Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

As @MorganSercu said, I understood her to be Christian AND her message referenced the New Testament, so I took my guess.

But, to have someone coming on here to reference a holy book of any kind and celebration of at least 2 religious holidays, and to have her daughters take time out of those family celebrations for crude, vulgar pictures is just :astonished: and speaks volumes about that group of people.


Actually Catholic Easter is based on the Spring equinox while Orthodox Easter is based on Passover. My Russian friends celebrate Easter this coming Sunday.


IIRC, the PI testified that that thick file was only the preliminary report. He asked MB if he wanted him to dig deeper and MB said “no”.


So were they giving the finger to their own parents’ observance of religious holidays? How charming.


Good point. I have several Orthodox colleagues. We joke about how they get their Christmas & Easter shopping done at clearance prices!


Good morning @Knights_Mom. Thanks for the morning laugh—I went to check on Lara’s GFM progress and laughed out loud! :wink::joy:


I saw that too. LOVED it!


No, not exactly.

They were giving the finger toward gun violence, attempted murder, and their “haters”…I assume. It just so happened that the picture was taken and/or posted on a holiday weekend.

I don’t know why anyone would be surprised by their behaviors and classy ways(sarcasm), at this point.

Granted, if you’re not this type of person, it’s hard to imagine.


That’s a super interesting find about the presence of malice with respect to a tort, etc.

Trying to analyze how a civil case might play out with this situation makes my head hurt. I have to think there is significant complexity and uncertainty though. I don’t know much about how lawyers work in situations like this - I’ve had the good fortune to not ever have been involved in personal litigation matters - just worked on a team in support of some business litigation situations years ago. Anyway… I wonder if the lawyers involved will truly continue to work on a pure contingency basis in this matter (assuming that’s what they were doing up until this point)? I would assume not, after a certain point.

I can understand if, in the beginning, when it seemed like a slam dunk personal injury case, that LKs civil attorneys might have been working entirely on a contingency basis when they were still confident he would plead guilty to something in relation to the shooting, or be found guilty at trial.

But now that the situation has shifted… and it’s a potentially far more complex litigation matter than it originally seemed… I wonder if her lawyer can switch gears and go to a billable hours situation in preparation for the next phase?


Ok, I am dense. What did you see that is funny? :confused:


K.M. Vacuumer is my guess.

Lauren & friends are possibly writing down names to report to USEF or to sue. But you have more options than anonymous or your real name appearing.


^^^ yep!

I didn’t know you could choose anything other than your name or anonymous.

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Ah, I didn’t see that at first. But now I do! :+1:


I would assume there is a contract. Do those contracts have an out for the lawyer?

I thought someone posted upthread (or maybe it was some other thread in my life) that you post as anonymous and then when you get the email about your donation you can go back and use that to edit it.


I can’t quite remember, but I think there was actually an extra little twist…

They are giving the finger to the supporters of gun violence… or something like that.

One can only assume that anyone who is not on their side has somehow been labeled a “supporter of gun violence.”

Oh well. Sometimes folks are stressed, and just need a straw man to flip off.

And then of course, there was the repeated emphasis on how he is going to be locked up in a max security psych facility. But like everyone else, I’m sure LK is wondering how long that situation might last. And is stressed.


That’s exactly what I am wondering.

It’s just idle curiosity in general on my part. :woman_shrugging: But it seems like lawyers must draw up contracts for their services with certain outs, for when litigation situations run into unexpected complications, and get much more complicated.


So, when you shoot at your boyfriend and his motorcycle, that is not gun violence, right?


Asking for a friend? :wink:


Oh… good point!

I guess it was just a big nothing burger.

But when MB ALLEGEDLY shot at RG? Oh. That was not a nothing burger. That was attempted murder.

Good thing for our legal system and a jury of his peers.


Was there a corresponding pic showing a thumbs up for psychological violence? :upside_down_face: