Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

He served it the day before he shot her. It was unfiled. It was unenforceable until it was filed. Had he used the information he gathered to get a 3 day eviction instead of the 30 day eviction, it’s possible she could have been out. She said plenty on SM. He had the private detective information. He had all the information that some people here sent them just prior to the shooting.

He had a delusion. He was mentally ill. He had alternatives to shooting her he didn’t use. Before he can be deemed as no longer a threat to himself or others, he will need to understand that.

Y’all aren’t helping.

There are a lot scarier clients than LK and RG. There are scarier trainers.

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The serving of the papers was the mandatory 1st step before its filed. Cases that are filed are for tenants who just won’t go the nice way. I’m betting there was verbal messaging to GET OUT prior to the written notice.


Oh. My. Wow. Looks like the K’s are out in force


So by your logic, if somebody is standing at the rim of the Grand Canyon, and you shove him over the edge, it’s not your fault, because he was already standing at the edge of the rim of the Grand Canyon anyway when you happened to bump into him? Or pushed him on purpose?

Interesting theory.

However he got to the edge, it seems MB did not go over the edge until LK appeared on the scene and shoved him.


Uh…the multiple emails/texts between LK/JK/RG that were read off by the defense came from somewhere……oh, right, from the discovery on LK’s devices. Those weren’t just made up by the defense attorney. Also, the testimony about how RG couldn’t give MB a bill because it would screw up LK/JK’s plan?

I say we’ve already gotten a sneak peak at the evidence. What we didn’t see, was evidence of a murder plot….despite it being caught on “legally” made recordings.


Or she just happened to be standing in his way so he took her with him on his way off the ledge.

Please be specific in terms of your speculation as to my connection to the Kanarek family so that I can flag it. And LOL.

Exactly. And if someone’s behavior leads to a situation where no reasonable barn manager would take them in, then that’s no one ruining her or bashing her. I follow a local “bad boarders/ bad barns” FB group which is (fortunately) low traffic, but gets the occasional post of the nature “Suzie Brown who also goes by the name of Betty Green has left two barns owing back board and beats her horses” or whatever. Obviously this is all very low on the pecking order.

I agree it is tacky to flood the SM of a barn with scare stories about an existing client. That’s more out of concern for the legitimate barn than for the client, though.


Or was RC told to bring her gun? Any way a conspiracist wants to look at this, there could be one. I don’t think so. I think the wrong fragile people were put in the same location and it was a disaster for everyone.

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I still haven’t seen an answer as to why people keep bringing up this divorce involving a person in a new relationship who was, by all accounts, happy - as if this divorce was this huge deal that caused some sort of event that literally nobody (except these two posters) has ever referred to.

He got divorced. There was a settlement. This happens to millions of people every day. It’s not Broderick v. Broderick no matter how much you’d like it to be.

NB: this is the “royal you” and I recognize that MHM isn’t the poster doing it. It was easier to reply to this containing post on mobile.


Nope. Don’t know them. Wouldn’t know them if I was standing in front of them.

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Are you alleging now that LK was trying to save MB?

That is so wild as to defy comprehension.


Is it impossible? No.

Is it terribly likely, especially considering the source of this theory? :thinking:


It’s usually no. 2 just after death as a major cause of stress.

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And another.

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I think making this assumption about him is a lot wilder than the “assumptions” that people are making about LK based on her own statements.

But keep up the “movies” they appear to have an audience of two.

I bet the stress of an ex wife is a lot less than the stress of someone threatening to burn down your barn and ruin your business.


Good grief. Of course there were multiple texts between LK, her boyfriend and her father.

Apparently neither side wanted to attempt to introduce the audio recordings. No one has been charged with illegal recording - not LK, or RG, or JK.

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It doesn’t matter if they did, they would not be admissible as one party to the conversation was not aware of the recording at the time the recording was made. That applies to both sides and does not mean nobody “wanted” to.

In fact LK seemed quite eager for them to be heard.


There was no testimony as to LK threatening to burn down the barn.

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Yes….emails and texts about engaging in criminal acts against MB.