Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I almost felt a little sorry for that guy. I’m guessing he did not get a vote on whether he was involved in the case, or how it was going to proceed.


This seems like the most pausible reason for LK to have been doing all this, of anything postulated. She was probably setting MB and the entire farm situation up to sue him. For the shoddy living conditions. For who knows what, and how she was doing it, but maybe it was for litigation.


I know someone whose father bought Microsoft stock at the very, very beginning. He had also made money developing software for the financial industry way back in the mainframe era. And made some real estate investments in places like NYC, Hawaii, FL, and other places. The family was “well-to-do” while the kids were growing up, but the big pay-offs from the investments came as the kids reached college-age. They all have trust funds, at least two of the four kids have never really worked, and all the grandkids have education trusts (private schools, incl. Ivy League). The grandkids will also have other reliable sources of income for when they come of age. The 2nd generation folks that I know are worth millions in their own right, and say their kids will be even richer when the family trust sells a couple pieces of real estate that have increased in value exponentially over the years.

So yeah, it is entirely possible the K’s wealth came from good stock and/or real estate investments way back when.

[Edited because I mistakenly said IBM stock. It was Microsoft stock.] :grinning:


If he had been released before the trial, or when he is cleared by state mental health people and released, would he have to be released to a “custodian”? One that is actually in the state of NJ?

When I met her she had two, a green OTTB she paid other people to ride and a schoolmaster hunter horse that had to be put down. Then she got Symphony.


Did anyone have any clue as to whether she had a job back then? Or was it always the parents buying the horses?

Symphony looked like a nice enough mover, and quiet, consistent, good citizen, in the one video posted.


At the time she said she had a job, I don’t remember what but it involved some travel, dressing up, and bathroom selfies.
Symphony is a good egg. A been there, done that kind of ride.


Interesting… :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Symphony did seem like a nice mare to me. Too bad about the chronic cellulitis. But it seems they are trying to provide her good care. So I’ll give credit for that :slight_smile:


She still has an elder citizen in full board in NC who is well taken care of last I heard.


I wouldn’t hold my breath. Note the time signature of last visits by certain individuals.


You’d think that someone who was a school principal would know how to spell it.


In my experience with folks who exhibit similar behaviours, I’d guess everything started out with the end goal being Olympic dreams and adulation from everyone with unicorns and such. When that unicorn failed to arrive, that’s when thoughts of retribution and punishment barged in and took over.


I don’t care to keep such close track. Lol.


Warren Buffet lives in a modest house in Omaha


They obvs have a blind spot for this adult child’s issues. Maybe the fla house is the last gift ,though it’s not wholly hers. It’s a place they know where she is and generally can influence her with their strings. Maybe this is the cost of enabling this person.


Omaha?!? Huh.

Is that his point of origin?

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I agree. I imagine it’s an attempt to provide her some long term security. I don’t blame them for that. Not at all. Her criminal history with the assault and burglary makes the odds of landing a decent paying job a bit grim.

Clearly RG will not be providing any long term financial security for LK.


Point of order/general comment.

Why should he? Why should anyone?


It is a quintessentially American story. Of a modest man who was a brilliant investor.

I think modest is NOT an apt description of the K family .

Back to Buffet. People love to mention his home, but in all fairness… Buffet has gone a lot of upgrading to that modest home since he bought it. It is now over 6500 sq ft. He regarded the home as one of his “best investments.”

Here’s a cool video about it :slight_smile:


I didn’t mean to imply that he should.

But if I were her parent… I’d worry about what will happen when she reaches old age. What then? She’s pushing 40, and has a criminal record but no real professional resume. And RG doesn’t seem to be helping the situation…