Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Notice please, the Team Captain is ignoring the three and not responding to their fantasies, deny, deflect, destroy!


We don’t have information about the evidentiary hearings that took place in camera before the trial commenced.

If you somehow do, I’m sure the attorneys here would find great value in those arguments.


No I’m saying I think she was in the wrong place at the wrong time, in the impact area, attracting attention, when he finally lost it.

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I’ve been around horse businesses all my life. I have never once been around a client that made me think I needed to lock my car at all times to make sure they did not plant any drugs in it. Never. Not once.


If that was available, it would absolutely have furthered the case that the event could not have been the result of a mental break on the part of the accused. Which the prosecution knew they had to do, as the affirmative defense was declared.

Ergo, I have a strong belief that it doesn’t exist or if it somehow did, it was not admissible.



If that was the likely end result every time anyone got a divorce? I can think of plenty of people in the horse business who would have been involved in three or four shootings by this time.


I put 3 people on ignore and suddenly there’s a coherent thread again. I can always dip into hidden replies if I want. But what I tend to find is wrangling about how something was said 150 posts back or trying to “score points” by focusing on details of wording.

It’s pointless and confusing and tiring to read. But it is also symptomatic of where many arguments go when the actual logic has been exhausted. It’s also very typical of SM arguments. At a certain point you wonder if the folks really believe their point of view anymore, or are just invested in not being defeated in whatever position they staked out.

If it was an in person debate, one party or the other would eventually walk away, get distracted, or throw a punch. But online people can keep wrangling at the same general intensity level for days or weeks.

In general if you find you are not being your best self in an online debate, if the debate is making you feel ugly or small, you should walk away. That’s a very good self insight, and one you should follow up on.

Also if I can put someone on ignore and it has no effect on the flow of the discussion except to the extent other individuals counter them explicitly, then it kind of shows they aren’t really part of a debate. If they were making substantive points the flow of the thread would be missing key chunks of logic. But if people are just nitpicking and rehashing old points, they can be skipped.

It’s an interesting experiment.


Sidebar. I can’t figure out how to post it but there is a FB post by the ChristianCurmudgeon that says “Remember, you are made in the image of God. And so is the other jerk you are arguing with.”

Made me smile.


For someone who doesn’t think LK lies but rather grossly exaggerates
.they seem to be discounting a whole lot of what LK and her known associate has to say about them.

Would any real lawyers care to provide some suggestions on how legal recordings of a murder plot could be ruled as inadmissible considering six of the prosecution’s witnesses were connected to the recordings, in addition to the former defendant who didn’t testify?


 you’re not familiar with Frozen? How did you get to be so lucky?

I’m amazed there are actually at least two people in this conversation who are not familiar with Frozen.

If you’ve lasted this long without it, by all means, try to avoid getting that earworm stuck in your head. Lol.


Thank you. You said it much better then I ever could.

 apparently you did not actually read that “speech” you are being snide about
 or you would know that I said I did not like that kind of sh-stuff being said no matter who said it or what “side” they are on
 but by all means continue with your righteous indignation

If she has ruined even ONE life (aside from messing up her own and even that is sad) - it is one life too many. I am astounded by the excuses that are being made for someone whose stated goal was Finish The Bastard.

Plus we have her own commentary about how she is to be feared and once you are her target, she is relentless
 or words to that effect. I do not have that screenshot on hand but it has appeared a few times in this thread. Yeah she “embelllishes”/lies - but it seems like such things are a game to her

The TBFH we had here who ruined one life (contributing to its early end due to the stress), messed up many others and delighted in doing so
 could have used you for a cheerleader and excuse generator. I guess that most of what happened here was simply delusions on our part and not her fault in any way whatsoever. Got it.


That’s an excellent plan if you can stick to it.

It is a challenge when someone categorically states that black is white. It’s hard to then resist the urge to point out that black is, in fact, black.


It is quite amazing to me that that point even needs to be stated. But apparently it does.


I need some air freshener as it smells of desperation up in here


The defense was not permitted to. They tried.

I hear that Ginkgo Biloba is good for memory. How many tons shall i order for you?

It’s a gift. From ME to YOU.


Oh? Trash Talk? You’re just going to dismiss it, eh? This from the poster that runs to mommy.

I considered her threats to me actual threats. They were INTENDED to bully, coerce, harass and intimidate.

Again that was her INTENT. The fact that she’s ignorant of law and I’m not doesn’t matter to me. If she could have sued me for my farm she would have. This is not even remotely disputable as evidenced by her little $200,000 extortion scheme brewing prior to the shooting.


Sure would have been awkward for the Prosecutor’s case to charge his star witnesses with the crime she/he were most certainly triable for.


They did not establish the elements.

Mens rea was not established. No crime without it.


And if she HAD been charged with that crime, that charge as a public record would have been fair game for questioning.