Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity


If I were a taxpayer in Morris County, I would certainly be thinking about using that email address that was so kindly posted upthread and asking the prosecutor when he is going to press charges against her for the illegal recordings.


I too am struggling with this. And with peopleā€™s tendency to misrepresent what was previously posted, and then try and declare that someone is guilty of defamation of one kind or another.

I did however discover a handy dandy short guide to key elements for something to actually BE defamation (worthy of threats of civil suit)

To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things: 1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the person or entity who is the subject of the statement.

Anyway, I thought I would share that information nowā€¦ just in case anyone is accused of defamation again, for the umpteenth time on this thread.


They donā€™t listen. I posted this legal information all the way back when LK threatened to sue me.

Then it was weeks/months of trying to twist a square peg into a round hole on her/their part.


Iā€™m relatively new to these threads.

Perhaps thatā€™s why the ā€œOMG - thatā€™s defamatory!ā€ tactic is being rolled out again.


He also asked her to leave, apparently numerous times. He worked out a plan with her father and lawyer for her to leave, even making arrangements for a comparable nearby barn to take her. He sent her an official notice of eviction - before filing it with the courts, as was standard practice.he also called the police multiple times to ask for their help and protection from her.

Why didnā€™t she leave the first time she was asked? Why should MB have had to go through a protracted legal battle to rid himself of her harassment?

Regardless of the whys, he DID begin the legal eviction process, as you are well aware. But the very next day child protection services showed up on his doorstep (coincidence?) and he went into a full blown mental break - having been pushed to the edge already by LK and RGs relentless campaign against him.

You already know all this.


Runs to mommy? My mom has been dead for a long time. You bet I miss her. Wonderful woman. Who are you talking about? Where did you come up with $200,000? Until recently the only number was $50,000 except for one discussion when I mentioned ice damaged pipe leaks could easily be $100,000.

And for that matter, why did you continue with your mistaken belief that she posted about Rugers on FB? You never let that go and still go on and on. She posted about Walthers and we have had to look at that post again and again and again.

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I saw what I saw.

Iā€™m also not the one who lies on social media. Iā€™ve been proven right over and over again. And, notably, Iā€™m not the only one who saw the Ruger post. But this distraction attempt aside. ā€¦

And yes, there were such conversations regarding that money. Just yesterday. And, we were trying to figure out how she arrived at that figure.

Iā€™m SURE if you knew you would tell us.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


He ran to the police for a civil dispute. He had to have an enforceable eviction to ask the police to put her out. Someone had to break the law. He did. He shot her twice. He tried to kill her. He is not criminally responsible because he was deemed insane by two mental health professionals who said he suffered from a delusion about her being a threat.

You know this.

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Just want to point out, the $200,000 figure came up in the trial.




Thereā€™s a video on YouTube of an interview he did with Eventing Nation.
It shows just how astute and professional he was before all this.


No, actually, legally, the finding is he did NOT try to kill her specifically because he lacked the mental capacity to form the intent. If he couldnā€™t intend to kill her, then he cannot have tried to kill her.

This is the law. You can twist it how you want to but the fact remains for now and for all future time, he was acquitted of the crime of attempted murder and thus, for all intents and purposes, did not try to kill her.

You keep trying to make it into ā€œguilty but insaneā€ and thatā€™s not what actually happened.


I know an NGRI verdict is super rare, but I just donā€™t understand why itā€™s so hard to understand? Especially since many talking heads have discussed it on TV, in print, on line, on podcasts in the last two weeks. (Not to mention itā€™s been mentioned many, many times in this thread)


It is hard to understand because that is not the answer they want, so they refuse to listen.


Itā€™s very frustrating.


I suspect it may also be because a significant number of these outcomes are the result of a plea deal. Itā€™s exceedingly rare for a felony case at trial to have this outcome. Because most of these are plea deals, people associate it with a guilty plea. However, it is not. Often these deals involve accepting responsibility for a different offense in exchange for NGRI on another.

What happened here is a straight up acquittal. If the psychologist of the stateā€™s choosing finds him not a risk to himself or others, thatā€™s it. Heā€™s free. Heā€™s an innocent man.


Dressage Hub. She claimed LK tried to ruin her business and stalked and harassed her. Thatā€™s apparently one of the reasons they hate each other so much. That being said, knowing DHā€™s history, she may not be the innocent victim she claimed to be. The two of them are peas in a pod.


That is a good point about the plea deals.

If MB wasnā€™t moved today, how long do you think his attorneys wait before seeking an alternate? How long at the county jail is too long, in light of NJā€™s statutes?