Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Unless (insert your own guess here)… :laughing:


Been there, done that… although I was always a bit suspicious of our personal manipulator before she moved onto the property. But in sad hindsight, not suspicious enough…


I’m surprised an inspector of any sort would take the word of anyone in lieu of a receipt from a licensed contractor. Sent during NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS.

To have cleared the pair on their say-so beggars belief. This is supposed to be a professional job - not a sinecure.

I hope the county residents have taken note of the many failings and things change for the better.


Yes, this! It seems like the people in that part of the world have lots of people in charge that seem to drop the ball and never look back.

Why would any fire marshal do what happened here? It is crazy.
Why would any police department do what happened here? It too is crazy.


My God, the place sounds like Goober’s gas station.


Better paid, even accounting for inflation.

I think this is giving them too much credit. Goober’s gas station was probably far better run than these people are doing.


Thanks for the laugh! And you’re spot on. :rofl:

ETA This and the Colin Robinson comment had me laughing hard.


This is what I meant this is much more strange to me than the guy checking his email at night. Especially if they are to be hardwired.


Here in NY they need to be hardwired, and you best not do anything, like sheetrock over, until the in person inspection.
That’s for all electrical, which must be completed by licensed electrician.


It came up in the testimony during the trial from one of the police officers that they got permission or a warrant to test MB’s hands for gunshot residue. But he did not say they actually performed that test. And they definitely did not test anyone else on the scene.


I think the jury decision was the correct one, both for declining a straight not guilty because I think the evidence is MB did shoot her (and I don’t believe the self defense stories), and the insanity. Also correct that the dropped charges with respect to RG.

Of course this would be gut wrenching and horrible if the defendant were a loved one of mine —that’s why they try to get impartial juries. If a loved one of mine had been delusional and done the shooting, that in itself would have been gut wrenching and horrible.

But then, I don’t “dislike MB/like LK”.


What evidence, specifically, is there that he shot her?


Unfortunately stuff like that happens in many communities where a particular individual or family casts a very big shadow. And such influence can be either financial or political (although they are often tied in together).

(A few decades back, we had a guy up the road from us that owned an unbelievably ginormous percentage of the land in the county - by far the biggest single landowner in the county. He was just a simple country boy, but he had a lot of sway with officials in multiple municipalities throughout the county, simply by virtue of how much land he owned.)


That is also what I remembered from the testimony. Mr. B said to the investigator, so you had a warrant to test MB from GSR, but did you test anyone else at the scene? (Or words to that effect.) But it was never made clear if they actually tested MB or not (if they did verify it, I missed it).


What was said earlier was that the recipient shared it on Facebook on private settings for a while then deleted it after some “Friends” turned out to be non friends.

How, in this story of LK spreading it around, did LK receive it?

Seems the original recipient was loose and sloppy with it. That would have to be the case for LK to get it.

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Why, the testimony of the two star witnesses. :upside_down_face:


Go to YouTube and put what you are looking for in the search bar, as an example: Barisone fire marshal or Barisone Boyd Martin and it should be the first video that comes up. Law & Crime puts the witness’s names in their video descriptions and/or titles and YT uses the titles, descriptions, hashtags and the video transcripts for their search results.

If your search result is a long video, and you want to try to find a certain section, click the three dots under the video and click on Show Transcript to open the transcript for the video. Then pick a keyword and use your browser’s Find on Page function to get yourself to that part of the video. Then click on the words in the transcript that contain your keyword, and it will jump to that timestamp on the video.


That was my recollection as well.

But I have to think that if they had actually found residue on MB, the prosecutor would have hammered that point home quite vigorously. But he did not.

Also, didn’t Mr. B mention in his closing argument that there was no residue found on MB? Among all the other forensic failures from the crime scene.


LK has bragged on these forums about having it and how some people are not really friends when they say they are (like that is something to brag about, but she did).