Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I have been re-listening to trial testimony. I wonder if this was the moment when Schellhorn realized that another of his star witnesses was flailing (failing) on the witness stand.




No one here is contributing to MBā€™s delusion(s). No one here is contributing to keeping him in AK. I still donā€™t quite understand your first sentence in the post I responded to originally.

Yes, he shouldā€™ve evicted her. He couldā€™ve asked about her first (asked who?). She couldā€™ve left. Lots of shoulda coulda woulda, but here we are.


Is it just me, or is the continuing defense of LK by 2 key posters just getting more and more strange?

I understand the people who felt really strongly about the fact that she was shot, and dig in from the general angle of supporting victims of violence. I think itā€™s healthier to look at criminal cases in a more analytical way, and consider the individual merits of each caseā€¦ but I can respect people who feel passionately about certain issues.

I also can understand why family members made accounts here and posted occasionally. Itā€™s a bit odd, butā€¦ I guess I can understand it.

But then there are these two diehard posters, who have gotten more entrenched on this case. Itā€™s odd. I donā€™t get it.


She has certainly tried to ruin people: Haleybot, GirlJoey, DH, and MB, to name just the ones we know of. Iā€™m sure there are more.

Does she get a pass because they were resilient and she did t succeed in ruining them despite her best efforts? Give your head a shake.


They say they arenā€™t connected to the Kanareks, so is it as simple as attention seeking? IDK. I have them both on ignore and mute and only get notification if my name is used. Itā€™s pretty peaceful and mundane when one doesnā€™t have to slog through their nonsensical devotion.


Was any of it untrue?


Plus remember LK and maybe another still states LKs desire to ruin MHG.

The reason? MHG is MHG and LK isnā€™t.


Three scenarios make sense to me:

  1. They are close associates of LK and / or her family

  2. They just enjoy stirring the pot and arguing for the sake of arguing

  3. Both 1 & 2


Maybe CH is their longtime financial advisor, and is totally offended that I doubted the familyā€™s net worth.


Contacting other barns to warn them of the Kanarek crew at this point would be an exercise in futility. If the entire east coast isnā€™t aware of these folks, no amount of warning will make any difference, will it? Proceed at oneā€™s own risk and all that.

Besides, that is an LK tactic. Didnā€™t someone say she ran off some young man from where she is now and then blackballed him at other area barns? Such a lovely person, isnā€™t she?


Maybe JKs age is a factor?
I mean, based on hut-ho78ā€™s reasoning, mb could barely act rational at 60+, if JK is 70+, heā€™s probably lost all his marbles and has his own delusions that Lk needs her daddy to help her with the mean, nasty menz; amirite?


Before the judge shut down the Live Chat, that guy was posting frequently about his encounter. Enough that someone entered the LiveChat responding in a very Bob Abooey way during the live trial.

Between that and someone posting the phone # to Judge Tā€™s clerks and encouraging everyone to call and voice their displeasure with him, and someone who wasnā€™t Bob threatening the dude with lawsuits and reporting him to the judge, chat got shut down. Back then, I had no idea who Bob was or why that guy was using that forum to tell his story.


LOL. Nope.

As someone who works in the financial sector, as JK apparently did, I simply responded to your post saying that you had trouble seeing how the parents would have amassed enough wealthy to fund multiple trust funds.

It doesnā€™t seem puzzling to me at all. I explained why. Then you respond that you have an MBA and worked in corporate finance, and understand perfectly well how saving and investing for 40 years can create a $10 million portfolio. Then why the first post?

BTW, my apology was sincere but very limited in scope. Your researching the familyā€™s lifestyle and house (without posting the address!) was not ā€œcyberstalking.ā€ It is still intrusive and ā€œnot niceā€, to use a technical term.

Iā€™m glad I made you laugh with the financial advisor crack, at least :woman_shrugging:

I do actually hear what you are saying about how they absolutely could have carefully built those assets.

But then why in the world would JK involve himself in this weird scheme, and egg on some strange lawsuit?

It makes no sense.


Itā€™s those Lewy bodies, they cause all sorts of mayhem on the thinker.


It was FitzE who brought up my flagging of posts, and I owned it. In contrast to a couple months ago, I have been flagging posts recently.

On the ā€œconnectionā€ issue, Eggbutt for a long time claimed no connection to the principals, but fairly recently admitted to considerable inside connections.

I, on the other hand, have no connections to LK, her family, or anyone involved in the case.

I found the most recent speculation that perhaps I am the Kanareksā€™ ā€œlong time financial adviserā€ quite amusing. Any other guesses, ladies?


You worked for EF Hutton in the 80ā€™s. And found that the discussion of the ā€˜pizza caseā€™ brought back painful and stressful memories of the demise of your former employer.


And when someone said that pretty much everyone said right back at them not to do that.

Asked what about her?
She had been asked to leave. She said no.
And then came ā€œFinish The Bastardā€.

It seems like some people are choosing to forget so maybe you need to.


I canā€™t figure out how to quote properly on my phone but ā€œ He should have evicted her. He should have asked about her first. He had choices.ā€ is so utterly insane I canā€™t comprehend how your brain got there.

He should have asked about her? How could he have known she was going to be a problem? Her previous trainers donā€™t talk about her. Who accepts a client and then immediately goes and asks around about them?
Youā€™ve been told many times but hereā€™s one more: he served an eviction notice. Itā€™s pretty standard to give the notice to the tenants BEFORE filing with the court.
We donā€™t know what happened that night. We have the word of two self-admitted liars and little to no forensic evidence.
The insanity verdict means he didnā€™t pick up the gun and think ā€œIā€™m going to go shoot LK tonight.ā€


You and I both encounter cognitive dissonance in the concepts of

  1. JK somehow threatened MB to include the apartment in the $5,000 per month and JK was involved in a nefarious plot to sue or otherwise ruin MB
  2. JK was a wealthy parent trying to help his daughter navigate a bad situation partly, but not wholly, of her own making.

I have resolved the cognitive dissonance by assuming for now, until there is actual evidence, that the allegations in #1 are just that - allegations of a defense lawyer doing his job to get his client acquitted, and quite possibly not true.

If you have accepted #1 as fact, I understand why you need to contemplate all sorts of complicated scenarios which place JK in an unflattering light.

But if JK was integrally involved in the ā€œplot to destroy MBā€ which precipitated the shooting, why did MBs civil lawyers not involve him in the counter suit? Why did Bilinkas fail to call him to testify? How do you make sense of that?

I think itā€™s clear JK discussed legal issues with LK and attempted to help negotiate her departure. Maybe he played a larger role, but Iā€™m not aware of any evidence of that.

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