Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Oh yes, I have read her bashing and ugly posts here and the ones posted here, repeatedly, from FB.

Have you read my posts?

My point is that posters here revile her, appropriately, for her ugly, disgusting, nasty posts, then (some of them) make it their life’s work to post ugly, disgusting, nasty posts on LK. And now, what the heck, her parents.

I think it’s all ugly, disgusting, and nasty. Whether it comes from LK or from Eggbutt and her team.


Yeah….sorry, considering the entirety of your posting history, I’m not required to believe you.


That was interesting, especially since the guest said he had experience with cases in that Morris County Township, so he had firsthand knowledge of what the jurors there generally tend to believe.

It did sort of sound like the guest was a little shaky on the facts. At one point he referred to the charges as murder instead of attempted murder, and I believe he even said something about the decedents.

What decedents? Everybody survived, as far as I know. I feel like if there were any actual decedents, we would have heard about it by now.

It was interesting the way the host opened the conversation when he said something like,”The jury came back with a verdict of, get this, not guilty by reason of insanity!” His tone made it pretty clear that it was a very unusual thing.


Agree. It’s like 5 years olds in a name calling contest only using “big” words. Plus, @MorganSercu even brought in her grandmother.


Attorney’s call the “deps and rogs”. How about that word?


Off topic, but if you want to hear a very entertaining testimony, check out Isaac Baruch’s testimony during the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard civil case. Its hilarious!


Oh I did! I can’t stomach watching the rest of that trial, but he was definitely worth watching!

No need to apologize!

If you’re on team Eggbutt, you’re virtually required to assume anyone countering the Eggbutt narrative is some sort of LK insider, if not blood relative.

It is an excellent example of projection, though. For several years, Eggbutt denied any connection with MB’s inner circle, and it turns out she was getting information from those close to MB. From Lara Osborne, I’m guessing.


Goodness, you went from not flagging at all to flagging all kinds of things very quickly. Quite the impressive transformation.

Using your terms that would make you Team Equkelly?

I have no idea what Team Eggbutt is. I am team - I hate people who think “finish the bastard” is appropriate. I hate people who think it is a fun game to ruin the lives of others. I hate people who think lying is OK.


Based strictly on my own experience, I would totally think of it as a typo for dogs. Lol.


Yeah, you’ve made that nasty reference before. I’m not on “team Eggbutt”, I’m on team anti-sociopath and related co-dependents (because a narcissist always has a co-dependent or two hanging around). And I wasn’t apologizing. You, IM, and Hut-ho fail to realize how you come across in general. It’s a very common failing to not realize/understand that truly random internet people do not defend, justify, and explain away in such detail behavior as abnormal and ugly as LK’s.


Yes, after instructions from the mods, I went from flagging not at all to flagging posts that I thought violated forum rules or were offensive.

I do not think “finish the bastard” is appropriate, either.

You say you hate people who think it’s a fun game to ruin the lives of others? Except if it’s the hated LK, in which case ruining her life is a noble endeavor?

OK, I’m logging off for the day, or as VHM so
charmingly put it, “crawling back under my rock”.

I think keeping the rest of the world safe is a noble endeavor and if you think preventing LK from using “finish the bastard” on a future target is not a good thing then I am very sorry.

Keeping LK’s actions, and the actions of the whole LK clan, front and center so no one else unknowingly enters into a situation with them is important. Some people it is not fair to let them figure it out themselves, LK and the LK clan is one of those times.

Posting here the things she has said and done is not ruining her life. It is people discussing how she ruined the lives of others, and if that in the end makes her life less wonderful, that is her own doing, not the doing of those discussing the hateful things she has done.

I use that descriptor for myself. I guess you consider it an insult. I crawl under my rock frequently.


That would be similar to blaming the police who arrested her for assault, drug infractions, underage alcohol use, etc., etc., since those police arrests resulted in her public arrest record.


OK, this is hilarious. And a bit paranoid.


As a resident of NJ aka Soprano-Land, you’d be surprised to find that having a connection to the “mob”, in some way, whether it be direct or indirect…and without even knowing…isn’t unusual…so that would be a dangerous game JK is playing, if true.


What is this “Team Eggbutt” nonsense? Seriously - there’s this constant need to assign posters motives and agendas that they do not have, attempts to glue labels on everyone and everything… and all of that is misguided - no matter who is doing it.

The flurry of recent posts singling out Eggbutt for special “consideration” are indeed, projection. As it turns out, Eggbutt was right about many things… despite LK’s often threatening posts that howled otherwise - they crossed paths in RL. And sorry - saying that does not make me part of Team Eggbutt. I am not part of anyone’s “team,” or anyone’s “clique”. Shocking, I know. Surprisingly, most people do not have a need to clot together and seek vindication of our opinions and concerns.

And seeing as apparently we are now in the Bragging About Flagging phase of a conversation - I flagged the extremely inappropriate post about an OD - and that is the first time in a very long time that I have flagged anything.

I am not a fan of YD’s tiresome and often imperious posting style creeping into these threads - announcing who and what you(g) flagged with pride as approved of by the mods, assigning labels and motives and whatever else…

IMO that is not a style of interaction that works (obviously) - or should be emulated.

For several years, Eggbutt denied any connection with MB’s inner circle, and it turns out she was getting information from those close to MB. From Lara Osborne, I’m guessing.

So it is “okay” to speculate about/assign “connections” after all? I have never cared for the Do As I Say And Not As I Do approach… from anyone. No matter what “side” they are on.


Who and how is anyone ruining LK’s life? Or even trying to, for that matter. People talking about what LK has actually done or said doesn’t equate to them ruining her life. In general, I think her life is far from “ruined”


I am confused why this matters? Or why this is a bad thing, since you say it like it is a bad thing?
Is getting facts a bad thing?

Why would anyone admit to being someone that LK knows when it is so clear that LK goes to great lengths to ruin the lives of others?


FYI…LK is solely responsible for that…no one else.