Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

But ruin the business you have no answer for, I assume?


Finish the ba$*’#d!
That sums up the goals of LK


Wow. Talk about being on a team. Blind Team LK.


Out of touch with reality for sure. I’ve seen a lot of weird stuff in my lifetime but


I had forgotten about that one. :woman_facepalming:

And that he had been placing the 911 calls in order to clock the response time from the police or something? :roll_eyes:


Not much to say there. She said a lot of stupid trash talk she shouldn’t have and I don’t think could follow up on.

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If I didn’t post that exact same screenshot on a previous thread, it was remarkably similar. But maybe he had that same look on his face quite a bit of the time during the testimony of some of his witnesses.


You have to love team LK. All 3 of them.

I don’t post here often but thought this may be helpful (and I’m also sure I’ll prob catch flack for, but whatever)

It IS possible to allow others to have their opinions. You don’t have to try to change their point of view. They obviously march to the beat of a different drum and I’m betting if everyone just stopped trying to be “right” the forum would easily get back on track of discussing the case.

Look at the reaction from the general population re this case (NON MB fan girls) it is almost 100% in favor of MB. What more proof do you need that you are on the correct side of this? Do you really need the 3 posters here to finally agree that you’re right? (Bc that’s never going to happen :laughing:)

I’m not familiar with frozen so I’m trying not to use that reference. :blush:


Admissible and illegal are two different concepts.

I don’t think they were proven to be illegally made as no one was charged with a crime. Perhaps they were made illegally, but their illegality has not been established by someone being convicted, or even charged, with a crime.

Were the tapes admissible? If neither side attempted to get them admitted, we’ll never know whether they were admissible or not.

The prosecution established the elements of its case without the audio recordings of an alleged murder plot. If they had been introduced, would that have affected the jury’s finding of insanity? To me it would have furthered the evidence of insanity and delusions.

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Wait, did I miss something? Who is DH?

Plus let’s not forget that it was not too long ago that both LK and IM were on this very BB predicting MHG’s imminent ruin.

Even though MHG seems to be getting along just fine, and doing well with her brown horse. Good for her.


Calling @smoofox . Is she allowed to refer to me as part of “Team LK”? Can you give your speech here?

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Personally, if I was a prosecutor and I had a legally made recording of a murder plot
.I’m running with that in order to establish my motive.


That certain FB page whose owner also posts a lot of YouTube videos.


Mr B tried to get portions of recordings in, and, in fact, was successful with a very small portion of one.

I don’t know about you, but texts between LK, RG, and JK that say MB is “deathly afraid” of JK and Finish The Bastard seem different than regular ole chit chat to me.


And indicting the co-conspirators.


Dressage Hub.

If that’s the case, it seems like their approach is a little counterproductive. They just keep bumping the thread back up to the top of the page, and spurring people on to dig deeper into the story to disprove their rather
 fanciful assertions.

If they’re just trying to get attention and stir the pot, at least they’re accomplishing their goals a little better.


Ah, yes. Thanks.

States people should quit trying to convince the other that “they are right” so the civil discussion can continue. Then in the next paragraph tells someone they are “wrong” and the other side is “right.”

Thanks for the chuckle.

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Oh Balderdash.

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