Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

FWIW - email addresses for Fire Inspectors are on this page.

And for grins and giggles, I also saw this on one of their web pages.



Dude has RG walking around showing him violations and then oks them staying in the house based on LK and RGā€™s word without notifying MB.

One could hope that some of the testimony has caused people to take a deep look into things there.


The fire marshal was testifying on April 4th around 2:30 PM, which I believe was Day 6 of the trial, if that helps.


Didnā€™t someone post earlier that the media in the area has been pro LK? I imagine they will deflect, deny, defend their pathetic public serviced too.


I know a few people like this - and they dont have more than a horse or two. I currently have a youngish horse in full training. On the days I go to watch the training, it is my preference to do the grooming, bringing in from T/O, tacking up etc. Since Iā€™m not riding this horse (not the original plan but longer story) it is my time to build some relationship with him, get to know his personality, and to be part of the process. At shows, I braid, bathe, tack up and pick his stall. It wouldnt occur to me to quibble over the price, and it does get me a few brownie points. :slightly_smiling_face:


You are not the only one!

I am trying to decide if they (LK Clan) thought this would help their case or if it was their way of saying to the rest of the world to not mess with them because this is what happens to you?


All it takes is a couple big landowners who pay big property taxes to start looking into things that affect their safety. I hope for people that live there that it happens.


Thanks, I will try to find that one,.

How did the sender get peopleā€™s mailing addresses? It must have been pretty time-consuming searching for that info on random people. Although someone who doesnā€™t work and has a houseboy to do everything for them would have plenty of spare time for web-sleuthing. :upside_down_face:


The state can decide to drop all the charges if they want to. But if theyā€™re halfway through the expense of a trial, short of some actual bombshell that would be completely exculpatory, the odds of them doing that are zero. If that were to exist Iā€™d bet the defense would move for a mistrial so fast they wouldnā€™t have the chance to dismiss.

They are better off losing than admitting to the court and public that they were not prepared for trial or brought the wrong charges. The grand jury said it was good enough so theyā€™ll go forward with it.


Thanks for that info. Yeah, the prosecutorā€™s office no doubt thought they had an open and shut case but they obviously underestimated Mr. Bā€™s ability to conduct a master class in how to ā€œunveilā€ witnesses.


almost every top level dressage rider has a commercial facility where they teach/train. Not at all hard to find the elite riders. Much harder to find the affluent ammy Iā€™d have thought.


Think, too, they underestimated LK and RGā€™s ability to undermine themselves. Iā€™m not sure why, with 19,000 pages of SM posts, secret recordings and the like, they would have thought LK was a reliable witness, but they really werenā€™t prepared for her unraveling.


I would guess that is because LK can most likely come off as that person she represented to the police when MB called them, the poor innocent petite woman who is being preyed upon by this evil big strong guy.


Or why the complete lack of any forensic evidence available, or consideration of the pristine reputations of LK/RG, and it is highly probable they (the prosecution) did not take a close look at all the sm evidence until shortly before trial - as LM said, everyone lies and makes stuff up on sm - and they bought it. I doubt the public will ever know the amount of influence JK had on the prosecutionā€™s case. Go back and read IMā€™s posts before the trial beganā€¦smug arrogance with absolute confidence MB would take the plea deal. Then read their posts after the plea was rejected. The tone changed considerably to one of desperation. I suspect that desperation will increase exponentially as the Civil trials become closer to happening.


But they had access to her, RGā€™s, and even the parentsā€™ rap sheets so they would have known it was a BS act.


I suspect they (the State) overcharged him from the start expecting him to take a plea. It feels like their plan was to let him sit in jail a little while, have him take a plea, and everyone would walk away from this mess. Then COVID hit delaying everything. So then they offered him a stupid plea, thinking heā€™d jump at it because heā€™d already been locked up so long.

I suspect they didnā€™t even really look at what a cluster the case was until he rejected the plea.


The prosecution is busy doing many cases. They donā€™t pay complete attention until itā€™s closer to trial. Plus they probably just trusted LKs word on stuff. They arenā€™t used to being played like a fiddle.

Bilinkas had the benefit of knowing the FACTS. He was not going to be taken by surprise. This gave him time to plan and strategize.


I guess that is the sticky point: They could not prove that either


They couldnā€™t prove it, but they could have given GSR as a step in the right direction. They gave nothing, not a scintilla of evidence, about who shot that gun. Zero. Itā€™s madness!