Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Real estate is almost always a good investment unless your junkie tenants try addled renovations. Buying a house you can afford is going to make you a profit. Where I live $500,000 would barely get you a condo.

As far as the inner finances we won’t know anything unless it comes out in the various lawsuits. We have evidence of lots of money for hobbies but none of this is stratospheric billionaire level.

I am really curious if LK and team will proceed with their civil suit. I can’t see it working out in her favor. I’m torn between wanting it to fade out for MB’s sake and wanting a continuation of the LK shtshow with all kinds of revelations. Watching at a distance the Depp defamation trial, it’s obvious nothing is off limits in a civil suit.

The hungry shark personal injury litigators who work on commission don’t take on cases out of the goodness of their hearts if they don’t think a big win is highly likely.


The OTTB? Can’t think of his name but he’s chestnut.

Edited to remove confusing initials that are irrelevant to everything.


I get that.

(Tangent alert.)

It just seems like the implied expectation that RG should be a factor in providing her future financial stability is similar to the idea that LK should have been afraid of MB instead of the other way around.

It just shows how ingrained some ideas still are in our society.


Yes, did he die?

Not that I’m aware of but I haven’t spoken to anyone who rides out there in a long time.
Unrelated but Dr. K’s Arabian boarded there turned 34 this year.
Edit: I used to ride said Arabian up until he bowed a tendon. And it’s not the one that cracked my liver :joy:


I just wonder if such a person might have gotten a little bit of an eye-opener between the testimony in the trial and then the verdict. :thinking:


My thoughts are LK was such a wild child, always getting into serious trouble, that when she showed an interest in horses they may have thought she’d finally found a passion that would keep her out of trouble. That’s wonderful if that is what they financed, but they either failed to realize or didn’t believe the psychological issues this woman has when they responded to her equine whims. The support and money will eventually dry up. Hitting rock bottom will be very hard for this woman. It is still curious that she is prohibited from the family home.




I have to say that this is the one quality I see in LK that I appreciate. She honestly seems to care about her horses.


Who is LW and FR?

Civil litigators - and I know many many are voracious sharks who literally sing for their supper. Because their paycheck is directly linked to performance they often are over the top. One of the best ones I knew basically fried his own brain and is now in Florida and a shell of the man he was and is barely coherent.


It is fun to guess where LK’s money actually comes from.
When the civil trial starts we will find that information, and lots of other stuff out.


What will come out during any civil trial will be earth shattering for anyone looking to hide anything.


So, fwiw, I just went back through LK and RK’s testimony. Mr B, on cross exam, asks her,

“is it a fact that you, your boyfriend, and your father were planning on suing Michael Barisone prior to that?”

LK: “Not that I recall but I don’t remember what would be suing him before prior to that.”

Mr B: Do you recall talking to your dad about suing them for approximately two hundred thousand dollars?

LK: I do not but I don’t recall that actually.

Mr B: Is it your sworn testimony that as you sit here today you have no recollection prior to the shooting of talking to either your boyfriend or your father about suing Michael Barisone?

LK: It is my sworn testimony that I at this time do not recall that especially amounts.

Mr B: Now did you have a plan to destroy Michael Barisone?

LK: at some point yes

So, RG on cross exam:

Mr B: Were you planning on suing Michael Barisone before?

RG: I think the purpose of the attorney was to work out and continue our original deal.

(Note, RG was a little squirmy answering this.)

It appears that suing them was in the cards even before the shooting. For what, I have no earthly idea. But Mr B asked both of them this after discussing the secret tapes and the taped conversation with ED. So my gut tells me that transcript is enlightening for the current civil suits.


I’m a little surprised Mr. B did not show her the receipts/texts at that point as he did many other times.


Well, considering LK’s top 5 litigator went on CourtTV and called the jury insane, I’m guessing no.

Now Mr Deininger, on the other hand is probably chomping at the bit (so to speak) to question LK, RG, et al.


Those questions were right after the conversation about the secret recordings. There was a sidebar in which the actual recording/transcript was probably excluded.


Ah, that would make sense. No such luck for them in the civil trial, I would think.

It occurs to me that any drinking game during that trial that involved the word “recall” would have been the death of most of us.


Every recording, every text, every damn thing will come out.


I would think not as well. And if I were Mr D, I’d subpoena ED. He’s already testified RG wasn’t his client, so confidentiality doesn’t apply to that secretly recorded meeting.