ‘rules for thee, but not for me’ crowd so, keep that in mind. :roll_eyes:

HH was also the one who passive-aggressively tried to snark at me for long posts while lapping up the twaddle novellas constantly posted by CH, and also suggested I use the lying face as my signature emoji while being completely silent on CH’s Big Lie reveal.

I think both CH (whilst) and HH (YOY) also made fun of @erinmeri’s correct use of a legitimate English term (the former) and typo (the latter).

Given CH’s thumbless grasp of not only the English, but also the Latin, language…well, what is the Latin for:

O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us;
To see oursels as ithers see us!

Double standards, deflection, and goal posts on wheels is the name of their game! :rofl:


Them’s fightin’ words!! :rofl:

I’m not, but I am a native English speaker who speaks a slightly different version of English than NA English. Seeing them try to mock @erinmeri for her absolutely correct and normal usage was a true guffaw. Even more so given CH’s own, um, imaginative use of two different languages here. :rofl: