Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Thanks for sharing your personal perspective on this issue.

Just fyi, only a small handful of posters ever made an issue out of this. Not the mods. None of my posts were flagged… because all I did was ask a question, and make a few general observations. And when I made general observations… I made a point of saying that not ALL members of a specific ethnic community, in a specific region of the U.S. were ‘connected,’ - of course not. Just some,

But one poster did get FURIOUS with me. And told me to stop toeing up to some sort of theoretical offensive line, that they alone had drawn. They specifically were concerned about three posts I wrote mentioning a community who has origins tied to people who came from the country of Italy.

A separate poster got very angry about posts made concerning a different community, that is both ethnic and religious in nature. I think there were only three posts on the topic. One in particular contained some general background information concerning allegations of community ties to organized crime. I wasn’t even the person who made that post, but another account proceeded to accuse me of it… over and over and over… anyway.

One particular poster got so angry about one single particular post, she:

  1. Emailed the prosecutor related to this case to report “hate speech”
  2. Contacted USEF and SafeSport, theoretically to report other forum users
  3. Contacted a random synagogue in Leesburg, VA. According to her righteously outraged comment… the poster wanted that synagogue to contact people at COTH headquarters (in Middleburg) so that they could all address the alleged issue of anti semiotic hate speech on the COTH forums.

Honestly… that was a whole new level of breathtaking crazy on these forums.

So there you go. :woman_shrugging:

Sorry if my post read strangely. I’m just being careful with my exact words, because if I don’t, the INSANE harassment from three or four other posters will begin all over again.

I’m really tired of the darn harassment and these weird nutty people who deliberately twist things out of context, repeatedly. I guess I could use the ignore function. But… I really never do on the forums. Because I always thought the point of participating in a discussion forum is to have discussions. (I know, I know… that’s a really naive way of thinking…)


Iirc was it his left hand, in other words this image is reversed?

Interesting bruising.

Fantastic. Thank you.

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I’m guessing this is some sort of a glitch post, since my post that you quoted did not suggest any such thing.


Yeah that’s not at all what I quoted. I quoted the post asking for the picture of the injured hand

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If there were, as you insist - HUNDREDS of posts saying exactly that, then it should be extremely easy to link to at least 25 or so - via thread title and post number… or even by way of screen captures… to prove me wrong. I can live with being wrong and would admit that I was in error.

There may have been hundreds of posts noting that calling CPS or CPS arriving was the last straw - but not about alleged sexual abuse to the kids - perhaps a few - but that was it. IMO that was also suggested at the trial a couple of times… once when the prosecution tried to slide George Morris into the mix as a good friend of MB… hint, hint…


Seriously, anyone who is at all interested should take the two minutes to enter the names of both parents at this website.

Apple, tree, etc.




Meh. BB wackiness. :woman_shrugging:

My apologies @MHM. I can’t even find the other one now!

There were some posters who started speculating and getting very excited about mobs and ethnic groups. It was creepy and extremely offensive. It has apparently been reported outside of these forums. Of course, the ones who were offended are being ridiculed and called harassers. It is a new low even for this bunch.

I haven’t mentioned it but I also found it highly offensive and flagged a couple of those posts for the moderators.

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I see a gofundme has been set up:


Oh, I figured it out eventually. It just seemed like a complete non sequitur when he threw that name out at first.

No trouble.

As my father used to say, if that’s the worst thing that happens to me today, that’s not a terrible day. Lol.


I thought the difference between the 2 was NGI proved that he didn’t have criminal intent. Isn’t that different then the state proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he committed the crime?


FYI smoofox, CH will call people out, and accuse them of any number of things, during the discussions on the Barisone threads on these forums, but CH won’t bother to actually go back through posts, quote specific content, and definitively prove/substantiate these accusations they keep on making.


This is CHs MO on these threads. CH did it to me… REPEATEDLY.

Soooo… I went back and quoted my own posts to prove that CH was being disingenuous and twisting them. Eventually, CH took one small half step backwards… and said that their ‘initial reaction’ and ‘interpretation’ upon first reading my posts was that I must have ‘meant’ a certain thing… soooo… CH still felt justified in lobbing out nasty accusations.


Oh well. At least we can all now see how CH is making accusations of ‘lying’ with respect to a several of the people who have been participating on these threads… and again… not backing up these accusations with actual quoted content. More of the same old tired game.


I have a theory too @Sparrowette!

I think Rosie bit him badly enough to need stitches. Especially since no surgery was ever mentioned during the trial!


yeah, if it had been related, they would have mentioned it.
The prosecutor at least…seeing that MB didn’t bite.


Why don’t you quote the specific posts you are talking about? Back up these vague allegations you are making?

For the record… I have not been contacted by a moderator about a single post I have made on this thread. Perhaps because I didn’t violate any rules.