Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

I know! Even if you only watched the first ever season of L&O you know you have to do more as LEO and prosecutor!


Bilinkas also had an advantage of being a prosecutor in his earlier years, AND Judge Taylor worked under him at that time if I understood correctly. Bilinkas’ demeanor and behavior during the trial is spot on to his reputation, particularly his powerful opening and closing statements that he is renowned for. Take him for a fool at your own peril.

The folks who got Barisone and Bilinkas together after the disaster of the first “attorney” deserve tremendous credit and thanks.


Wow. Really??

That puts a new and interesting spin on watching their interactions in the courtroom.


I might be mistaken, but I recall being told that tidbit by someone along the way.


I wonder if anything would have changed with a different first attorney. Probably not, since I would imagine the early steps at that point were pretty inevitable.

Another post that didn’t age well.


I guess the email doesn’t bother me because many companies have virtual desktops that one can access from any computer. It is a bit unusual for a city employee I suppose but maybe they are trying to be more reachable. So the email seems believable but what I find odd is that a simple email was enough to sign off on it. I think it goes to prove how those two must be really able to turn on the charm when needed.


See above post I think it shows how convincing and sincere those two can act when needed.


Nor were they prepared for RG’s consistent inconsistency on the sequence of events. Yes, Mr. B did a superb job of getting RG and LK to reveal who and what they really are. You could have heard a pin drop at times during the last parts of RG’s testimony in particular. Even the prosecution team and the judge were silent, and as demonstrated in the photo I posted upstream, Schellhorn seemed to be thinking “Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot” as he listened to RG contradict his previous statements time and again.


I originally thought she had sent him a text and I was totally confused as to how she had his cellphone #. But it was apparently an email and since his email address is right there on the township’s website, I can see how easy it would be to email him. And apparently he checks that email account even after hours (or do fire inspectors work shifts round-the-clock?).


As a junior, I had - at times - full board that included tack up service. It was primarily because of limited schedule and number of horses to ride. As an adult, I do my own grooming and tack up, but have the option to pay for it. I prefer to do it myself unless I am running late. With 4-6 horses, I can see how that would be attractive
 for someone with a job. Which LK does not have. Also, it would probably cost me (in NJ, not in a dressage barn) more than $2500/horse for that pleasure
 especially if I opted for more than 1 pro ride + 1 lesson/week per horse (and it sounds like there were a lot of cancellations, so I assume more than 1 pro ride per horse per week).


 at least he got that one part right about not knowing what a jury would do. Lol.


Yet when RG was asked by Bilinkas if he showed them the violations, he denied it.

And as I have mentioned before, some very nefarious people can be very, very diabolical in the way they portray themselves “as the very paragon of virtue” when that persona is needed to put a certain spin on things. And since most people want to believe that most other people are good and decent, they can be fairly easily convinced they are being dealt with in a straight-forward manner, even when they are being lied to and misled by a master manipulator.


Oh, yes.


Or MB was going there to take pics to give to a contractor to get the work done on the house to make it habitable asap.


If he hadn’t seen the late night email, or if he’d said no, do we think they would have actually left?
Who was actually enforcing the “get out of the house” order, anyway, and how did that enforcement know they’d gotten late night approval to stay?

It’s all bs.


A question
I have been paging through this and see several references to gun shot residue. I thought they tested MB and he did have some on him. I know that could just mean that the gun was fired near his hands
I suspect he did not fire it at LK. I have seen postings to indicate that no one was tested.

Civil servants don’t address work issues at night.


Not sure what your exact question is, but if you watch the testimony it is said that no one was tested.
People stating he was tested and tested positive are not correct.


I want to say the email was sent at 10pm