Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Gotcha. I wasn’t thinking of how different the setting would be, or the freedom of the participants without a judge trying to wrangle things a bit.

If he’s in AK, wouldn’t deposing him have to be done there?
For his case against them, wouldn’t LK, RG and JK be deposed first?


Off the current topic at the moment, but does anyone know why on Day 5 of the trial, they put plastic barriers between Mr. B and MB? Was it a cautionary measure due to Covid? Or for another reason? I don’t recall seeing it the first few days of the trial, so I am wondering why they decided on that day to put up a barrier.

Are depositions recorded? (Legally…LOL).


Yes they are - at least if you have that particular group gathered.

Legal eagles will continue to educate and correct us.


According to a Facebook post yesterday by the person who organized the go fund me, he is still in jail and they don’t know anything yet about when he will be transferred.


Mr. Bruce Nagel, Roseland, NJ


I know but we are talking about depositions sometime in May and who knows? He may be moved by then.

Or I think that is what is being discussed. I am a bit distracted at the moment.

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Yes, my post was just a general FYI on his current location and possible transfer.

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Not sure if it’s been posted yet:

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If he’s in AK, wouldn’t deposing him have to be done there?
For his case against them, wouldn’t LK, RG and JK be deposed first

(Why can’t I figure out multi quote?)

Yes, other parties could be deposed first. But what they shouldn’t do is depose all the other parties and then say ok, we need to wait until some nebulous date in the future for this one last major party to all the claims. If the delay were because, for example, said party was out of the country, and everyone agrees that in person is preferred to a teleconference, then they could set a date after that party’s return. But right now, MB’s status is totally up in the air. That could change based on his next court hearing, which is a few days prior to that date that discovery is supposed to commence. So, from a legal perspective, it will be interesting to see how those dates play out.

I can’t imagine any state run facility is set up with space and privacy required for that many parties, nor can I imagine that facility would want that many people there. Generally speaking, a depo is done in the conference room of the law firm that subpoenaed the party.


Yes. Recorded and transcribed so everybody can try to use their statements to impeach them down the road.


Her insta is private, so she knows who can see her profile. She can easily then look through her followers and figure out who posters are. It’s not hard.

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I apologize for using the word cyberstalking.

If I put myself in the shoes of LKs parents and sisters, I would feel my privacy was violated if some anonymous poster had “researched so extensively” my family’s lifestyle and wealth. How would you like it?

My point was that based on all this information you have unearthed, from public sources, it is very easily possible that the parents have amassed more than enough wealth for trust funds.

Furthermore, if the parental generation does amass a lot of wealth that they intend to pass to their children eventually, setting up trusts is a common, legal way of reducing income tax liability.


I suppose that LKs attorney could get the process started by sending interrogatories to MB while he is still in a civil commitment situation.

I believe I saw that some interrogatories had already gone from MBs side to LK a year or two ago. But answers were limited.

I would imagine, in the meantime over the next several months that both sides can go through existing discovery related to the criminal trial, and decide what is relevant, and what else might need to be subpoenaed, etc, and focus on that, while MBs mental health process moves forward.

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I wonder how that would work if MB is still in the mental health facility when it’s time for the deposition.

I just realized I cannot use the word depo instead of deposition because to me it means the medication for mares. Lol.


So what would be the typical ballpark time frame between the end of the criminal trial and the start of the civil trial without the added factor of the mental health facility for MB?

Three months? Six months? One year? Two years?

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Do they talk about the MB case? If so, does anyone know the timestamp for that part?

I definitely do not ever need to hear another word about Johnny Depp and his problems.


It’s the first 10 minutes or so. It was a fairly interesting conversation.


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LOL. I said straight up that while I’m not flouncing, I’ve decided to participate a lot less in these threads. You interpret that as “crawled back under my bridge”.

I’m not “certainly very agitated.” LOL.

I work in the financial industry myself, and it’s a common characteristic of those who go into this sector to save aggressively and invest aggressively from a good but not exorbitant salary to build wealth.

LK has admitted she sometimes lies on SM. I suspect that even more than outright lies, she posts wild exaggerations. Such as her being of “unlimited means”.

The way her “cyber enemies” toggle between saying everything she says are lies and grasping onto individual statements as nuggets of truth that must be examined with “exhaustive cyber sleuthing” is amusing.

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