Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Sounds like the party was not at the parents’ house.


RE: the whole inpatient psych bed thing.

If you want to read a devastating story; Google Gus Deeds and Creigh Deeds. Or read this:


Nice kid from nice family with financial resources develops mental health issues in his early 20s, struggles to get help, eventually has a full fledged psychotic break, Dad took kid to ER to try to have him involuntarily committed, magistrate couldn’t issue a temporary detention order to someone experiencing a mental health crisis unless a bed in a facility was located. Kid was released after authorities said they couldn’t find a bed for him within the six hours allotted by law. Later the same day of his release, he stabbed his father multiple times and took his own life.

Couldn’t find him an inpatient bed in any facility, when he’s in a full blown psychotic episode, and a magistrate has agreed to the involuntary commitment because he’s clearly a danger to himself and others.

These weren’t poor people without insurance or other resources.


It is only OK when she does it. Or makes up that she does it? Who knows.
I guess I should say that it is only OK when she says she does it. Other people, not allowed.
It is also only OK when she threatens people with it.


Am I the only person here who reads these types of screeds and automatically assumes the opposite is the reality? That every time I read “fact” my brain translates that to “big ole whopper, that”


You’re correct.

But here’s the odd thing. There is no evidence of a family company. Kirby has a linked in account. Looks like she has worked most her adult life, but had a few career changes along the way. She did work for CIT group at some point - which makes sense, as I believe they are headquartered in that area. She also got a series 7 license at some point. Which also makes sense. It seems that Livingston Twnshp. is a bedroom community to NYC, and the financial district is a major employer. She also was an assistant principal of an elementary school for a while, and operated her own children’s dance studio.

As for JK, he graduated w/ a law degree in the late 70’s, from Hofstra, and was licensed to practice in NY. I’m not sure about anywhere else. He has public photos up on sm, and mentioned he worked for EF Hutton in the 80’s. EF Hutton not only went through legal scandals, but financial ones in the 80’s. Following the ‘87 stock market crash, they merged with Shearson Lehman/American Express. But there was an exodus of brokers following the merger, many leaving to join competitors. In the early 90’s, American Express dropped out, and the merged firm became Lehman Brothers.

So who knows what JK did after working for EF Hutton in the 80’s. There is no public info. But… it does not seem there was some sort of family business or inherited wealth. It seems he was someone who was a white collar professional, with a law degree, working in the financial district of NYC.

Then there is the family home purchased in ‘93. It’s in a nice bedroom community of NYC, with many upper middle class residents. It’s an hour long commute by public transit into NYC. Sooooo… it’s a reasonable guess that JKs career was tied to the financial district.

There is no public information out there that shows JK climbed to the top of the Wall Street food chain. And, they still own and live in the same single family home they purchased in 1993. It also seems, from what little information I have seen, that the children attended public schools.

By all appearances, they are thoroughly professional, upper middle class family, who values education, and has pursued white collar careers in the greater NYC area.

Also… consider that there are 3 daughters in this family. Not one. And if there was a trust established by a very rich relative from a generation prior to JK and Kirby… there likely would have been three of those trusts - one for each daughter.

So what about LKs two sisters? What are they doing with all their income from the theoretical trust funds? Which seems to be over $100,000 per year, given LKs lifestyle? Well… it’s not hard to look both of them up via a quick Google search. Both seem to be very well educated women, who followed through on college, and have worked hard in the greater NYC area, and have gotten good careers going for themselves. Good for them! But neither seem to be living the life of a trust fund child. Both are pursuing full time careers.

Anyway… just thought I’d spell it all out. The only indication of any sort of trust fund with this family seems to come from LK herself. And the significant amounts of money involved in supporting her horse habit, which must come from SOMEWHERE… even though she and RG have no identifiable source of income.

At this point, I think the other possibility… that the source of money is from litigation or legal settlements at some prior time? That has to be considered. And… I wonder if the litigation was specific to LK. It doesn’t seem like anyone else in that family experienced a significant windfall recently. Their profiles are consistent. But LK? At one point, over a decade ago, she was allegedly working as a dancer somewhere in NC. But now? Now she has 6 figures a year of disposable income, for multiple years in a row, to spend on a Dressage hobby.

It’s all a bit strange.


Creigh sued the state too.


That use of “vindicated”… :thinking:


I wonder what the parents of those assorted kids would have thought about her assault charge.


Didn’t she have a bad auto accident after which she became addicted? Maybe that’s the source, the accident?


Did the assaults charge happen before that time or after that time?

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I’m not sure of the timing. Maybe she did the asst. principal thing while the girls were still young? The assault charge was from 2006? I think?

From what I recall, the newspaper said that she plowed her brand new Acura Integra into a tree. There was no mention of any other party in the accident and it was a case - per her own admission - of distracted driving. She took her eyes off the road while reaching down to find something in her Integra, hit a curb at high speed, lost control of the vehicle, and plowed through shrubbery before smashing right into a tree.


In NY this requires a degree in Educational Administration either as a post teaching in classroom option (ie a Masters degree), or an alternative to classroom as a certification.


Is that true for a private school too?
I understood private schools had different rules.


No. One of my DHs friends kids has four year degree, no teachers cert., no masters and is an Assist Principal in a Charter in NYC.


Interesting. She did say that the auto accident was the source of the addiction. But… I’m not sure that anyone knows when this crash first happened. From her record though, it’s clear LK was having issues with the law all the way back in 99… when her first assault charge happened in NJ. And there was an underange drinking charge on her record as well in NJ.

Personally… I think there were problems before this supposed auto accident. And whatever happened with the wreck that necessitated pain pills? Well… she clearly had recovered enough to work as a dancer in NC at some point in the early aughts. Soooo… it’s not like she was wheelchair bound, which would have made a multi million dollar settlement make sense.


It’s all an interesting mystery to me. And honestly, the public info about the rest of the family members professional backgrounds? Wow. LK sticks out. Big time. She didn’t even get a college degree. I think one of the sisters went to NYU law school.


Maybe she sued the tree for getting in her way… :upside_down_face:


Holy cow. You are so good at digging up background information. It’s impressive.


Rather than moving on from the loss at the trial, (yes, LOSS) they partied, which is perfectly normal for a holiday weekend, and then posted the photos on SM with hashtags screaming for attention. Incredible. Such a lovely all American family.


How would they know any of us are Instagram friends with her?

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