Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Yeah, they could do all that. And work on some of the minor players involved. But if I were Mr D, I would object to anything that could jeopardize MB’s progress in therapy.

Now, if he ever gets moved and gets that first eval, and the entire world decides it’s safe to release him and he’s done with all that, all bets are off.

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It’s likely going to take years, even if MB gets to go home on or about May 17th.



And also, oof. That’s unfortunate. I would have to think that having something like that hanging over your head for a long time would be very hard on anybody, much less someone with mental health issues they are trying to work on.


Oh definitely. Part of me wants all the parties to just walk away, because this isn’t going to make anyone whole, which is the concept behind a tort case. Part of me wants to watch the legal aspect play out, because that right there has been fascinating already. And then there’s the whole stopping to watch a train wreck part of me. It’s hard to turn away.


Narrator: Once again, understatement!


The COVID barriers were ordered by Taylor on the 2nd or so day of court. The barriers made it harder for Barisone to speak with Bilinkas as some jurors were sitting directly behind him and could hear if he spoke above a whisper!


Plus there’s the old saying about only the lawyers getting rich. But that might not even happen if it’s done on contingency. And I’m guessing the initial outlay will be substantial for all the depositions and the rest of it.


Lol, true! I mean, just think about the criminal trial. I’ve sat through so many trials and I can’t really think of any that had people as compelling to listen to as this, including LK. I mean, Hay Guy? Health Board lady, RC, even without getting to award winning equestrians. I didn’t want to miss a minute. And thank goodness I could go back and rewatch, otherwise I might have missed the Ninja!


IIRC, you’ve had words edited out of posts as well whole posts removed.

Until a couple months ago, I never flagged anything no matter how offensive, until I suspected that Equkelly was banned because it was lots of people on the Eggbutt team who were flagging her posts to get her banned. It worked! I never saw her say anything worse than FFS. Eggbutt had a post in which she stated that flagging was used to “try to get a thread shut down”, or “get someone banned”.

I was instructed by the mods to flag posts that I felt violated the rules or were offensive.

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The beginning is about him and then about 20 mins again. It’s very interesting and I think everyone who is interested in the case should listen. Talks a lot about the township and experience with prosecution and also how rare the verdict is.

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Nice way to directly connect yourself with LK.


If you turned it off they talk about him more in the middle of the episode also.

As I’ve said before, this is the only whole trial I’ve ever watched.

I doubt I will ever bother to watch another one, since I can’t imagine it would measure up for me, between all the horse content and the characters.

What are the odds there would ever be another trial with testimony about wrapping the horse with cellulitis, or whether the dryer with the barn laundry was going to turn off? Or even trying to get the horses shod?!? Totally relatable for me. Lol.


Good to know. Thanks.

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Good to know, thanks.



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This one certainly was different!


I have zero “connection” with LK other than expressing my own opinion that the bashing of her here is gratuitous and ugly.

Not sure what type of “connection” you’re alluding to, but it sounds sinister!


The post in which you retold a horrible accusation about LK from her high school years, yes I flagged it and it was edited out by the mods.

The post in which you asked or wondered out loud whether JK was in a position to force MB to agree to a deal he didn’t want because possibly JK had “connections” to “organized types of people”, yes, I probably flagged it.

You obviously never read many of her posts here or on Facebook. Talk about bashing and ugly.