Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

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Yep, I have seen that happen a few times with trust fund folks I know. Sadly the third generation often grows up with a tremendous sense of entitlement and no real understanding of the hard work that went into building the wealth they are benefitting from. And no sense of responsibility to help GROW the wealth instead of blow through itā€¦ In their minds, it is there to allow them to play their whole lives and not have to hold down a job.


I recall someone quoting LK from years back saying sheā€™d won the lotto, that was where her money came from. Never corroborated and I donā€™t believe it because her fatherā€™s obviously paying for everything now.

However, people in financial services can sometimes make very good investments on their own that pay off big time. If youā€™ve already got a comfortable upper middle class lifestyle you arenā€™t necessarily going to want or be able to jack up into the millionaire lifestyle in late middle age just because some of your investments paid off insanely well.

I think a more interesting question is whether Dad can be held financially liable for Adult Childā€™s damages to others. In this case Dad was negotiating terms and paying the bills, so he is definitely up close in the causal chain that landed and kept Child in this situation.


In all seriousness, I do know someone who had a civil case against whichever state entity is responsible for freeway/highway maintenance and tree planting. She doesnā€™t remember the incident but one guess is she fell asleep or lost control of the car while driving on the freeway and plowed into a tree. It was very devastating, she was in a coma for a chunk of time, had massive brain trauma, and had to relearn how to read and speak. I lost touch with her a couple years ago, so I donā€™t know if the case went through, but the basis was that the entity responsible for tree planting had the trees planted much closer to the edge of the road than was allowed by law :woman_shrugging:


Once again, letā€™s review:

Who was the source of that information? Was it LK, the one who testified under oath on the witness stand that she lies a lot on social media?


Iā€™ll have to go back and rewatch the doctorā€™s testimony - I donā€™t remember either. In one of LKā€™s very early posts, she said she was shot in both lungs, but after that she kept the discussion to primarily two shots in one lung.


I do know a person who did that.

I donā€™t know his whole life story, but my understanding is that he came from pretty normal means before he started managing hedge funds or something, and by the time his kids were old enough to show, they each had a couple of very nice ponies, and theyā€™ve continued to have multiple very nice horses for the 20 or so years that Iā€™ve known them. So itā€™s not impossible, although it probably does not happen all the time.


LK said on the stand - in her own muddled fashion, that suggests a lie - that she got hurt in college, playing sports, and got hooked on painkillers, but there is no record of her playing sports at Hollins or being involved in anything remotely dangerous, as far as student activities go. In fact, thereā€™s nothing that comes up with her name at Hollins, beyond her having a registered PO Box in what was probably the student mail center.


Maybe her parents are her winning the lotto?
Kinda like her response to the question about where daddyā€™s money comes from, ā€œthe bankā€.


Honestly, itā€™s just yet another example of how the story kept changing all the time.


I think you are onto the truthā€¦ and that Dad made really smart investments in the 90ā€™s, and once he reached a certain ageā€¦ maybe they could afford to tap some of these investments without tax consequences. And they chose to support their daughter. Who never finished college, went through a seriously rough patch with an early divorce, repeated run ins with the law, those significant burglary charges, and of course struggling with addiction along the way. And RG clearly was no parentā€™s idea of an ideal fiancĆ©. Her sisters both seem to have married professional, successful guysā€¦ who fit with their careers and backgrounds. So perhaps Mom and Dad wanted to support LKā€™s Dressage aspirations in/around 2016, which theoretically provided some meaningful direction to her life. And used their own investment money to buy her a few horses and pay for some training.

But there were comments on one of the threads that prior to the shooting, JK had been talking about slowing the flow of water from the spigot, so to speak. :thinking: I wonder if they regrouped post shooting, and sincerely believed there would be a big civil payout because of the liquidation of MBs assets, after he lost a criminal case and the civil case moves to a position of ā€˜advantage Kanarek.ā€™

I wonder what happens now and if MB can financially hang in there to fight the civil litigation battle? Can he add JKā€™s name to the counterclaim suit?


Maybe they are hoping to become the new Kardashians.

I have never watched or understood the whole Kardashian thing, so maybe Iā€™m off base, I donā€™t know.


There was an obscene amount of money to be made by white collar personals in the 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s. In totally legit ways. Doctors and lawyers were raking it in hand over fist. There is a good chance JK came by huge amounts of dough through that time period doing nothing more shady than working as a lawyer at that time. Really, it was madness. (Sadly I missed that time period :pensive:). That being said, if he put that money in various financial places, including real estate investments, he could absolutely have lots of easily liquid investments. His keeping his name on the fla property tells me that he doesnā€™t completely trust his daughter to not do something silly.

Also if the parents helped the other two out with college costs, they may feel this is the equivalent of that same tuition benefit that the others took advantage of.

None of this is to say they arenā€™t nuttier than trail mixā€¦


I could understand the logic of that idea. But presumably the other two have not continued to go to college for the last 20 years.


Dunnoā€¦.but I seem to recall IM saying that JK wasnā€™t paying the legal fees for thatā€¦.so I assume that he has no power to actually stop the suit, even without MB having filed a counter suit. I guess the bills were being taken care of on a contingency basis. I wonder how much that will affect things going forward. I bet that there is yet another lawyer who is going to find out the hard way what kind of mess they just walked intoā€¦.


She did H/J before Dressage, correct?
And that came about, when?
She didnā€™t have a string of Hunters?


Maybe that, combined with the bottle of Dom, was the source of the civil lawyerā€™s rant.


I hear you, but families will justifyā€¦


All good points, and I agree. With all that saidā€¦ this isnā€™t exactly a sustainable situation. Sheā€™s allegedly got 6 horses in board in Florida right now. Thatā€™s a significant cash outflow. If the civil suit doesnā€™t play out as anticipated, Daddy might tell Princess itā€™s time to sell a few ponies.

I think the idea that sheā€™s truly a trust fund baby? Nope nope nope. Just look up the parental home address. And view public images. He may have been smart and careful and squirreled away great investment money. But LK is not like a few other notable names wandering around the South Florida equestrian scene. Itā€™s just the image she wants to projectā€¦ that sheā€™s a ā€œwoman of unlimited means.ā€


I donā€™t know anything about her riding history other than what has been posted here.