Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I’m not sure what you’re referring to?

The background check MB did was thick enough it could take a couple hours to explain.


I know. No proof for me. CH has crawled back under their bridge, and is taking a moment to sidebar with whoever it is that is super ANGRY about this discussion we have all been having.

It seems certain people don’t like it that I doubted the current narrative concerning the underlying financial situation, and wondered if they were over representing their net worth. CH certainly was agitated. Very agitated.

Which is interesting.


Wow, wow, wow. Again, any decent family would be ashamed that this is what they raised and what they value. Holy moly. :astonished:

If you are with your beloved family celebrating the holidays and, what was it, ‘the love that surpasseth’ and you take time to post vulgar things to instagram aimed at an internet BB - well, here is actual proof of people ‘living rent-free’ in other people’s heads, and it’s the opposite of what’s claimed here. I can’t imagine anyone else included vulgarities to this family in their own holiday snaps. Their heads must be above occupancy limits with rent-free boarders!

I wonder what the mum thinks of her girls proudly posting the middle finger on the holiest of holidays? Is this what Jesus would do, I wonder? Unless the sanctimony she shares here is reserved for others.

Again, who does that? Can you imagine being a grown person with any kind of accomplishments or reputation to your name and posting stuff like that? In your holiday pics?

The mind reels.


her posts on SM with all the bathroom pictures and the remark ‘does not involve prostitution’
her means of making money. When I mention the current outlet for such endeavors it gets flagged and removed…


Ohhhhhhhh. Lol!

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Agree… Thank God I was brought up by decent law abiding parents… who taught me ethics and morals… I find all things Kanarek stunning.


We’re you responding to someone else?

No. Not at all what I’m saying.


I don’t think you are using sycophant correctly.

Is this recent? Post shooting? Or just before? I have learned to always read her posts as saying the opposite of the truth. I mean who feels the need to say their income source “does not involve prostitution?”

And women drug addicts are very often sex trade adjacent for a number of practical reasons. On the other hand, women do age out of the more lucrative aspects of sex trade and sex trade adjacent occupations.

I havent seen you mention anything that got flagged on here, maybe I missed it. There is an internet site called something like just air-conditioning :slight_smile: that I’ve never tried exploring. But everything I’ve read about the air-conditioning site suggests it’s really hard work, and you need to really reach out to your audience. I can’t see that happening.

Another job that involves travel, bathrooms, and dressing up is being a drug mule.

Anyhow, posters here say that the LK clan are watching and reading. I hope they see how much we are all looking forward to the civil suit.


heck, I don’t know from when. Somebody shared the screenshot.
LOL, air conditioning…yes, I thik we are considering the same outlet


I believe that should read LK became a woman of unlimited MEAN. :wink:



OMG… so, no cat feces overflowing into beds in the Barisone trial, but the Depp/Heard trial gives us this weird thing… Watch from about 5:30.


Just my opinion, but I think in this situation it is not just rude, but truly putting someone in danger, to toss out the name/identity of someone associated with LK that is totally unrelated to the current events.
It is great that you know these people in real life and you want us all to know that you know them. But… stop name dropping just to name drop, please.
No person should have their ID put on the ‘next target’ radar of the LK clan.

I am laughing at the irony of this when the LK clan lawyer is calling the jury from the criminal case insane in his interview that is all over the place online.

It sounds like your father is a wonderful person and reacts like a wonderful person.

Gosh, this sounds like what someone else did. Hmmmm…

They probably have a much better investigation team than we do…so I suppose if the civil trial does not happen all the information will come out in the show.


Since the family is Jewish, I am not sure they would consider Easter “the holiest of holidays”. Or give much consideration “to what Jesus would do.”

Nevertheless, posting a pic like that on SM - no matter the day - really just proves a certain lack of good manners or good morals. It’s quite low-class, in fact. “Didn’t your mama raise you better? Oh, wait…”


Kirby was raised and may still be Christian (thus the remark about how she spent her day), Jonathan is Jewish. Their daughters may or may not be one or the other, but probably had the benefits and drawbacks of both religious faiths. After all, Kirby’s side of the family celebrate Christmas & Easter so there would be visits for holidays, gifts sent, etc.

This year Passover and Easter coincided (as they SHOULD since the last supper was Passover).


This part rather caught my eye - particularly the last sentence.

Tort based claims do permit the recovery of such damages [exemplary or punitive] where the tort is deemed an intentional wrong and where the facts and circumstances confirm the presence of factors which support the claim for enhanced damages. Such factors include the presence of malice by a defendant or where the defendant is guilty of oppression and fraud. (See Cal. Civ. Code §3294(a) – malice, oppression and fraud are particularly defined in section © of the statute**. Generally, the definitions include “despicable conduct” by a defendant which was carried out by the defendant with a willful and conscious disregard for the rights or safety of others.)

There is one particular party involved in this particular situation who repeatedly engaged in “despicable conduct… with a willful and conscious disregard for the rights of others.” And she was aided and abetted by at least one other person (easily provable), and another party (maybe not so easily provable unless the civil discovery has uncovered definitive proof of such involvement). Unfortunately, since the main party and her main comrade do not (despite her claim) have “means,” it seems that it will be imperative that the third party be included in the civil litigation (since that party apparently does have “means”).


Thanks, I wasn’t aware that Kirby had been raised as a Christian. And since the post I was replying to mentioned Jesus, I assumed the reference was to the Christian holiday of Easter (not the Jewish holiday of Passover).

But even most folks with no religious beliefs would probably think that kind of pic is inappropriate behavior, esp. for someone from a family that reportedly has tried to cultivate “standing” in the upper social strata of their community. I would think the K parents would be quite embarrassed, but then again - that family seems to show us time and again what kind of people they really are.