Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

That makes total sense. Thanks for the reply. :slight_smile:

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I wouldn’t call it ruining her life, but there have been posts here where they wanted to blackball her at boarding barns.


I can no longer take you seriously after this post.

Also, weird assumption re her parents, but I guess it’s ok for some posters to do this (bring the family into it and speculate) and not others?

I get that some or us don’t fully understand mental health issues or that someone’s own actions can be the determining factor in “ruining” them, but it’s like some people were watching a totally different trial. Or maybe didn’t watch at all? I don’t know.


Well, there is John

And if you want to believe her SM, about 20 others. Although, it seems MB was her first solo outing

ETA: misspoke
. The post was talking about having spent 20 years targeting people
.not having targeted 20 people.


From Dr Simring’s testimony and please note, this is only when he was talking about the 19,000 pages of SM posts. Not when he was talking about hidden recorders, 911 calls, etc.

“There’s no single post that I could say did any single thing it was a build up and (she) continued to play on his fears he became increasingly panicky. If you take any one post out of context you may say gee maybe this is a joke or gee maybe this is a game. But at this point he had begun to take these posts extremely seriously and literally and believed that she had power to do all of these things that she was threatening to do in the posts. So with each one it turned up the ratchet of the pressure and Mr Barisone became increasingly distraught increasingly frightened

MB’s break didn’t happen in a vacuum. It took the pressure from LK to break him.


Sure. Would he be in jail for 2.5 years if he hadn’t ever met LK? You tell me.

As a mostly-unrelated aside, that 2.5 years does count towards the maximum period of commitment that a forensic patient could receive by guidance of the court. NJ follows the maximum period of incarceration guidelines for maximum period of civil commitment. Even if he did not receive treatment during that time, it counts towards that clock. Spending 2.5 years already in may well do a lot to get him released to a family member or with conditions.


I mean, as a landlord I sure as hell would appreciate a warning that level of crazy is coming my way.

Edit to add: a head’s up not coming from people blasting my social media pages. I’m talking a private conversation where someone just said “you reallllllly gotta watch this testimony from this trial before you sign that lease.”

Random internet people barraging my business page, not so much. That’s not cool.


Yes, and I consider those posts a step too far. Contacting her current barn? That’s too much.

Plus, these barns are run by adults. Run by people that could easily do their own research. Run by people that could choose or choose not to get references re their boarders/clients. Run by people who choose to have LK at their barn (or not). If they want to turn a blind eye to her past behavior and hope for the best, then that’s on them. If it goes well, cool. Prior to the shooting and resulting trial, LK wasn’t so “well known” but now, she is. If someone decides to associate with her now, with all of this info available, then I don’t really pity them if it goes awry.


Some people call it protecting barn owners.

Since we all now know what she is willing to do to get her own way with her barn owner.


Also, I don’t know why people can’t understand that perhaps LK “ruined” her own reputation. That talking about stuff she actually did or said isn’t “ruining” her. No one (that I’ve seen, recently) is inventing things (falsehoods) and spreading them as the truth.


Speaking of delusional
 (And no, not you KM :smiley:)


LK a Self admitted drug addict who plans to ruin & destroy others using any means possible yeah that’s not someone I’d want in my barn, near my horses or my children/family.


Seriously? How long can you hold your breath? There is absolutely no reason for anyone to name any names of people that they know who have been affected by this vile creature. And any list would undoubtedly cause the venal one to line up new targets, and renew her attacks on old ones.

Clearly, you do not get the fact that some people are beyond redemption on this mortal coil, and best marginalized and left to to do damage only to themselves, if that is possible.



I agree that JK pursuing some plan against MB is wierd.

But we have evidence of JK pushing the envelope repeatedly to get LK out of trouble or get what she wants over the years.

Plus we have watched LK lie under oath, to her own lawyers, and all over SM, and admit to it. So I think we can assume LK lies to her parents as well. No telling what story she was constructing prior to the shooting.

As far as the sum of $200,000 that sounds weirdly specific but also not very much on the grander scheme of things. If you are spending $60,000 a year to board two horses, $200,000 doesn’t exactly set you up for life. It sounds like it could be the $150,000 purported payout from insurance for the burst pipe plus the imaginary and arbitrary sum of $50,000 that LK attributed to RGs renovation work until in court he admitted he hadn’t done any more than he thought necessary to offset the horse board.

IME clusterfck personality types will often seize on weirdly specific numbers and then spin delusional manipulative narratives around those numbers. The numbers might have some reality but the narratives are self serving.

I could imagine a scenario where the daughter concocts a narrative and asks lawyer father for advice, generally as it isn’t his speciality. And lawyer father explains how things work based on the narrative he is given. He might or might not participate more than this. I don’t think there’s any evidence of LK having her own lawyer until the eviction flareup.


It didn’t happen in a vacuum. It happened with a divorce and business breakup and $965,000 cash payout which possibly included 3 horses or they were plus, loss of income from wife/business partner, loss of barn manager/wife (notice LO was the one to step up not MHG or RC), aging, prior abuse, 8 plus concussions, an ice storm, and at least one known PITA client.

However, the defense insanity case depended on the danger being a delusion. The prosecutor’s case for sanity said it was threat.

The insanity defense held out. It is a delusion.

What I meant was how would she know any of her followers are also posters here.

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There have been posts where people want her banned from competition by SS or USEF. That’s a much bigger hit than being evicted from any given barn. But nobody so far says that calling for a SS ban of LK is “ruining her life.” Or maybe they have said that, but my recently discovered Ignore function has hidden this.




I have a team? Cool.


I don’t understand why you repeatedly bring up his divorce, and “aging issues” whatever that means, and everything else that is not LK. At this point it’s clear that either a) you didn’t watch all of the trial, and all of the testimony, or b) you just cannot comprehend the testimony given. Including LK’s own testimony:

Did you have a plan to destroy him? LK: at some point, yes.

Did you want the bastard finished? LK: Yes.

Not a single one of your other qualifiers was putting that kind of terroristic pressure on him.