Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Nope. Just some OTTBs.


If I recall correctly, RG also said during his testimony that they couldn’t afford to pay for board and training of all four horses, hence the working agreement. So that also goes against the “unlimited means.”


I wonder if she periodically sits around at night watching the video of her testimony and thinks she was “smart and clever”?


He also specifically said that they couldn’t afford rent in NJ and wouldn’t have gone if they’d had to pay for a place to live.


According to someone who claimed to have met them in FL, RG told them that JK wasn’t willing to pay for anything in NJ beyond the horses, so they had to work out the agreement to get the living space for themselves and later, more horses.



I did find IMs comments about SGF theoretically agreeing that they owe RG something, and how SGFs insurance will pay out because they were negligent with respect to guns on the premises

 that actually sounded to me like, “Hush up everyone. We just want this all to be settled and walk away with some cash in hand.”

What will they do if MB says “NOPE.” And it all goes to court?

It seems like there is some anxiety and posturing happening now on La-las Instagram.


I think this is what I am remembering.

 the easy translation is that as of 2019, in the months before the shooting, JK capped the monthly cash outflow that he was willing to contribute to the Dressage diva lifestyle at $5000 .


I’ll give her a pass on that. I didn’t get a degree of any sort (though I did pass a real estate agent series of courses if that counts, but didn’t follow through), one of my brothers, has two degrees and a masters. I hated school and didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up, still don’t.


Lose again, most likely, and possibly have a judgement to pay! D’oh!


I wonder if the plan for suing RC was to try to take her half of MHG’s horse? Remember all the horse stealing comments as part of the motive? Projection?


Oh - I definitely don’t judge skipping a degree. There are many ways to have great, productive, professional careers without one. I just think in this particular family, there was an expectation of getting a degree or doing something productive. The others all appear to be a driven, professional bunch. LK? She didn’t even finish her program of study at Hollis. And has had next to no identifiable professional experience since then.


Well, I’d guess that she was a better stripper than I would have been at that age—of course, I couldn’t afford implants and would have just spent the $$ on horses, anyway.


I also wonder if the choice to buy a home in Florida for LK might have been a strategic one on JKs part. Above and beyond just something LK wanted, in terms of burrowing into the horse scene there. If she does come out on the losing end of the civil suit she launched, and has to pay off some of MBs attorney fees
 she can declare bankruptcy, but keep the equity in that home.


She testified she had been in a car accident. That settlement could be part of it. Invested well and left alone for a number of years it could have some value now.

Never mind cancel the above LOL after reading subsequent posts.


LexinVa commented a little further back that it was a single vehicle accident - she hit a tree, while driving distracted.


Maybe she was the passenger?

I re-watched that video yesterday. From the looks on the faces of the prosecutors during the cross-exam, I don’t think they thought she was “smart and clever.” The assistant prosecutor was stone-faced, as though he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Shellhorn (sp?) could barely conceal his dismay at times as he watched his star witness making a fool of herself on the stand. And apparently the jury felt the same way.


Not if she’s an owner, depending on the laws of FLA. JK as owner may impact that, or may not. I don’t know NJ or FLA laws at all.

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I may have to rewatch it

hmmmmm, maybe not! :neutral_face:

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Key detail on Florida bankruptcy law:

“In bankruptcy, the Florida homestead exemption allows a primary residence of unlimited value to be protected from creditors as long as the debtor has lived in Florida for 40 months or more, and the property is not larger than half an acre in a municipality or 160 acres elsewhere.”