Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Pretty sure barefoot ninja didn’t make a mention on the old threads……I think that would have been good for at least 200 posts if it had.


I have no memory of it until the one guy testified.


I’m mildly surprised that LK herself didn’t post it anywhere with a take on her bad self or something.


That struck me, as did the lady who said that even from a distance she would not approach RG, even in company, as there seemed to her to be something not right about him.


Oh man, me too! The Health Dept lady. She’s in my top 5 moments. That was chilling.


My coworker and I, as well as a friend from an adjoining lab, had a feeling about someone like that once. Unfortunately, we had to spend over 6 months with that person and I don’t think we ever really felt safe around that person. If I’m alone in the lab at night, I still lock the door because that person had a grudge against me. Perhaps all three of our concerns were irrational, but whether accurate or not, something about that person was triggering warning bells for us.


Barefoot ninja is my personal favorite too. The combo of the veil and barefoot at night, dressed in black is AWESOME.


I don’t think the subject ever came up here on the BB, since that whole topic came as a complete surprise to me in the testimony, and I’m thinking probably to everyone else here as well.

I have not read every thread on the topic over the years, but I have to think that subject would have reappeared if it had ever been mentioned before it came up on the witness stand.


Barefoot Ninja was never mentioned here before the trial.

Please let there be video. :innocent:


Well, she could testify that she was standing next to him as he made a call and she believed it was to emergency services, but not what he said or who he was speaking to. That would be hearsay as it’s an out of court statement intended to prove the truth about the conversation.

I suspect the evidentiary hearing was an interesting one. They had a lot of content to go through to end up with what little was actually used.

I think LK et al vastly overestimated the prosecution’s ability to toe the line - the other possibility is a lot what was said to exist didn’t exist in the first place.

I am absolutely not sure that MB is the delusional one here.


I just can’t believe the level of delusion some people have. I saw a much smaller scale example recently (still horse related though), and I just don’t understand these alternate realities. I mean, I guess it’s cool to create your own little world? Or maybe it all began with the parents (speaking generally here)? I’m not really sure.

The things people tell themselves are wild. Even moreso when they can convince others to believe it.


LK had access to that letter too and LK is not part of MBs inner circle. So that logic is a fail.

So is the rest of your logic in this situation.


However, it was easily figured out as I did years ago. If Lauren wasn’t lying (she didn’t call CPS directly) then she did it via Safe Sport once she found out that SS was only interested in reports regarding minors. Lauren was quite upset with me and even insinuated I was a mole of some sort within SafeSport.

That didn’t age well for Lauren on the stand.


This was interesting and on topic. Talks of reform needed with NGRI.

Huh. Simply remarking that a person posting is irritating is now offensive. Who knew!


Yes, RG’s testimony about payment for his services, cost of board/training for X-number of horses, “the deal” to cover such expenses, how much work he had done/was doing, etc. made him very uneasy. He was evasive and kept vacillating and trying to twist the questions from Mr. B instead of giving a direct answer. And I agree that he was having to sort of admit that he was being used by LK (which no doubt p’d him off big time).

But I disagree about how comfortable he was about the shooting. He gave inconsistent statements about the sequence of events, and again was vacillating and not giving a direct answer to a direct question. He was inconsistent in describing how and when he put MB in a chokehold, how and when LK retrieved her phone from the porch, where LK was while MB and RG were struggling, and he also claimed that Rosie couldn’t have bitten MB in the groin area because he (MB) was face down on the ground at that point (I wish Mr. B had been able to drill down more on the Rosie issue). And RG got downright angry and literally shouted during his testimony something to the effect of “there was a man with a gun ON OUR PROPERTY trying to murder us.” When he said “OUR PROPERTY” I pretty much laughed out loud. What an arrogant jerk. He and LK deserve each other.


Astonishing, simply astonishing.


Those types of shows may be considered “entertainment” because they are produced and presented by the entertainment industry, but I consider them to be “educational.” I don’t watch a lot of them but I always learn something about medicine or the law when I do watch. There can be usual information in those shows, particularly the ones involving people with extreme personality disorders and how absolutely diabolical they can be in the way they treat other people in their orbit. That has helped me develop my “spidey-sense” about such people.


It’s called ‘the gift of fear’
when the little voice in your head tells you something, listen.


I have no doubt the property owners on that jury perked when they heard RG state the words “our property” too.

In fact, given the financial demographics of that area it is highly likely a juror or two is a landlord themselves.