Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Ahhhh…they must be looking for the IM equivalent. :rofl: that definitely wouldn’t be me. I’m not inclined to post “I know it all” under any circumstances! Talk about self importance! :rofl: CH loves to pull chains.


Yes it was that tape that they used that day. My point is, we have no idea what other tapes anyone tried to use because evidentiary hearings weren’t open to the public eye, and usually aren’t.

99% of the stuff they used was ruled on before the trial started. And there were a few times when Judge T mentioned, “I’ve already ruled on this” or “we had a hearing on this”. And then they’d have a sidebar…

Arguably it was pretty miraculous that the ED recording made it in, and ED’s reaction to the questions about that conversation being recorded was pretty priceless.

My issue with the idea that if there is evidence of a plot is that no conspirators have been indicted. I find it hard to believe that someone has evidence of 3-4 people plotting a murder, and no one caught a conspiracy to commit charge.

I would disagree about the delusion as well. Both defense experts testified that it was the CPS visit on the day of the shooting that finished pushing him over the edge. I’m not sure his defense would have held up to plotting a few days before, and that certainly wouldn’t be a defense for the co-conspirators.

Just putting this here for clarity, even RC’s charges before her plea had nothing to do with accessory or conspiring or anything.


OMG! Damage control over WHAT? What on earth have I or anyone else on Team Eggbutt posted that needs explaining or repairing? Contrary to some other posters, the majority of the posters here don’t make up junk to post to impress or grab attention and regret it later. Bless your :heart:


Oh, I don’t believe anything she or her minions say. I’m just curious about her thinking that she still has a bombshell to be used at the civil trial. My questions are to determine what the game plan is and what tales she will try to weave in the civil case.


Remember they eluded to MHG possibly being arrested based on the recordings? I don’t recall if that was Lala or IM referencing to that issue. For sure, they don’t care for MHG!


Oh, for sure. They can do whatever they want.

It just sounded odd to me that she would need someone to groom in addition to the full training service she was paying (or supposed to be paying) for as a boarder at MB’s barn, or any full service barn, for that matter.


Honestly, MHG and JH were far better defense witnesses than they were State witnesses. Those two were what sucked me in to watching the whole trial. I was thinking to myself, man I hope the State has more than this. But wow was that interesting.

The State’s case did not, it turns out, have more than that.

I don’t know what LK believes, but it’s clear all her recordings weren’t as important as she thought yet. Now for the civil case? Who knows? I’m going to go out on a limb and guess they won’t help her there as much as she hopes, either.


I imagine the recordings fall into the same category as social media….exaggerated twisting of reality into something sinister. Remember, the liability paperwork was described as particularly heinous and evil in addition to being a ploy related to the murder plot…


Oh man I did read that!

Someone else said, and I agree, that there’s generally a hint of truth in what she says. But to go from a liability waiver to signing my death warrant is a pretty big leap, but certainly does make for a better story on social media.

Edit to add: I honestly believe Mr B tried to get more of the tapes in. Specifically one that recorded an argument that included RG yelling at RC and MB. There were quite a few times where I thought he was trying to elicit just the right words to get Judge T to change his mind but couldn’t quite get there.


I imagine if one is really interested about when the recordings were deemed inadmissible, that hearing probably coincides most closely with the first thread in which IM starts grousing about the prosecution not needing the recordings to make their case. That was about the same time they stopped independently pushing the idea of the murder plot.


This is fun from December 21, 2021


The one thing I found surprising was the lack of use of the multiple 911 calls that occurred in the lead up to the shooting.

It is obvious now, that they were an indication of MB’s growing delusional state.


And barely a mention of him going to the PD to speak with a supervisor and being turned away. The prosecution wanted a lot omitted from the jury!


That must have been the case, because in the last one, RC was supposedly standing right next to MB as he made the call. She could have testified to the call and what was going on, but not a mention of it….


And in the end, none of that mattered. The jury still saw what was up.


I’d say the ballistics (or lack thereof) proved pivotal in the straight up Not Guilty verdicts with regards to RG.




Just curious. I haven’t read all of the old locked stuff. I’m wondering, did IM ever address the barefoot ninja appearance?


Not that I recall. If they did it was to say it was perfectly normal behavior and nothing at all sinister.


That’s a tough one right there. There’s nothing close to normal in that behavior. Barefoot ninja is my single favorite moment of testimony. There are a few others that are memorable, but that one is the top.