Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I enjoyed it, I must admit. I did 16 :dizzy_face: fly backs (DC, Philadelphia, NYC, London). I split my summer so I enjoyed 2 different summer programs. Such a massive waste of money, but lots of fun. Given what life is like as an associate, itā€™s the least they can do! :rofl:


Ok so I googled ā€œNew Jersey can a landlord barter repairs with a tenantā€ and found this.

Wow - thatā€™s a TON of call backs. I had worked in another field before, so I had an idea of what I wanted - and, perhaps more importantly, what I didnā€™t want. Ha. And I agree - itā€™s the least they could do! Itā€™s weird, but everyone that does them sort of ends up where they fit - you know?


Keep guessing. It entitles you to repair your own unit that youā€™re paying for - not repair another residence and deduct it from your rent. By all accounts LK and RG were occupying the habitable unit of the dwelling and were ostensibly repairing an unoccupied one.

Also the place was declared uninhabitable after the work was done so that would be a big point in the negative for the ability to ā€œrepair and deduct.ā€


Not to pile on, but in court, the first time LK mentions her dad being part of the negotiations is when she tells Mr B JK gets his money ā€œfrom the bankā€. Other references to him being involved in the board/rent/barter deal are peppered throughout her cross, but I donā€™t have the patience to listen to it again today.

Additionally, in RGā€™s cross, he said he first talked to MB about a deal while they were in FL, but he wasnā€™t part of the negotiations between LK, JK, and MB. There were a lot of questions that got overruled at that point about the specifics of the deal, because RG had just said he wasnā€™t party to the negotiations.


Yes! Watching the lawyers/legal professionals trying to discuss law with a couple of our posters who are flexing their Google law degrees is a bit comical. Big thanks to @mbdsea for bringing on-point experience to join others who have done so. It really enhances the discussion and cuts through the nonsense.

He seems to be like a paid companion who was also used for his labour to pay LKā€™s/JKā€™s debts. On the stand he seemed to betray that he was not all that happy to be used that way even though it was also his only source of income. As they say, people who marry (or, in this case, merely date) for money, earn every cent.

No sympathy, though, as heā€™s a grown man who can change that situation any time he wants. If being a kept man, manservant, laundryman, groom, gofer is living his best life, so be it.


Another semi decent try were it not for the fact that RG testified in court the work was done to offset board (classification: Goods and services) and not any rent.


Yes, it was the most in my class. I had zero idea of what I wanted and an upperclasswoman told me, just go on any that seem interesting to you; youā€™ll know. And boy was she right! There were 2 I should have walked out of, they were such an awful fit. And then you have to turn them down and itā€™s all awkward. But, she was right and I did end up at a good fit for me.


Youā€™re welcome! I donā€™t chime in too much on the criminal side because I donā€™t know all that much about it. Though I absolutely loved Crim Pro Investigative in law school, e.g., search and seizure, false friends in jail, etc. etc.

But Iā€™m quite familiar with civil litigation.

I get that it can be confusing for folks who are not lawyers. Itā€™s important for non-legal folks to remember that there are very few ā€œah ha - gotcha!ā€ moments in the law. Maybe the running of a statute of limitations qualifies, but even that may have exceptions. Hahahaha.


You know, when I was looking for the testimony about LK paying him, I agree he was completely uncomfortable with all of those questions. He was far more comfortable talking about his version of the shooting.

Thereā€™s this moment were Mr B is asking him something along the lines of how unfinished the work was, and how the work was deemed uninhabitable but he still thought he was ahead on the deal, even though theyā€™d added 2 more horses. RG looked like he was going to puke. But he also looked like it just dawned on him the predicament heā€™d been stuck in.


I hear you. I found I was like an apple trying to be a peg, I was so far from my natural surroundings. It took a while, for me.


I had one where the senior associate told me it was an awful place. And it seemed like it too - nobody smiled at dinner. It wasā€¦stuffy, stilted, and weird - to me, anyway.

My personality is not to take myself all that seriously (work yes, myself, no), so I did tell them I didnā€™t think it was a good fit. LOL.


Iā€™m sitting here thinking about the ā€œbombshellā€ that didnā€™t happen. LK and, I believe, one of her Facebook friends said that there was a recording of an alleged murder plot involving MB, MHG and RC. LK stated this, and the friend said she had heard the recording.

Two questions for our legal types -

  • Assuming a recording like this actually exists, would this recording, even though probably done illegally, be admissible in court? I thought I read somewhere that even if a recording is illegal, if it documents the planning of a crime which is then actually carried out, it would be admissible. Is this possible?

  • Could this supposed recording be admissible in a civil case if it had already been deemed inadmissible in a criminal case?


Thanks. Appreciate everyoneā€™s answers.

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The simple translation of all this is that RG is a kept man.


I think it canā€™t be according to this but itā€™s dated 1992.

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Thanks for the reference. The article states:

ā€œIn July, the state Supreme Court threw out the murder convictions and ruled unanimously that illegal wiretaps may not be used in any trial, even when the conversations were recorded by private persons rather than government agents.ā€

When the term ā€œtrialā€ is used, may I assume that refers to criminal cases only?

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Thank you @mbdsea, @ekat and @FitzE for answering questions and giving those of us who are not really interested in all of the bickering and side issues, pertinent information.

I was indeed an interesting trial, but I find neither law nor medical drama entertaining. The people involved are in a terrible situation. The events in this case were devastating and traumatic to many of the people involved. Itā€™s not a television show or a movie.

I can only imagine the horror of her family and friends if the murder of my childhood friend was the subject of a ā€œtrue crimeā€ television show. I suppose it wouldnā€™t happen because her murderer was never found, but MB and his people have been through hell and LK was shot (as a consequence of her own behavior it seems.) It just does not qualify as entertainment to me.

Just my opinion, I understand that true crime TV enjoys good ratings.


I have not caught up on all todayā€™s posts yet, so maybe somebody already pointed this out. But I will just say that the actual surgeon who operated on her was the one who said at the trial that her hospital stay was 19 days, according to the medical records in front of him, as I recall.

So once again, still more proof that LK lies a lot on social media. Just in case there was any possible tiny doubt left. Which there was not, granted.


Itā€™s clear to me that you have access to someone in Barisoneā€™s inner circle. First, you had access to the letter from jail. Second, at one point you stated that CPS was contacted by SS, and asserted that CPS had definitely not been contacted by the police. That information ā€“ that CPS had been contacted by SS ā€” was not in the public record at that time, to my knowledge.

I donā€™t know who your contact in the inner circle was, but I do think you have one. With the information that Lara Osborne was the one who closed up the operation and put things in storage after the shooting, and is now MBs partner, my guess is that she was the recipient of the letter from jail, and she would have the inside info on his defense.