Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

It would have been within the last six months, but not within the last month. I don’t remember who said it. Probably not LK. It might have been Eggbutt or tryingtogethere, but I honestly don’t remember who it was.

I’ve used “ta” thinking it was simply short for “ta ta”, which I understood to be a British expression for “good bye for now”, sort of the equivalent of “ciao”.

I now realize that “ta” means thanks (casually).

Ta ta.

Um, I asked YOU for proof of your statement. You can’t declare something and not be able to back it up! You sound like a prosecution witness saying, "I don’t recall’! I have had LK’s FB pages blocked for years and I definitely can’t or won’t speak for @tryintogethere’s access to LK’s other SM accounts.

Lala was always the one running off about the letter. I wonder how YOU got it! Did she give it to you? As I recall she and IM enjoyed saying Barisone “confessed to remembering everything” in the letter, which is a blatant, absolute lie. But, of course, like always, neither of them provided proof of their comments either. Seems to be a familiar trait of Team Kanarek!

Ironically you made your post at the same time @Inigo-montoya was trolling along a few minutes ago. Coincidence?


Wait, did the CPS lady stop at the house on her way to the barn? If so, I’d forgotten that part.

If she did not stop at the house, I don’t know how she would have known they were there if that was her first visit to the property.

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Unless Lala came running out to see who they were like she did the wonderful hay man/security man!


Hmmm…the last time I saw anything about @tryintogethere was in the February, pre-trial, edit in a closed thread and run from LaLa. In that post she was ranting again about something….

Oh, yeah, it was about calling CPS on burner phones and how HER SS report couldn’t be the source……


I noticed Mr. Bilinkas, standing by the defense table, actually twiddling his thumbs while R.G. was taking an extraordinary amount of time to read a transcript.

I don’t blame him. I’m sure the jury was wondering what was taking so long as well.


And it is not even the weirdest thing either

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Honestly, I noticed Mr. B twiddling his thumbs quite a few times. I wasn’t sure if it was an unconscious habit or something he did deliberately. Lol.


I doubt Mr.B was unaware of his own penchant for thumb twiddling. :slightly_smiling_face:


If those two were trolling around my property dressed as ninjas in mourning, I’d be carrying a gun even if I though they weren’t on the property- especially after the Facebook post where she talked about her guns and her marksmanship.

ETA: I’m not a gun person but if she was living on my farm with that behavior I’d become one.


I did not hear her asked about that or offer testimony about having seen anyone at the house.



Right. So if MB didn’t know anyone was at the house and wasn’t told they were at the house he could not have intended to kill them when he went to the house.



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I believe the sentence you are looking for is:



Please point out where @CurrentlyHorseless’ assertions are proven in my post. Mkay?


Oh but it actually did! And it was brilliant. It was Deininger during Boyd’s testimony. He asked him about the fire and the cause. Boyd told the story and said it was a faulty steamer that caught fire or something. Then Deininger, after a brief pause, and in that little boy innocent expression asks…as a horse owner, if you had noticed that the hay steamer was malfunctioning, wouldn’t you unplug it… (something like that). And it was Objection City and Sidebar. I got a chuckle out of it.


@hut-ho78 let me help you out…here is @CurrentlyHorseless’ post in question. My post, that you so helpfully provided, has nothing to do with CH’s post, does it? Does my post mention FB or LK or deleting anything? You wasted all that time searching for nothing! :rofl: So again, WHO SAID IT WAS POSTED ON FACEBOOK? That is the question that @CurrentlyHorseless and you can’t seem to answer. I think you both know a lot more than you are saying and having fun playing games. Tsk-tsk.


Figuratively. Figuratively sweating bullets. Bullets were not coming out of his pores.

Pet peeve when people miss-use those two words. Carry on.


Well, maybe if RG is capable of LITERALLY sweating bullets, he really COULD have been the one who shot LK. He might have been sweating and stressing about moving or doing the laundry and accidently shot LK while flexing his muscles…


I was surprised to learn that Princess Bride actor Cary Elwes was bitten by a rattlesnake this past weekend. I hope he is ok.