Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

That’s one of the most ridiculous things I’ve read here.
LK is a threat. She weaponizes words, harasses people to extremes, and is always happy to threaten people with lawsuits. The fact that you can’t see that is disturbing.


All of the chatter aside, it is seriously unacceptable that MB is still being held in jail because there is not room at the hospital. Are there no other options!?

I know of one: let him go the heck home and seek mental help privately. If there’s no room, they should be able to give him other options. It is so messed up.


Once again, her own actions would ruin her. If someone acts a certain way that violates some rule or code of conduct in relation to SS or USEF and is then reported and subsequently receives a suspension or ban, the only person at fault is the banned individual. Anyone can and should report violations. Legitimate violations. If LK were to receive a suspension/ban, that’s her fault. That’s no one ruining her or bashing her.


Lauren Kanarek’s harassment of Girl_Joey is a classic example of punching down.



This is all partly why I did a simple Google search on the parents… to get a feel for what the reality of these people actually are s.

And honestly… I’m still perplexed.

I don’t think Bilinkas would have made the statements he did at trial, and try and go down a particular road of questions with LL and RG on the stand about this strange plan they cooked up with JK, if Bilinkas didn’t have visibility to actual evidence of the plan.

Lawyer’s like asking questions they already know the answers to. At least… that’s my experience.

So there clearly was some plan.

So if this same guy is a careful responsible saver, who amassed a nice estate over the course of his lifetime, doing the same boring formula that a lot of other people do involving dutiful contributions to boring mutual funds, etc etc…

Why again is this weird lawsuit thing even necessary? Much less a good idea? It seems like it was incredibly toxic and unethical. I find it odd that any parent would egg on their screwed up child to do this sort of thing. Granted… then both being type b fusterclucks… that’s a partial explanation, I guess.

If the money funding LKs current dressage pursuits is really all a result of income from a trust fund… again… why even bother with this bizarre lawsuit scheme?

I don’t know. I have no personal experience with the parents. If not for comments from some posters who do seem to have firsthand knowledge, and Bilinkas’ lines of questioning at trial… I would assume they were funding their troubled daughter, and had good parental intentions, but were also somehow victims of her manipulation. Frankly, @hut-ho78 speculating that the assault charges on their records had something to do with the troubles daughters drug history? I could see that being possible.

It’s all still an odd picture to me.


Oh, this is fun! Goodness me, over the past 2 1/2 years I have done my due diligence and made friends with many people connected to Michael Barisone. IM isn’t the only one who knows lots of people. When this began I knew two people smack dab in the middle of the situation. It was the personal knowledge of one of those people that prompted me to stay involved.

It is pathetic that anyone thinks I have a team of anything. This isn’t some high school sport, much to your apparent dismay. So, if another poster sees logic in my speculations and posts who the heck cares? I don’t need anyone to agree with me, unlike you and several other posters. It is fascinating your need to categorize people into neat little boxes. Life isn’t like that no matter how hard you try.

And for the record, I suspect you are close to the Kanarek family. I don’t particularly care other than it certainly explains your posts and apparent rabid flagging.


I missed something…WHO contacted WHAT barn??? About what and why?


GJ said plenty about LK as well. Nasty duo on SM.

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Michael Barisone.

Sorry if you’re disappointed she didn’t finish the job.

It’s not our fault that her calculation as to her strategic prowess was GREATLY overstated.


I didn’t say that anyone did.

There was talk along the lines that “maybe someone should” and whatnot. I think it’d be a bit much. I didn’t say that it actually happened.


Did y’all ever think that perhaps his release is recognizing the threat from LK is a delusion for which he could take other action other than shooting her twice? Just how long do you want to contribute to his delusion and keep him in the AK?

Think about it.

He should have evicted her. He should have asked about her first. He had choices.

Actually she told US she is the boogeyman man. Shall I post my messages from her again where she spews her boogeyman strengths again?




Listen again to the 3 mental health experts.

@MorganSercu what do you have against LK’s grandmother and why did you bring her into this?

Think about it. She should have left instead of “Finish the Bastard”.


This one. Why did you bring Ysleta into this, she has been dead since 2006 I think. Her obituary is online.

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Why wouldn’t you leave a place that doesn’t belong to you if the property owner wanted you gone!?

Any reasonable person would. Especially if all of your closest friends offered up places for the horses to stay.


There was also that post about using a burner phone to call CPS. She was very adamant that MB called CPS on themselves to further their murder plot and that there was no way that SS was the source of the CPS visit……


